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I rarely wear one. If I have it on, im with the kids, or someone else who doesnt know how to operate my boat. If I feel unsafe, I just dont go out.


My grandfather fished the north atlantic his whole life and never put one on, ever.


I should wear it, because I wold hate to be "that guy" who spent all his free time on the water, and drowned because he didnt wear a PFD :(



  On 9/10/2014 at 5:09 PM, Mike Rousseau said:

Never wear it... Only time I've ever worn mine in my boat was so my kid would wear his...


Buddy has a bass boat that does 60mph... We wear em when we are running... Makes sense...

Wear the darned thing so your kid has a father to come home to not to get him to wear his! One stupid mistake is all it takes!!!!! I thought you were a really smart guy until I read this!


Life jackets don't always keep you alive but at least it makes it easier to find your body. Over the years I have heard of or witnessed so many stories where someone has gone out in a boat for whatever reason; something has gone wrong, and someone has ended up in the water.


It isn't always the person that goes into the water that suffers. So many times it has been the child or parent that has died trying to rescue the other. If you love your kids, make them wear one! If you love your kids and don't want them to have to grow up without a parent; Wear one!!!!!


if you have never been wrong in your life, if you have never made a mistake, please disregarde this message!


Sorry Cliff,mine are assigned to everyone on board.All well over 40 years.I have put mine on in really rough weather.Would really like to get one of those inflatable jackets for Christmas if any one is listening.lol.My sidewalls go easily if not higher than your waste.4 people on one side she hardly moves at all. Again real rough water it goes on.


I really don't understand what you are sorry for? Are you saying that everyone but you wears a life jacket and you only do if it is really dangerous? Forgive me, I am old and sometimes slow! You can afford a tank of gas for your boat but you can't afford a good inflatable life jacket? Something isn't adding up here! One good life jacket $120.00. One tank of gas easily $120.00.


I wear one most of the time. I got used to wearing a paddling vest doing white water canoeing and with inflatables it's so easy. As it turns out now many of the people I fish with now, except for my brother, can't swim. For me that means 2 things: I'm not likely to be rescued by a non-swimmer and I'm more likely to have to rescue them, assuming either of us is conscious.

  On 9/10/2014 at 8:15 PM, Big Cliff said:

I really don't understand what you are sorry for? Are you saying that everyone but you wears a life jacket and you only do if it is really dangerous? Forgive me, I am old and sometimes slow! You can afford a tank of gas for your boat but you can't afford a good inflatable life jacket? Something isn't adding up here! One good life jacket $120.00. One tank of gas easily $120.00.

Sorry meant difference of opinion,that's all.Don't take it to heart sir.Jackets as said are readily available,if needed.I did say we wear them in rough water.I never go out alone.


I have 9 up to date life jackets in my boat.My boat can hold 9 people.A thinner jacket would be way more comfortable.That's all.These jackets were not cheap.About $400 for 9.Hope you understand,I am not superman,and do wear it when warranted.


I love reading your posts and very much respect you! Here is my take on things; No one goes out in a boat expecting to end up in the water. crap, that's why we used a boat in the first place. Sometimes though circumstances dictate that things end up otherwise and something goes wrong. Saddly I have seen a few kids grow up without the aid of a father and it could have all been different if only dad had been a suck and worn a life jacket. Just wear it, the worst thing that can go wrong is you didn't need it!


Never used to wear one. I have to many mouths to feed now, so on goes the inflatable every trip. If things get really dicey for some reason (seldom for me as I really don't go out in crappy weather) I will put on a regular pfd.


Yea Bill same as you,


However because I fish a lot of time by myself I am seriously looking at an inflatable to wear at all times.


