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Premier at it again


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It works for the Ford Brothers. :wallbash:

They were voted in,Wynnes brother in law from what I hear was just appointed the job??.Must be nice to have the power to put whoever you feel ,either family or friend?.I can't grasp how they can do this?.Most places of employment especially now ,will not allow any family or friends.Unlike the old days.

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So Premier Wynne thinks it's a good idea to appoint her brother-in-law as the interim eHealth boss. When does it stop? Are these people living in the real world? What arrogance. They never cease to amaze me.


A Lieberal politician living in the real world? Good luck with that one :wallbash:

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I don't mind the brother in law thing but come out ahead of it instead of allowing the optics to write the narrative. A continuation of the flagrant disregard for you, me and the rest of us. A big ole' screw you with a middle finger salute to the blood, sweat and tears they take from us day in and day out and just throw away to their friends and others lined up on that kickback convoy that has followed this group of thieves around for the last decade.


Tim Hudak might have spoken out of term but I would dare her to take any action on any of the nasty E-mails I have and keep sending to her and a couple of her incompetent ministers week in and week out. I'd love for her to make a martyr of me. I double dare her in fact.


I wonder how that would go over with my fellow Ontarians. I wonder if they would stand behind a sacrificial lamb, show some spine and finally show the size of cahones needed to make an example of this group and put future politicos with a similar aspiration to lead what is expected.....no, demanded of them on notice if they choose to be honoured enough to lead us, the people.


Until then we continue to read the headlines, listen to sound bytes and banter back and forth while they figure out how to retain power so they can continue getting away with the utter destruction of our province. The campaign promises made to us with our own money drive me crazy.


We don't even flinch. Why does this happen? Are sports, selfies and you tube vids more important than our future? If so that is a damn shame. Opprtunities lost folks.


I bet they're having a laugh at our expense while huddled around a campfire that is kept lit by them throwing our hard earned money onto it.


Come get me Kathleen. Bet you mine are bigger than yours. Not by much but still bigger.



Edited cause I simply lose my mind when I write about these dogs!!!!!!!!

Edited by moxie
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I can't believe she would do that when she's weeks away from an election. She obviously knows she won't even win a minority. My problem is who do you vote for? I can't stand any of them.

I feel your pain but its the action that speaks volumes. Utter decimation of this party is necessary along with a continued onslaught when the new sheriff in town wanders off the path set out for them by "US". A mass rally when they get out of hand wouldn't hurt either. We have the ultimate power. We just have to demonstrate our willingness to use it. All depends on who we want to blame when our kids ask us why things are the way they are. We giveth and we can taketh away.

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She sure looked hot in that taxpayer funded add, running the backroads in Caledon hills, wanting to shove windmills in everyone elses backdoor except her own, seems with the word Caledon HILLS would be a great spot for windmil

Hot eh? lol. More like poke my eyes out with a hot stick.

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OK I'll play the devil's advocate. She gets friends or family members a job. Big deal it happens everyday. I'm betting there's not many out there who haven't done the same for there friends or family when they can.


My second job out of school 30+ years ago I was hired by my best buddies older brother. I started out higher in a company ahead of people who had put in time there because I was a family friend and they knew I was capable. I worked my butt off to prove that a good choice was made. Was it fair to others..perhaps not. But at the end of the day it was a good business choice.


Trust me I'm not sticking up for any politicians. I don't follow politics...hell I don't even vote. Just saying that many in the same position would do the same thing.


Now if it was a poor choice and the person is grossly under qualified...then I guess we just round up the posse and go hang them all :whistling:

Edited by crappieperchhunter
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Private sector isn't funded by our tax dollars so how they hire is up to the company. Public sector is/should be held to a higher standard. You don't tender purchases in private sector but you're supposed to in the public sector. Thing must be more transparent and accountable.

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actually, from what I've read, Wynne had nothing to do with the appointment. The board of directors at eHealth appointed him to the *interim* position until they find a new head. So while the optics aren't that great, I'm not going to lynch Wynne over this one. She was arms length from what I can see. Blame the board but I guess since it's an interim position, they probably wanted someone who knew the lay of the land. ymmv

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Time to revolt and overthrow the government!!!

Wish it were that easy Joey. Peoples' bellies are full at the moment. We'll see how they feel when they start to experience hunger pains. By then it might be too late and of little consequence to initiate change.

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I can't believe she would do that when she's weeks away from an election. She obviously knows she won't even win a minority. My problem is who do you vote for? I can't stand any of them.

Good question? They all lie to us and not one of them seems to know what it is like to live in the real world! I tried to fight back once and voted for Bob Rae back when he was NDP, we all know how that ended. I believe in getting out there and voting but when all you have to choose from is the best liar....... Things are not going to change until there is accountability and saddly I don't see that happening in my lifetime!


So now back to the question; who do you vote for and why?

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