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Best April Fools Gag


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We did this at a previous company I worked for....



Took a work suit..... You know.... The dark blue zip up type..... Filled it full of newspaper (so it looks like a person is in it) added a set of work boots and placed it on the crapper.....


Left it sitting in a one toilet bathroom.... Those that have breakfast at work at 5am need it by 7am.....


Al they could see was "something/someone" in the crapper...for hours


The looks of dispare were priceless, watching grown men run across the plant to another bathroom.... Cheeks clinched!



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We had a draw at work a few years back and one of the prizes was a new iphone.this younger lad I worked with was constantly on his iphone and we razzed him about it pretty hard.


So anyhow for an april fools joke myself and my boss came up with an idea.


So hes off working and he used to leave his phone on my tool area in the shop. I took out the chip and waited patiently for him to return and get upset.


When he did, I teased him abit that I had it and I smashed his phone with a forklift. Man was he MAD!!!


We calmed him down telling him it was only a joke because he had won the draw for a new iphone. Then he was stoked.


Problem was the draw didnt happen until the end of that work day?


Imagine his face when I won the draw???


Anyhow we razzed him abit before the boss told him it was all set up and he had already bought him a new phone with a year of free service.

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The BBC used to put up some real classy April Fool's gags back in the day. One was a documentary short on harvesting from "spaghetti trees" in Switzerland.

Or the discovery of a rare colony of flying penguins.

Swedish television with a spoof showing viewers that by stretching nylons over their TV screen they could convert their old black and white TV to colour.

Edited by bigugli
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Mom and Dad were snowbirds. One year it was exactly April 1st when they flew back in. I got a Real Estate sign that was on the lawn up the street with sold on it. You can imagine their surprise when we pulled into the driveway and see a SOLD sign on the lawn. To say my father doesn't have a sense of humour is an understatement. He lost it, really flew off the handle accusing my mother who had wanted to move for about 50 years of selling the house behind his back. I still think it was funny, don't mention it to him.


A few years ago I called my wife at work to say they caught a Land Shark in Erie Pa. and she got all excited and told everyone at work.


Last night I left her a note saying that Parliament Hill was overtaken by protesters and some bull about the PM needing to be flown away by helicopter and she needed to turn on the TV right away and check CNN and CBC. Well she did just that and woke me up at 5 this AM to tell me she couldn't find it on TV or the internet, reverse April Fools joke on me.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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A reputable music review website yesterday posted that two prominent hip-hop/electronic music artists that most people that are fans of the genre are big fans of, were going to collaborate and create an album. It was made even more believable by the fact that the MC of the duo hasnt released an album in a couple of years.


It got a huge amount of hype, but then turned out to be a cruel joke.


I was totally vulnerable yesterday, i had absolutely no clue that it was april 1st so anyone could have put one right past me.

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I remember reading this one about 20 years ago, only done with the Province of Manitoba letterhead:

SUBJECT: Automobile Dimmer Switches Pursuant to the Ohio Department of Motor Vehicles Act No. 97, all motor vehicles sold in the State of Ohio after February 15, 1992, will be required to have the headlight dimmer switch mounted to the floorboard. The dimmer switch must be mounted in a position accessible to operation by pressing the switch by the left foot. The switch must be far enough removed from the left foot pedals to avoid inadvertent operation or pedal confusion. Included in the above act and beginning June 1, 1992, all other vehicles with steering column mounted dimmer switches must be retrofitted with a floorboard mounted dimmer switch of the type described above. The steering column mounted dimmer switch must be disabled or removed from the vehicle. Vehicles which have not made this change will fail the forthcoming Ohio Safety Inspection program which will begin on this date. It is recognized that this will cause some hardship for the driving public. However, this change is being made in the interest of public safety. Ohio DMV Act 92 will revert all Ohio motor vehicles to the prevalent dimmer system in use prior to the influx of foreign market vehicles. A recent study entitled the "Inflation Sequence in Ohio Nighttime Highway Traffic Accidents" was conducted jointly by the Ohio Department of Motor Vehicles and the Ohio Department of Motor Vehicle Research. It has shown that 96% of all Ohio nighttime highway accidents are caused by a blonde getting her foo

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Hi All,


When I worked at Stelco, My buddies and myself all called in sick the morning of

April Fools Day once.


When the day foreman came into the lunch room, he had all 10 absentee reports in

his hand, all made out with required information, date absent, last day absent, cause of absents,

Did it require overtime to cover this shift, the questions go on and on with this document.

This likely took him over 45 minutes to make these forms out .


Day foreman looks the room over, see's us all present and not absent,

He says what the **** is going on here???


We all had a good laugh on him and said,


He said --Oh S*** and walked over to the garbage can,

Tore up all the paper work and realized that we had got him,

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Most of the folks here have been around long enough to know I'm the guy that usually doesn't get the joke when everyone else is killing themselves laughing. There are few April Fools gags I have no idea what the joke is. Maybe someone can help me get it. First is M2B2's thing about the cell phone. Please help, I don't get it.

Jeremy84. The next one is the thing about a reputable obstacle course company and the 2000 on the aircraft carrier. I didn't even know there are obstacle course companies let alone reputable ones. Guess what, I don't get it.

And last but not least the announcement that the Bills are playing the Argos in preseason. Actually this one I get but I thought I would let you all know it wasn't so far fetched at one time. Is anyone old enough to remember the Ti-Cats played Buffalo in a pre season game at the old Civic Stadium in the 50's? Didn't think so. Hamilton won easily. They played 4 downs for 2 quarters and 3 downs for 2. That would have been neat to witness.

npt1, there's another one I don't get. Funny, I wasn't the Foreman was I?

edit: it's not that they aren't good ones, it's just that I don't get it.

