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Here we go again. This is a discussion that never ends well. I guarantee you those who are anti Police are the first ones to call for help when they need them. I don't care if there is or isn't a quota system for generating revenue for fines. The income from fines do not go into the budget for Policing anyway so why do all that paper work? I wouldn't.


If I speed and get a speeding ticket how exactly is that the Cops fault? I don't speed therefor I don't get tickets. oops had 1 speeding ticket 3 years ago, my first in 35 years. Even then he knocked down a 95 in a 50 to 65 in a 50, he could have really hammered me but didn't because it was actually a fair person I dealt with and he was met with respect when he came to my window.


I have to add, as soon as I saw him come over the hill towards me and hammer on the brakes I pulled over without him even turning on his lights before he did a U turn.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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My brother did and it almost cost him his life, would u have taken his place that night ,,,I doubt it, it ia amazing how people can talk tough behind a glass screen , I can tell you where he is , maybe you should go visit him and thank him for 30 years of life changing service


I'm glad he's ok but that's his job. That's what he signed up for and knew the risks.


That's my point. Getting thieves and thugs off the street (like he was doing) is more important than harassing people checking if their whistle is pealess or not.


I don't hate cops or authority. Like I said before, go after the real criminals, not the good people having fun.

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I'm glad he's ok but that's his job. That's what he signed up for and knew the risks.


That's my point. Getting thieves and thugs off the street (like he was doing) is more important than harassing people checking if their whistle is pealess or not.


I don't hate cops or authority. Like I said before, go after the real criminals, not the good people having fun.

Chris I totally agree, he was one to do alot of trench work to get as he used to put it to get THE BAD GUYS not the people who were hanging out and chilling enjoying some much needed downtime enjoying the outdoors. He loved to see people hanging out and enjoying their day on the water just like he loved to do,,unless someone was really drawing attention to themselves for being an idiot he would not even bother approaching them, we both agree


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This past weekend,there was a group of people at the barrie launch to help those understand what they needed for their boats. COMPLY WITH THE LAWS.


There was no fee or anything. They helpped you launch your boat and went over a check list with the owner. These were not the police, but a boaters group. I watched two boats go through their inspections. There was nothing major with either one, but both failed to produce a working flash light. And yes, they had the orange pee buckets. Once the check was done,they were given a copy of the list of things they checked. I thought it was pretty cool to see. Boaters helpping boaters.


Last year I was inspected on the water by the OPP while on my toon. I was told I required one of those floating ropes. No big deal. They advised and left me to fish away.



If you just treat them like they were your friend,they will look at you the same.( I hope they do anyways) Give them flak , then your just looking for trouble.




I like that I have my camera straped to the toon. Just a quick push of the button, and it records. Just encase.

Edited by Brian B
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I find it ironic that some complain about the nit picking cop checking safety equipment on the water are sometimes the same that complain about all the boaters out there that have no clue about water safety or responsible boating. No one likes a nit picking Cop, I have never met one though. The last check one cop carefully removed a treble hook stuck in the mesh of my inflatable while the other did the safety check and said nothing about the Beer can in my passengers cup holder! The only fail I had was that because the inflatable doesn't count unless I'm wearing it I didn't have another PDF within easy reach, it was buried in a hold below the fenders.


No more Beer in my boat rule kicked in after that and all PDF's on the back of each seat.


Also Brian that is a fantastic idea and service those boaters did for everyone. I don't know how well it would be received by that guy waiting in line while a safety check is going on at the ramp.


I don't think however any Cop want's to be treated like a friend by Joe Public. They want to be treated with respect which is mutual. If I treated a cop like I treat my friends I might end up in jail as I can be a ball buster with friends but I wouldn't try that with a law enforcement agent, no way.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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They don't give a rats azz about you. There out there to generate revenue. It is what it is.

Boy have you got attitude problems!


I have several friends that are cops one of them going back 30+ years. I don't know a single one of them that gets up in the morning, gears up and heads out the door looking to generate revenue! If you can't stand behind them, try standing beside them for a day, you'll be amazed at the crap they have to tolerate in the line of duty.

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I don't think however any Cop want's to be treated like a friend by Joe Public. They want to be treated with respect which is mutual.




Glad you said that. I was always raised,respect was earned, not a right. Friend might of been the wrong wording, but to me, it works.LOL

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all PDF's on the back of each seat.




If I'm fishing alone I always wear my auto-inflate Mustang but if I have a partner I sometimes don't wear it.


A few years back myself & Wayne (Irishfield) were casting the West Arm of Nip and were visited by the local OPP boat. He asked for all the usual stuff but said he couldn't see any PFD's and I told him they were in the locker just below my feet. He said they weren't easily accessible sitting in a locker and suggested if we weren't gonna wear them, he'd rather see them hanging over the back of the seat.


