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Ya can't take life too seriously


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Wife & I were driving down a back country road this afternoon and came around a bend to see an OPP spot check with 3 cars and 3 cops checking vehicles. I pulled in line and as the last car left I moved up and waited to be checked. One of the cops waved me on & said I could go.


I said "don't you want to check me ??"


"Nope" he said, "your good to go sir"


"Well, now I feel neglected" I told him.


He walked over and said "OK then, I'll check you, we're looking for impaired drivers and folks not wearing seatbelts"


"well" I said, "I don't drink and I'm wearing my seatbelt"


He said, "Very good sir, you passed the test, have a great day" and started to laugh as he walked away"


I said, "thank you sir and you have a great day too" and I laughed as I drove away.


Always good to have a laugh once in awhile :lol:

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A few years ago now i was also stopped at a check, and the officers were doing s ride program. I was on the way back to my cottage with my mother frp, picking up some food and yes some drinks, because it was Thanksgiving weekend.


The officer asked me as i was drivng, "have you had anything to drink today"


My answer back to the officer was "No, officer not yet "


Hey replied of have a good day


M mom reaction after was the best part, because i didn't realize exactly what i said


She was shocked that i was able to go with my response to the officer

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Reminds me of this stop I was at a year or so ago. They set up on the highway right next to a 4 way turn.


I had to turn left. First time, no problem.


Now i picked up my bud and we head back. Check two no problem.


D'oh he forgot his wallet, back we go for check 3. That when we had a laugh with the officer and he said on your way back through just stay to the left and pass. Ok officer have a great day.


We come back, do as he told us and on go the lights in one car so I stop. Three cops come running with hands on the holster.


The initial cop recognizes us and laughs, said he forgot he waved us through.


We had a good laugh and I went along scared half to death lol.


I could only imagine what the other stopped cars had thought.


Glad you had a laugh with the cops lew. Im sure they need a chuckle once in awhile just like everyone else

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Glad you had a laugh with the cops lew. Im sure they need a chuckle once in awhile just like everyone else


Yeah, their doing a great job out there and a laugh is always a good thing.

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The last ride check I went through was at 7am on a rural back road. The cop told me I looked surprised when I came over the hill. I said "well yeah, it IS 7am." He asked if i'd been drinking and I told him I hadnt even had my morning coffee yet. He saidd i'd be surprised how many legally drunk drivers they get at that time in the morning who have no idea they're still over the limit from the night before. Crazy!



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never forget the time at a Christmas party in Paris On. dressed as Santa on way out of Paris spot check... officer came over asked If I had anything to drink and still wearing the Santa outfit I said Rudolf I told you to turn right not left.. stupid raindeer sipping to much eggnog again officer ... said back to other officers Santa's okay but that Rudolf to much eggnog again but he's not driving so Santa :santa: can go :rofl2:

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Obviously the "seatbelt" was their first priorty.

The breathalizer would have been secondary.

Wish these guys were on the ball 24/7.

Highways today are simply places for accidents looking for a place to happen.



Just can't comprehend the mentality.

Hurry and rush up to the next bumper!!!

Then change lanes and were on to the next bumper.

For Christ's sake, go with the flow.

Life could be so much safer!!!!!!!!!



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Buddy and I are on our way in for a week's fishing trip. We are in his cube van, which is essentially a cottage on wheels, that'll also act as a boat trailer for his 16 ft tinny. We make the turn off of hwy7 at Kaladar and there's an OPP ride check waiting for us.

They pull us over and ask us what we are doing and if we have had any booze and if we are carrying any booze.

Well, my buddy had to give up the drink as it had become a hobby for him, so we didn't have any booze on us at all. The cops couldn't believe that two young guys didn't have any booze for a fishing trip. they made us open up the back of the cube van and pull everything out. Boat, camping equipment, all of it.

They were pretty disappointed in us, we just took it as a slight delay in getting to our destination.

BTW- Cube van makes a fantastic 4x4!


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Forgot this one, I bought a new truck 2 years ago and was driving down the same road where I got stopped last week and came to another spot check.