A subject close to my heart. I wear my inflatable 99.9% of the time. I say 99.9 because I forgot mine in the truck once in the last 5 years and actually made me feel anxious and naked without it. I admit I didn't put on the 1 of 3 others on board but put in on the back of my seat. Why, I can't really explain. I tried to copy and paste my response to the other thread but can not. ( windows explorer is the problem , thanks Art) I am implementing the new Johnny Law on my boat that is used on Big old Erie 99% of the time. It is no jacket no boat ride or fishing. Simple as that. I hear a few excuses why jackets aren't worn by people here and in the real world. They are basically all ridiculous from I can swim well, I'll wear one when it's dangerous to it isn't comfortable. I will say I don't know anyone exept Analeese Carr that can swim on Erie through 6 foot waves into the current against the undertow. When is it dangerous, unless you can breath underwater anytime in a boat can be dangerous, even on glass like water. All alone, fall overboard in 45F water, you are done. Can't happen? Odds are it might not but I know guys with previous heart conditions that fish alone, how about a healthy person tripping on the anchor rope or the butt chair comes out of the holder because that rope released it? I saw a fellow OFC member have it happen to 2 years ago.


Mike Borger, that video was us making rapid runs numerous times a day on the Ottawa downstream of Westmeath when the Blast Furnace boys went up there more than a few times a year, still do. Life jackets always on.


not as much as I should - but always when alone or in rough weather. Thinking about the inflatable - but many words of caution on those from the water rescue folks. Let's just say its one of the good habits I have to get better at.

  On 9/10/2014 at 10:02 PM, ecmilley said:

One thing jpderose has taught me wear the jacket and attach the tether crap can happen fast north of 60mph


Six mile lake ?

  On 9/10/2014 at 8:37 PM, Big Cliff said:

Sorry, spouted my mouth off! Shoulden't have!


Each to their own!

If you don't care about living don't wear it, every one has a choice, just like going out on thin ice.


I haven't been in a boat in years! But a situation arose a few years back with a picture in a magazine article I was working on.

The designer picked the shot, a rear shot of a guy going across a lake ina canoe with no life jacket. Beautiful shot, a far horizon and glass smooth water.

The Tourism ministry complained that he wasn't wearing a jacket! Did not want to replace the shot :) so off I went and bought a life vest with the foam inside, beautiful adjustable and even as pockets, like a fishing vest ; shot it and photoshopped it on the guy's back:) Everyone happy!

It stll hangs on my wall, never seen water!


Things can happen sometimes and when they do, there's no time to reach for a PFD. Case in point, two springs ago in late April, two fishing colleagues were slow trolling for rainbows in calm water conditions. The guy in the front (facing the driver) reached to his left and promptly slid across the frosted seat. The weight of both guys on the same side of the 12 foot tinny was enough that they both got dumped into the lake (water temp was 5 C). They were both wearing PFDs but they were very fortunate that another boat was within 50 meters and those two guys helped get my colleagues out of the water. I wear my inflatable PFD 100% of the time - because things can happen sometimes!


The last year I have, for some unknown reason, I sort of feel naked without it now. It's one of the basic jacket type ones, the only thing I wish they had were a couple of pockets on the outside to slide my reading glasses into.


I never use to wear my pfd because i had it in the boat then i decided to see if i could put it on when in the water,NOT A CHANCE. I have friends who have worn inflatables for years but none of them have EVER tested them to see if they still work and if they work as designed.




I did get an inflatable one for xmas last year. I always wear it now when moving now if it is cold and/or I am fishing alone. I have another life jacket in the boat so I can remove it when fishing near other boats or with some one. Last year in the wind I was almost knock out of the boat fishing in the early spring in rough water. It would have been a tough swim to catch up to the boat and get back in with the 3ft waves. I was wet before I regained my balance.


My personal rules are simple and they work for me. Maybe not you. Doesn't matter. Each their own.


1) wear my inflatable always else a PFD if things get tricky, exception

2) when on big water (Erie) regardless of depth, range from shore or weather conditions, PFD is on. Don't care how hot the summer day gets. I am happy clam to be fishing while making a fashion statement.

3) if you're in my boat, you wear my PDF or the one you brought with you.

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