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Lindners Angling Edge - questions Evolution


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I find it fascinating that the very phenomenon my minister spoke about in yesterday afternoons sermon is being demonstrated here: The gospel always has a visceral reaction of acceptance or rejection.


Very true, it takes an honest and open mind to be willing to search but at an emotional level many don't want to know. The actual reality is they are slaves to self and want to serve self only, pride is what the ex-atheist C.S. Lewis calls the worst sin as it is a sin of the heart rather than the flesh. "I did it my way" is the theme song for many today... "and not as one that kneels" being a line I remember in there, humblinlg themselves, kneeling, accepting responsibilty/repentance and the reality even with all the suffering in the world there is hope, meaning and mercy is truly a hated idea especially that part that comes with it, responsibility (blame someone/thing else is prefered). Grimace's out of context texts would be completely laughable if it wasn't for the sad fact it shows a search for excuses and mockery.



It is interesting to see some of the ex-atheist Christian speakers today,

Josh McDowell was an atheist and was challenged and spent two years writing the "The evidence that requires a verdict" that ended up being his book about how he became a Christian, he actually says it is a moral not an evidential decision.

Lee Strobel started out writing a book attacking Christianity and ended up writing "The Case for Christ" and many more since his conversion.

Even Christopher Hitchen's brother Peter grew up an atheist and with one of the most out spoken atheist brothers when he decided to search became a Christian..... like C.S. Lewis, Alister McGrath, Malcolmm Muggridge and many other ex-atheists there is a hope for them but given the viseral and emotional reactions they look for any excuse to not look at all because most really, really do not want there to be a God and especially Jesus.

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We are all seeking Truth. Why are we here?


Is there a God? If there is, what does this God want of me? Am I accountable to God?


Is there an eternity or do we just rot after we die and that's the end of us.


If there is eternity, what happens after I die?


The Christian, Jewish and Islamic faiths teach that there is a God, and an eternity.


A Godless one, Hell. And one in which God dwells, Heaven.


After much study, I have come to the conclusion that God is real, and there is more to us than just this body and life.

As a Christian, I have found ample evidence in the historical accuaracy of the Bible. The clear fulfilment of prophecy (predictions) made centuries before they came to pass. Lots of heavy duty scientists, after pursueing the meaning of their existance, have come to the same conclusion. Many have not.

But IMO it takes as much faith to believe in Evolutionary Theory, and that we are all here by chance, than it does to believe in a Creator.


I think it is important for all of us to sort this stuff out. There may be eternal consequences.


It's easy to blow this stuff off. But, intellectual laziness and following the crowd is not an excuse when you stand before God one day and have to answer for your life.


For those that want to learn more, start with reading Lee Strobel's "Evidence for God" Written by a former atheist.


We are all students of, and love, nature. I choose to believe it was created- not sure how, exactly. You can certainly believe otherwise.


Nuff said, Peter

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Seems like the nearest star (the Sun) coupled with our position to it is responsible for life on Earth.


The Egyptians, and others before them, figured this out.


Maybe the whole universe is god-like and our Sun gives humans and other Earth beings life. :dunno:


So maybe Al Linder is thankful for the Sun being responsible for the fish. :Gonefishing: that made him lotsa money.

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Interesting thread.


Al Lindner has a lot of guts to go on national television and talk about his faith in God and belief in Jesus Christ. As evidenced by this thread, its an un-popular stance and he risks loosing viewers, which could cost him money. I am impressed by his boldness. We could all use more of it.


Al and Ron both led pretty rough lives for a long time and got themselves into some pretty big trouble. Alcoholism and more. Now they lead good clean lives, run a successful business, and have good family values. According to them, the big turn-around was a direct result of their acceptance of Jesus Christ as the son of God. So apparently religion had a very large and very good impact on their lives. And they are telling other people about it in hopes their lives can change too. Good for them!!


As to Al dissing evolution ..... well, he believes in the Bible, and the Bible clearly states that the Earth and humans were created by God, and that evolution is false. Those are his beliefs. Let him have them. If you don't like it, change the channel.

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I can swear there ain't no heaven but I pray there ain't no hell.


There is both.... I can give more examples like Todd Burpo's son (talking about a miscarriaged sister no one had told him about etc.) and others but this one is one I remember best.


Heaven and Hell: Been There, Done That - Mickey Robinson





Just listen to number 2 if you don't want to watch the whole thing is what I would recommend.




P.S. Well said Mr Simon but most prefer insult to discussion sadly it seems.

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I'm very happy there is religion and folks that believe in god.


the water is busy enough on the weekends as it is.


keeping the religious zealots off the water is a good start.


they can chase the phantom god around while I chase the phantom fish around.


works for all parties.

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oh, i once lived a less than positive lifestyle.


growing up taught me it wasn't going to work.


some folks need help with finding the strength to overcome an obstacle. I didn't require that assistance, but many do. Those that do, all the power to them!


if believing in "god" helps them out in their real life - good for them! In the end if you're doing better than you were, I'm not going to question the assistance used to get there.


edit: spelling

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I don't care what people want to believe in (for the most part) but I draw the line at knocking at my door to tell me that my believes are wrong. And then tell me they are sad for me.

But......that has nothing to do with Al. Tho' I don't think I would want to be stuck in a boat with him

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I don't care what people want to believe in (for the most part) but I draw the line at knocking at my door to tell me that my believes are wrong. And then tell me they are sad for me.

But......that has nothing to do with Al. Tho' I don't think I would want to be stuck in a boat with him

Seriously? I would jump at a chance to learn from him. The LMP crew (and Infish crew) are people I see driving the evolution of freshwater fishing.

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But in French .

My wife and daughter were at No Frills on Saturday ... a local priest leaned toward my daughter ( 11 ) and asked " what do you think of the beautiful day that god has given us today ? "

My daughter looked at him , rolled her eyes and spun her index finger by her temple and said " who do you think you are ? " " let me correct you " " it's Mother Nature , Science ! " and walked away ... she has her own thoughts , free will and an open mind :)

And I love her :)

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But in French .

My wife and daughter were at No Frills on Saturday ... a local priest leaned toward my daughter ( 11 ) and asked " what do you think of the beautiful day that god has given us today ? "

My daughter looked at him , rolled her eyes and spun her index finger by her temple and said " who do you think you are ? " " let me correct you " " it's Mother Nature , Science ! " and walked away ... she has her own thoughts , free will and an open mind :)

And I love her :)


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And just to clear things up (to make sure we are being politically correct here) any atheist is a hypocrite, I used to go by this title but it isn't quite right. Since we can't prove a negative we can't logically say there is no god, therefor agnostic is truly a more fitting title. Of course an agnostic is generally assumed to be someone who is "still deciding" about their beliefs, that's why I am a teapot agnostic. I accept that there is a chance that there is a god I also accept that the chance of them existing is comparable to that of a teapot orbiting Mars.


Doesn't really contribute to this argument but just thought I'd throw it out there :)

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