The cop walked up to the truck and stuck his nose in the window the way they always do to see if there's any smell of booze, took a big sniff and said "Man, I love the smell of new leather in a truck". :lol:


He stepped back and just like the copper last week, and said "have a great day Sir"


I spose it must be my friendly smile, cause none of the coppers ever want to check me :D

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In my younger days I got real lucky once at a check. Yearly ice fishing weekend on Nip. Friday routine head into NorthBay and get supplies. Then hit a bar for supper and stay until close :whistling: I'm sure I would have blew over but I was deemed most sober so I drew the short straw to drive my buddies car back to Bear Creek cottages where we were staying. A check was set up in the middle of no where on the way back. I'm nervous as can be when the officer comes to the window. 5 drunks in a 73 Monte Carlo :wallbash:


Asks me if I have been drinking. Yes sir.

Is this your vehicle. No sir. I'm driving my buddies car because he is unable.

Just then as if we had planned it...my buddy Dave who was the owner of the car....opens the back passenger side door and does an epic hurl..you know the ones you can get sick just listening to. I said see officer he is in no condition to drive. The officer asked where we are going so I tell him. He instructs me to go straight there and not drive anymore that evening.


Did some stupid stuff in my younger years.

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Buddy and I are on our way in for a week's fishing trip. We are in his cube van, which is essentially a cottage on wheels, that'll also act as a boat trailer for his 16 ft tinny. We make the turn off of hwy7 at Kaladar and there's an OPP ride check waiting for us.

They pull us over and ask us what we are doing and if we have had any booze and if we are carrying any booze.

Well, my buddy had to give up the drink as it had become a hobby for him, so we didn't have any booze on us at all. The cops couldn't believe that two young guys didn't have any booze for a fishing trip. they made us open up the back of the cube van and pull everything out. Boat, camping equipment, all of it.

They were pretty disappointed in us, we just took it as a slight delay in getting to our destination.

BTW- Cube van makes a fantastic 4x4!


Haha thats pretty funny! I woulda been a little ticked getting searched for no reason. Its not illegal to transport alcohol.


Good on ya guys for taking it lightly?

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Down at my shore fishing spot on rainy river I had two treaty three vehicles pull up.


They get out and come say hello. No big deal they come down lots, as teens in the area like to drink and party near that spot.


Basically just some small talk about fishing and they stay and watch me catch a few walleyes. They are pretty excited about it. Real nice guys


Well they go back to the truck and pull out a crossbow??? Im like what the???


One sets up a few cans and they fire off a few arrows. Say have a nice day and leave.


I was kinda shocked, like what did I just see???


Weird, so I guess sometimes the cops unwind and dont take things too seriously either?

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In a cube van, you can access the cargo area from the passenger compartment. So if they would have had any bottles with the seals cracked or a box of beer opened; they would/could have been charged, with alcohol readily available. I guess the same would go for any type of vehicle, where you don't have a separate cargo area like the trunk of a car?


I love driving my 50 Chevy, when coming up on a seat belt check; The car doesn't have seat belts. The younger cops don't know what to say and that's when I hand them a copy of the highway traffic act. It states that if the vehicle was produced by the manufacturer without seat belts, they are not required. They usually question the photo copy and I tell them to go look it up; they usually come back to the car after a few minutes and apologize for making me wait. LOL

Another time I was stopped in the 50 for not signaling, when I was making a lane change on the 401. I was in the centre lane, the cop was in the right lane and I went into the left lane. Next thing I see is the cop on my tail with his lights flashing. I signalled and pulled over onto the right shoulder of the road.

This poor guy gets out of his cruiser and he looks madder than a wet hen. "Do you know why you were pulled over"?!!!! No sir I don't? You made an illegal lane change by not signaling and you did it again, when you crossed two lanes to pull over to here. I look straight at him and said I did so signal; maybe you didn't see it? He says, not once did I see any signal light flashing. Well sir that's because the car doesn't have signal lights; I used hand signals.

He walked away shaking his head. LOL




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