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Allergy sufferers...

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So I devoloped seasonal allergies in my early 20s, I still begrudge having them. Last few years they've gotten much worse, I had every intention of seeing my Doctor this winter/spring and seeing about testing/shots,whatever...But due to a busy work sceduale and general procrastination I didn't go till allegy season was well underway...


My Docs advice was to take allergy medication. The 24 hr Claritin has been working, been taking it for about a month and a half, yesterday it didn't seem to help and I had a really terrible day, sneezing like mad, unable to breath through my nose...Needless to say sleep has suffered this summer...


Just wondering if anyone has any advice?

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Take a table spoon of honey every day ( local honey from your area if possible )

1000mg of omega3 and a glass of pure orange juice helps boost you immune system.

These are just part of preventative maintenance, it's takes time to build resistance to common ailments, but no side effects.

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I know how you feel.

My allergies were getting really bad in the 90's and the only thing that helped was moving to Yellowknife!!!!!! :D


No kidding, a lot less crap in the air up here than in Ontario.

This year being an exception as the fires have been killing me.

​I had actually forgotten I had allergies until I went to Florida @ the end of February.

My whole 7 week vacation I suffered with the worst allergies ever.

Bad enough that when I got home I went to the Dr. about testing.

Will be going to Edmonton the 1st week of August for the tests. B)

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I think, all these allergies are aggravated by environmental pollution and food additive in processed food.



You could be right.


I can feel a big difference when I just head up to my parents place near Burks falls. Spend a weekend there and I feel great. Come back to the city and after a few days,I feel like crap.

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I have pollen and herbal allergies. They are not going to go away unless I leave farm country. Fresh mint and basil will get the nose running in less than a minute. Pollen is about trees and fruit pollen. Cherry and plum bloom is the worst. Then there is tomato pollen. You walk through the rows of tomato plants once they6 get shoulder high and get covered, head to toe, in a coat of green pollen. Corn pollen, released after a good rain, hits hard as well. The price of farming , I guess?

I could do like one grower, and go for biweekly injections, but I prefer to stay away from that.

The Aerius seems to be effective on making the symptoms bearable.

Edited by bigugli
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Same thing. Brutal!! Can't breath.


Had lunch with pharmasist. She told me to double my claritan. Make sure to take it every day. And I have prescription nose spray ( cant remember name but I can get it later if you want) that is a steroid that shrinks the swollen nasal passage. She told me to do it daily too! No skipping. Feel like a new woman.


I was so stuffed up I could hardly breath. Made me panic.


All better for over 2 months now. I am back to only one pill for maintenance.

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I get ragweed allergy bad. So bad my skin gets itchy, want to claw my eyes out and get stuffed up so I cant breath right. I suffered for years until I finally tried my current routine. Here is my routine:


I take Aerius allergy pills once a day starting in early august till first frost.i tried the others, but I find Aerius works for me.

I use Cromolyn eye drops. You have to put them in several times a day and it takes a week or so before you notice a change.

And the most important thing is to get a prescription for steroid nasal spray like Flonase (Fluticasone). That stuff works wonderfully. I think it even helps with the symptoms other than the nose..


With all three, I am pretty much clear. I still can feel it a bit after golfing, but totally liveable.


My sister tried getting the shots, but they did not work at all. I know a lot of people think that the issue is all of the chemicals in our lives. That may be why our immune systems got so wacky, but once an immune system is set up, I don't think you can change the process by avoiding the chemicals. For those of you that are trying, more power to you. Life is too short for me to be miserable two months out of every year.

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New pill: Novo pheniram. Ask for it at the pharmacist's counter. Inexpensive, and very effective. Last spring my allergies were so bad that I was doubling up on Aerius and still getting very little relief. Started the Novo pheniram and within 24 hours I was back to normal.

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Dax, I would try eating LOCAL honey, it may help to desensitize your immune system as it will contain all the things that drive you nuts. Mind you, it will take time and it does not work for everyone BUT if it helps not having to take pills or use steroid sprays it is worth it. Talk to your pharmacist, they shouldbe able to recommend something stronger or even prescription strength which will involve a trip to your dr. Good luck!!

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You can get Bee Pollen at a health store. I've been taking it for the last 3 years and it has work WONDERS! I've had allergies for the last 32 years and nothing has worked as well as this. Prior to Bee pollen I would go through 3 packs of 48 pill Claritin. Now I use maybe 10 a season MAX. You'll see a difference after a month. It taste kindof funny at first but you'll get use to it. Chase it down with Apple Juice and DON'T LOOK at it. Just chug it. I've had a few friends do the same and they've also noticed a difference. If you're allergic to Bee's I do NOT think it'll work for you thou. Good luck, I know how you feel.



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You may want to try Claritin 12 hour, instead of the 24. I found it works better for me.


However I would be very careful in doubling up dosages, etc. I did do that one year, when it was really bad. Blood pressure spiked, and I ended up with constant nose bleeds until I stopped taking allergy medication (it was not claritin, but pretty sure the effect would have been the same).


Really I try very hard to not take it, unless I have to.


Of interest though - I find my allergies really diminish when I am on the water - > so the other treatment is to go fishing. :clapping:

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Just wondering if anyone has any advice.


My advice would be go back and talk to your doctor again rather than asking for medical advice from a bunch of strangers on a fishing website.


Least that's what I do when I'm sick.

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My advice would be go back and talk to your doctor again rather than asking for medical advice from a bunch of strangers on a fishing website.


Least that's what I do when I'm sick.

Ah the voice of reason.


Medical and law advice is best directed at the professionals

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