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Lindners Angling Edge - questions Evolution


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Athiests can be as annoying as religious folk.

Both can push it equally.


How many Atheists do you get knocking on your door in the morning? Or preaching on the street corner? I'm guessing none.



Edited by BillM
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How many Atheists do you get knocking on your door in the morning? Or preaching on the street corner? I'm guessing none.




Online they are there over and over being as insulting as possible with closed minds and rants though, and I have had one guy go into a 15 minute rant at a company lunch just seeing the small cross I wear sometimes. I have never had any religious person (and I have discussed religion with many different religions) even the ones that show up at the door be as insulting and arrogant and intollerant of discussion as the atheists.


Ask an atheist why they won't believe and they mutter something about fairy tales (ignoring the empirical), look here and we see a father above actually proud of his daughter or being rude and insulting.... years ago I might not have agreed but its seems to me that many atheists are so blindly sure of their faith Josh McDowell's comments about some of the hard core atheist is very true that they would choose Hell over God and in the end it is more a moral choice not the evidence. When some can look at the origin of the Universe that the Bible had more correct than scientists 60 years ago, that cell membranes, enzymes, proteins, and DNA can for by chance.... seems to me it takes more faith to be an atheist and they cannot stand it questioned so end up insulting and mocking rather than thinking and discussing.


Now before someone goes off an their next insult, chew on this if you are willing to let any light in.


"If I had no other data than the early chapters of Genesis, some of the Psalms and other passages of Scripture, I would have arrived at essentially the same picture of the origin of the universe, as is indicated by the scientific data." Nobel Prize-winning physicist Arno Penzias (Big Bang Theorist)


"The principle of [divine] purpose ... stares the biologist in the face wherever he looks ... . The probability for such an event as the origin of DNA molecules to have occurred by sheer chance is just too small to be seriously considered ... ."Ernst Boris Chain - Nobel Prize in medicine

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The "small chance" might help to explain why we have identified so many planets in our universe, yet so far, we are the only known life forms in this universe.

Beliefs are obviously a very personal thing and I get that... but organized religion hasn't done anything to secure my beliefs, other than my belief that it is purely a commercial endevour.


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But in French .

. a local priest leaned toward my daughter ( 11 ) and asked " what do you think of the beautiful day that god has given us today ? "

My daughter looked at him , rolled her eyes and spun her index finger by her temple and said " who do you think you are ? " " let me correct you " " it's Mother Nature , Science ! " and walked away ... she has her own thoughts , free will and an open mind :)

And I love her :)



Truly pathetic, good you are teaching her to question everying, I hope she learns some discernment and the truth someday, too bad you haven't taught her any respect and if you consider that an insulting comment.... I feel sorry for the upbringing she is getting.,



"Merely having an open mind is nothing; the object of opening a mind, as of opening the mouth, is to shut it again on something solid." G.K. Chesterton (ex-atheist)


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She is very respectful , she gives respect to people who deserve it , not people who expect it , just because someone is older doesn't mean they deserve respect . she's the top of her class and well liked by everyone who meets her , she's open minded and answer seeking , she makes her own decisions and choices , again free will .

She's able to intellectually tear apart some adults I know , again , the result of free will and a non corrupt ( brainwashed ) mind .


If believing in a supreme being gives you comfort and inner peace, that's wonderful - I salute you. Just don't try to force others to pay lip service prayer to your god, or any other service to a god we may not believe in .


Have a nice day .

Edited by Randy from Sturgeon
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Truly pathetic, good you are teaching her to question everying, I hope she learns some discernment and the truth someday, too bad you haven't taught her any respect and if you consider that an insulting comment.... I feel sorry for the upbringing she is getting.,



"Merely having an open mind is nothing; the object of opening a mind, as of opening the mouth, is to shut it again on something solid." G.K. Chesterton (ex-atheist)


And your calling athiest arrogant and ignorant?


I've been insulted way way more times by religious people than I have by atheists.


Some of the most dispicable people I have met in my life are the most religious.


Be as big of a dick head as you want, because god will always forgive your sins.

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My neighbour is very much imbedded in his church. He and his family are some of the nicest folks I have had the pleasure to associate with. Under no circumstances would he or his family try to force their beliefs on me or my family. I also know for a fact, that should I or any member of my family need anything, they would be there for us in a flash.

He also knows that we would do the same for them.

We have had some conversations about beliefs and such and his comment to me was the folowing;

Although I may not agree with what you believe Joe, I know that you are a good man, you take care of your family, friends and neighbours and have a good sense of what's right.

To me, I think that is more than suffcient to leading a good life.


Randy, keep doing what your doing... it sounds to me like your daughter is headed for a good life. She will thank you for that.


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Valiant attempt Mosquito but this is the jumping off point. This discussion will drop to any level you are willing to allow yourself to go.