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We played alot of mean jokes in the oil field.


I once got sent on a 16 hour security shift to the middle of nowhere at a lease site that hadn't been used in years. That was cool though cause 1)I still got payed for it. 2)because I seen a bunch of caribou for the first time ever.


Another guy got lifted about 8 feet off the ground with a loader while in the can. He was very mad


We got a guy to operate a skid steer without any instructions at all. We all sat in the tower laughing for hours???.

It took him a good 40 minutes just to figure out it wouldnt start until the harness was down(he was a computer type of guy). Once he got it fired he zig zaged and rocked back and for the whole trip(which was about 300 yards but took him a good hour to get there)


Maybe you just have a different sense of humor old ironmaker? Nothing wrong with that either?

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Yea different Rick, that's what my wife says, I sure am different. Ever send the new guy on the crew to find a skyhook. One kid came back with a crane hook for a 300 tonner dragging it behind a loader, 4 hours latter.



When I worked for weyehaueser sawmill in ear falls we used to ask greenhorns to go fetch the board straightener???


Or glue pop cans on their hard hats to see how high we could get before they noticed.


All fun and games

Edited by manitoubass2
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And last but not least the announcement that the Bills are playing the Argos in preseason. Actually this one I get but I thought I would let you all know it wasn't so far fetched at one time. Is anyone old enough to remember the Ti-Cats played Buffalo in a pre season game at the old Civic Stadium in the 50's? Didn't think so. Hamilton won easily. They played 4 downs for 2 quarters and 3 downs for 2. That would have been neat to witness.

Being a Bills fan for way too long I thought I knew most about the Bills but of course one can always learn more.


Do you know what the Buffalo team name was that the Ti-Cats played. I do know the Buffalo Bills as we know today were merged from the old AFL that started playing in 1960 and continued as such when the AFL and the NFL merged in 1970.

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And don't forget about this classic:


Canadian waterbodies contaminated with dihydrogen monoxide Scientists find silent, invisible killer "vitually everywhere” in lakes, rivers, atmosphere

In a disturbing new report released today, scientists have found extraordinarily high levels of dihydrogen monoxide (DHMO) in waterbodies across Canada. Colourless, odourless and tasteless, DHMO is used in many industrial processes as a solvent and coolant, and as a fire retardant and suppressant.

The threat from this chemical is very real, scientists say. Dihydrogen monoxide is a factor in the deaths of hundreds of Canadians every year, and uncounted thousands of global fatalities. Most deaths due to DHMO are caused by its accidental inhalation. However, DHMO is also essential in producing nuclear power, and a common ingredient in pesticides. Even after washing, measurable levels of DHMO remain in almost all produce. But the danger does not end there. Also known as hydrogen hydroxide or hydroxic acid, DHMO also:

  • contributes to both the "greenhouse effect" and severe weather events
  • causes irreversible erosion to natural shorelines
  • may cause severe burns
  • in solid form, prolonged exposure causes severe tissue damage
  • accelerates corrosion in many metals
  • may cause electrical failures
  • decreases effectiveness of automobile brakes

Bizarrely, and despite the obvious risks, DHMO is also sometimes used as a supplement by elite athletes, especially in endurance sports. Symptoms of DHMO ingestion can include excessive sweating and urination, along with nausea, vomiting and body electrolyte imbalance. And for people who have become dependent on DHMO, withdrawal from the substance means certain death.


The pernicious, yet terrifyingly common dihydrogen monoxide molecule.

“We’re shocked, just shocked—I mean, seriously frigging shocked—to find this silent, invisible killer is so prevalent in Canadian waters,” said Samson McGoldrick, interim director of the Federation for Ontario Outdoor Living (FOOL), the group behind this shocking report, entitled What A Terrible Environmental Risk. “Our research suggests DHMO has also permeated the atmosphere, and contaminated ground water. But it’s really a global crisis—previous studies have even found DHMO in Antarctic ice,” McGoldrick opined, with a note of hysteria entering his voice.

Exactly five years ago today, MP Andrew Scheer of Regina-Qu'Appelle (who is now Speaker of the House of Commons) attempted to gather support for a bill to ban DHMO from all federal government buildings. "It's shocking," Scheer said at the time, "that this substance is found in a dizzying variety of toxic compounds. The dangers have been known for many, many years.... Even so it continues to be used daily... even in homes, swimming pools, schools, daycares and hospitals."


Public health advocates believe more waterbodies should post warnings about DHMO levels.

Scheer’s efforts to control—or even raise awareness of—DHMO in Canadian waters failed. Despite a clear danger to public health, federal, provincial and local governments have all refused to ban the production, distribution or use of deadly dihydrogen monoxide, citing its “importance to the economic health of the nation.”

According to FOOL’s What A Terrible Environmental Risk (WATER) report, this is yet another example of a powerful, shadowy, international dihydrogen monoxide lobby running roughshod over the needs of everyday Canadians.

So what can anglers and hunters do to raise awareness and combat this horrifying issue?

“To me, the clear and obvious course of action is to buy or, hopefully, renew your subscription to Outdoor Canada magazine,” said FOOL’s McGoldrick. "With a lively mix of how-to articles, buyer's guides, profiles, travelogues, in-depth reportage, expert analysis and occasional gag stories, it's been entertaining and informing readers since 1972. What more could a Canadian hook-and-bullet enthusiast want?"

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