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Premier at it again


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So Premier Wynne thinks it's a good idea to appoint her brother-in-law as the interim eHealth boss. When does it stop? Are these people living in the real world? What arrogance. They never cease to amaze me.

Show me where it does not happen in the public or private sectors. I've held jobs thanks to family input. In the floral industry, it's par for the course. Same in health care. Used to be an almost automatic in with both the police and military. How many corporate execs place family in key postings??? Perhaps you need to take the rose coloured glasses off.
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actually, from what I've read, Wynne had nothing to do with the appointment. The board of directors at eHealth appointed him to the *interim* position until they find a new head. So while the optics aren't that great, I'm not going to lynch Wynne over this one. She was arms length from what I can see. Blame the board but I guess since it's an interim position, they probably wanted someone who knew the lay of the land. ymmv

^This... now I have no love lost for this government, but as I understand it, the dude was in place at E-Health well before Wynne became Preimer. He was just re-confirmed recently.

That said, I have to wonder what the current state of "E-Health" is and futhermore, how much more $$$$ we have poured into it, with still nothing to show.

I guess the first billion spent was a test to see how much more they can actually spend.


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Every government from the dawn of democracy has always found way to grow the government.


When you get enough people living off the government dole there are bound to vote to keep what they have.


Get more people working and voting for the government you hit a critical movement.


We, the people who pay the bills are screwed! Greece anyone?

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Starting to sound more and more like the long gun registry!

Similar Cliff, except the Long Gun was Federal.

Our fabulous Ontario Gov has been dealing with E-Health since Smitherman was Minister of Health. Over a billion into it, they decided that perhaps the path they chose wasn't the correct one to take and a "re-write" was in order. I don't know what the current price tag is at, but I bet we are close to another billion with no tangible results.

Couple that with the gas plant fiasco and there's close to three billion evaporated.

As I have said before, we don't seem to have a "money shortage" to fund projects; we seem to have a spending problem.

Wait until we start to see the 40% increase in natural gas costs as well as the 50% hydro costs we will be absorbing... the whole time we are selling hydro at a loss or worse yet, being charged by other jurisdictions just to take away our access.

Yes, it's time for drastic change...


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Wait until we start to see the 40% increase in natural gas costs


Last summer I payed somewhere around $0.75 per litre for propane, then as the temps dropped the prices rose and I paid $1.10 by January and then they started to drop and last week I paid $0.79


Now that the NG suppliers have received the go ahead to raise prices 40% I imagine it's only a matter of time before propane sky rockets again and stays high.

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bigugli : she is the Premier, one that's in hot water. The leader of our province is supposed to have some brains (LOL). She should have stopped the appointment in its tracks, because of the optics.

I'm also very aware that it's who you know that gets the jobs. Most of us have experience with that, but when it's a high profile position with a government organization that should be shelved, that's another thing.

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bigugli : she is the Premier, one that's in hot water. The leader of our province is supposed to have some brains (LOL). She should have stopped the appointment in its tracks, because of the optics.

I'm also very aware that it's who you know that gets the jobs. Most of us have experience with that, but when it's a high profile position with a government organization that should be shelved, that's another thing.

Why should there be a double standard??? It is either acceptable across the board, or it is wrong across the board. As far as I understand, this has been a normal business, and government, practice for centuries. Sometimes it works well. Sometimes it goes real bad. That is the way of the world.
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I think Wynne was win a no win situation here. Derail the appointment and she'd be accused of meddling in the board's affairs, do nothing and she gets hammered regardless.


I think there are bigger issues to worry about and this is small fish tbh. think life will be better under howath or hudak ? please….


all people can do is make sure she's aware that a fire is lit under her and anything untoward and she's golfing.

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Last summer I payed somewhere around $0.75 per litre for propane, then as the temps dropped the prices rose and I paid $1.10 by January and then they started to drop and last week I paid $0.79


Now that the NG suppliers have received the go ahead to raise prices 40% I imagine it's only a matter of time before propane sky rockets again and stays high.

Maybe another tank and fill now may be a good idea? :)If I remember correctly,the rental of the extra may not work.

Edited by davey buoy
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Good question? They all lie to us and not one of them seems to know what it is like to live in the real world! I tried to fight back once and voted for Bob Rae back when he was NDP, we all know how that ended. I believe in getting out there and voting but when all you have to choose from is the best liar....... Things are not going to change until there is accountability and saddly I don't see that happening in my lifetime!


So now back to the question; who do you vote for and why?



Unless you were a government worker and subjected to Rae days...ie, an unpaid day off for all government workers...Bob didn't do all that bad a job in tough times...wasn't it the liberals that left him with a pile of debt back then too


edit...maybe not...gotta read back a few years, seems he cause a bunch of debt during recession


I guess we all gotta go wit Hudak

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I don't really trust any of them, which makes it tough to vote.

bigugli - private sector, I have a choice of where my money goes. Public sector not so much. My rhino party never got in. LOL

So, unfortunately there will be a double standard if the government operates in a transparent fashion.

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we have allowed no accountability from our elected officials. from city polictics to federal..

pretty sad when folks have died for freedoms and then this.

she is sueing Hudak for libel to the tune of 2 million...we all should be sueing her and her party for fraud CLASS ACTION put our tax dollars working for us for a change

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That might be one heck of a good idea except the only winners would be the lawyers. If we sue her and her party and we win, where do you think the money is going to come from to pay us? Trust me they will find a way to make us pay it!


Her suit against Hudack is a total farce anyway IMHO, she knows that by the time anything legal comes from it the election will be history.


They all lie and when they do get caught they just tell new lies! Corruption in politics in Canada is alive and well!

Edited by Big Cliff
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instead of doing nothing and letting them get away with time and time again ...it will cost a bit to pay layers to represent us ...but i would rather see the money go to our long term benefit than to a political parties benefit to purchase seats ....Lock her up and the guilty jerk before her...these people belong behind bars

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Well, I agree with you totally about the "lock em up" part of it but we would have to build new jails if we locked up all the corrupt, lying politicians!


Actually, that alone might create quite a few new well paying jobs and the billions of $ wasted (squandered is probably a better word) that we would save would easily pay for it. There might even be enough of a surplus to reduce our taxes.


I know, I know, wishful thinking!

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Bill Carroll of Talk 640 is waging a War against Wynne and recruiting people from across the social medias. So hop on your Faceplant and/or Twitter and instead of posting pics of the dump or meal of the day or other nonsensical stuff that no one really cares about other than the one that laid it out there get behind something that will get some real and important attention.


I have my own personal war to wage with these idiots and wouldn't want anyone within range to get hit with any scat should it hit the fan. Besides I'm almost certain that for but a few I'd be left hanging in the wind if I needed the help of many to back me up.

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