Agreed, I have had arguements with those that think human value is only if they deserve it or if it is of use to them lots of times, not worth aruging. The one guy I knew said clearly in an agruement about the values of respect and human life that only those that were of use to him were of value, reminded me of the story of Corrie Ten Boom at Ravensbruck.... then there was the guy at the company lunch (drunk every weekend and sleeping with anything in a skirt) who spent 15 minutes ranting just seeing the cross I wear..... atheists like Richard Dawkins says he doesn't think religions people deserve respect and I see that from many more and more, I can see more and more how men like Hitler, Stalin and Mao were able to impose their agendas, devalue human life and make your followers think only their "superiority" and of "the others" as somehow subhuman.


Last post, Al has found peace, repentance for his past and a faith like no other, my story isn't far off, I've been insulted, ranted at and told I don't know this or that and no consideratioin or willingness to look at if from my side too many times so you are right, I hate to see people wasting their once chance before standing to give account for their lives but most will never listen. I am not even going to open this tread again, so leave with I hope more are willing to look at the evidence, Josh McDowell spent 2 years and ended up a Christian,


Pascal's Wager goes that if a Christian is right the atheist looses everything, if the atheist is right the Christian looses nothing, but I argue that isn't the whole story, the Christian in a real Christian community (less and less of them) gains friends of every colour close as brothers/sisters (often closer), a peace the world cannot comprehend, a purpose to help those in need (our church helps with many projects like scholarships, food banks, clothing drives....) and a life often so changed (listen to any ex-drug user/drunk...) he ends up winning even if the athiest is right.


Bye de bye... Shaloam

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I don't understand why those who oppose the Bible do so in such a vehement and insulting way.


Basically, the Bible says:


1. God created us, loves us, and gave us free will to make our own decisions in life

2. We choose poorly and made a bid dang mess of things

3. God provided a way out of the big dang mess through His Son, Jesus

4. If we accept that gift, we are then called to live a moral, responsible life and to love others and to love truth


You certainly don't have to believe the story ... that's totally your right. But I just don't understand all the Bible bashing that goes on (even on this site). Its a book about sacrifice, responsibility, accountability, and unconditional love. You can't go wrong with that stuff.


Granted ... there are a lot of people out there claiming to be "Christians" that sure don't live their lives according to the Bible. Shame on them.


So before you start bashing the Bible, Christians, or religion as a whole .... I'd encourage you to use that "open mind" I keep reading about and do some actual research.

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Organized religion has had thousands of years to prepare their answers to people questioning them.

It's only been a hundred years or less, that people have been able to question them, without serious ramifications.

Tollerance would be what the religious man would have missed out on Mosquito.

(Not to mention 52 fishing days per year!!)


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I brought this to attention because I thought it was wrong for a fishing show. I guess I yearned for the good 'ole days when fishing shows had ...I don't know...Fishing on them. For those with irony deficiencies, this was what Dave was alluding to.


People should be allowed to believe what they want but, also respect others enough not to foist it upon them in unusual contexts .


It also struck me because this glib comment is exactly the sort of thing Al is always complaining about with his ever put-upon and victimized christianity.


It was also curious because Al selectively heralds quotes from other Scientists (Einstein recently) when it conforms to his point of view and he is looking for greater credibility. The phrase "in for a penny, in for a pound" is not on his or Bible literalists radar(with thanks to Grimace).

I also agree that it is his show, but I don't agree that he is free to do as he pleases. He is at the mercy and discretion of his sponsors.


Rehashing the old arguments is pointless. Thanks to confirmation bias, nobodys mind will ever change.



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How many Atheists do you get knocking on your door in the morning? Or preaching on the street corner? I'm guessing none.



I don't get anyone at my door anymore, especially at the island :)

But the point was, just read the thread through.


We all need to respect each others views.

Part of living a good life.

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I don't understand why those who oppose the Bible do so in such a vehement and insulting way.


Basically, the Bible says:


1. God created us, loves us, and gave us free will to make our own decisions in life

2. We choose poorly and made a bid dang mess of things

3. God provided a way out of the big dang mess through His Son, Jesus

4. If we accept that gift, we are then called to live a moral, responsible life and to love others and to love truth


You certainly don't have to believe the story ... that's totally your right. But I just don't understand all the Bible bashing that goes on (even on this site). Its a book about sacrifice, responsibility, accountability, and unconditional love. You can't go wrong with that stuff.


Granted ... there are a lot of people out there claiming to be "Christians" that sure don't live their lives according to the Bible. Shame on them.


So before you start bashing the Bible, Christians, or religion as a whole .... I'd encourage you to use that "open mind" I keep reading about and do some actual research.



have you read the bible, cover to cover? it is not a book about love IMO, it's a book about control


most Christians have not even read the bible, which I find truly mind blowing, believing in something they've never read...blind faith


I grew up in a Christian household, by grade 7 I had read enough to make my own decision and I do NOT believe....I've lost friends I grew up with because I don't believe, never had an argument or threw insults at each other, but because I don't believe, I'm going to hell, and they don't want my devil influences in their life


when my grandfather passed away, it took my grandmother 7 yrs before she met another man...after less than 1 month of both of them attending our Baptist church together, they were asked not to return unless they planned on having the pastor marry them


I believe in faith and spirituality, but not religion...religion is written by man, to control man...nothing more and nothing less

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