Made sense to me and now-a-days that's where they are all the time even if I'm wearing the auto-inflate.


Decent guy doing his job and who knows, maybe that suggestion may even save someones life someday....maybe even mine.

Edited by lew
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I am NOT saying I hate cops but I will say I'm no friend to the ever increasing government that wants you to comply with many unnecessary laws and I'm not just referring to boating laws.


Stopping the same boat or snow mobile over and over is nothing but harassment and the only reason they can get away with that bull crap is because we are a small group that has no lobby power. Do that to people in cars / trucks / buses and see the crap hit the fan by the 6pm TV news.


Now if there was a couple fatal boating accidents in Lake X then I could see a blitz being warranted. But just to be out there harassing guys fishing is just bull crap IMHO and BTW I see fishermen being targeted more then anybody else because we are the easiest targets compared to jet bikes, water skiers and boater that never slow down to be bothered.


Leave me alone and go catch the real crooks, but then you wouldn't have a easy day boat riding around on our dime.

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If they were checking boats that was the Canadian Power and sail squadron.


If you have to have your life jackets on the back of the seat you also have to have your baler, boarding devise, floating rope,oars ,paddles ,anchor, light,radar deflector, flares, bucket ,fire extinguisher and anything else I missed. As there is no definition of readily available, and no difference in a life jacket to any other safety equipment ,this is something they made up.

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YES, wouldn't that be great...........but I really don't want to be the first to try that... :)

Its our job to pretect them too! They are humans before police officers.


Ill ask the Cos this weekend and see how that goes(I do know the guys however and joke around with them frequently)

Edited by manitoubass2
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Its our job to pretect them too! They are humans before police officers.


Ill ask the Cos this weekend and see how that goes(I do know the guys however and joke around with them frequently)

OK..............but ask them for their boating card, boat registration, proof of insurance and their firearms license and see how they like it for a change. Then fine the bull crap out of them for not having any of the above mentioned.


If we don't hear from you for awhile we know you went through with it.........LOL

Edited by Mister G
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Lew I also turn them around and buckle them at rthe bak of the seat for 3 reasons, you won't have the buckles jabbing into your back when sitting and running second thing is my seats are white leather and look brand new, the buckles won't make a mark in the seat if buckled behind the seat and last is I don't want them to go flying when I'm running. I even have left them buckled to the seat when I'm going down the highway at 110 KPH when I forgot to store them away. I won't loose 1 going along full out on the lake because someone is sitting in the seat if I'm booting along on the water. I can't see how they could fly off buckled from behind, they are nice and tight when buckled from behind.


As far as other safety devises being "readily accessible" or whatever the verbiage is I don't read that they have to be other than a PDF.

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Mr. G. you have to chill man. You really can't hate them that much can you? All the real serious Cop haters I know are criminals, thou protesteth too much Mr. G. Don't confuse bad legislation from bad law enforcement. We aren't talking about Cops in Ferguson Missouri or NYPD for goodness sakes.

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OK..............but ask them for their boating card, boat registration, proof of insurance and their firearms license and see how they like it for a change. Then fine the bull crap out of them for not having any of the above mentioned.


If we don't hear from you for awhile we know you went through with it.........LOL



Ill ask only cause I know them.


Im pretty sure if you asked they would have to provide said info, could be wrong on that though

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Mr. G. you have to chill man. You really can't hate them that much can you? All the real serious Cop haters I know are criminals, thou protesteth too much Mr. G. Don't confuse bad legislation from bad law enforcement. We aren't talking about Cops in Ferguson Missouri or NYPD for goodness sakes.

LOL..........as said I don't hate cops.

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We mostly all have cell phones. And most cell phones you can download a free App to turn on your camera flash and use it as a flashlight. I use it all the time. So if your cheap flashlight in the safety kit doesn't turn on use your cell.

Edited by wallyboss
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Lew I also turn them around and buckle them at the back of the seat for 3 reasons, you won't have the buckles jabbing into your back when sitting and running second thing is my seats are white leather and look brand new, the buckles won't make a mark in the seat if buckled behind the seat and last is I don't want them to go flying when I'm running.


Did that for 15 years while guiding up @ Great Bear.

Never had one even think of coming off.

Buckle and tighten and they are there until you open the buckle.

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Ill ask only cause I know them.


Im pretty sure if you asked they would have to provide said info, could be wrong on that though

No you're right, they carry everything except for a firearms license. The Police Service Act and Criminal Code exempts us from having a license as long as we can pass the initial training and the yearly requalification

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We mostly all have cell phones. And most cell phones you can download a free App to turn on your camera flash and use it as a flashlight. I use it all the time. So if your cheap flashlight in the safety kit doesn't turn on use your cell.

Does your celll phone float or is there another app for that too.

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