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I've had some bitter experiences there lately, when I was a kid my brother and I would fight over who got to spend hours looking through the new catogue first, I worked at crappy tire through high school and college, but I'll be avoiding that place like the plague from now on


tried to exchange a lifetime warranty socket wrench, they refused because it "looked like I could have used a pipe on it"....it's a tool, they get scratched, I'd use one of my breaker bars if I needed leverage...refused to exchange it for me


bought an air mattress on sale, the selling feature was built in air pump, thought it would be handy to keep in the truck, since I sleep under the canopy a lot....it was a junk to say the least, had the original receipt and box, tried to exchange 2 days later and buy a better/more expensive air mattress......store policy is only exchange, I actually wanted to spend more money at their store but all they could do was let me exchange it.....i left the mattress and receipt and walked away from the counter...."but sir, you can take a new one, are you just leaving this here"....why would I want another p.o.s???


I understand hygenic reasons, people buy an air mattress for the wknd and return it, but my mattress had to patch a hole out of the box and the built in pump was a joke...it was a defective return with a receipt, couldn't believe they wouldn't let me actually spend more money in the store on a better mattress


found a stracic 1000 in the fishing cabinet, locked....it was the last one in stock and "story policy is not to sell the display model, it messes up the inventory count"...I asked to speak to the store manager, refused to sell the display model and kept explaining how it would mess up inventory....yeah buddy, I happen to be an accountant, I actually know a few things about inventory systems, what you're telling me is pure Bull...I had a cart with an air compressor, 2 deep cell batteries, 2 celing fans and a bunch of other small stuff....i walked out, lost a 1k sale becuase he wouldn't sell a fishing reel, was happy to go to home depot instead



Is it just my bad luck, or does anybody else find crappy tire isnt' the store it was when i was a kid, the place is a joke, I live in the boonies, it's a 2 hr drive to the nearest major shopping centres, will try my hardest to avoid buying anything there again...all of these incidents happened at different stores too


  On 7/24/2013 at 4:33 PM, bare foot wader said:

Is it just my bad luck, or does anybody else find crappy tire isnt' the store it was when i was a kid, the place is a joke, I live in the boonies, it's a 2 hr drive to the nearest major shopping centres, will try my hardest to avoid buying anything there again...all of these incidents happened at different stores too

Seems like it's becoming more common every day. And they wonder when they get laid off because sales are diminishing.


I had pretty much same situation. It was air matress as well. I got it replaced with new one, and return new one back to different CT store - so they gave me store credit.


I had a socket go on me recently. I took it to my local store three times and they never had one in stock to replace, didn't offer to order another one in. Went to one north of me, they said they would order. I said not to bother because of the distance. I went to another store with 1/2 hour of my place, went to the customer service counter, showed the girl, she went into a cupboard and eventually came out with a part to replace the internal ratchet. Took me 30 seconds to change. 3 stores = 3 different outcomes. Still have the ratchet.

I use Canadian Tire for specific things and that's it. There were many times I walked out of that store frustrated because of various reasons.

Posted (edited)

I have never had any issues returning things to Canadian Tire. And trust me, I have returned a lot of things. It seems a few times a year, something I get there is just not up to par, and gets returned for full refund,.


Never had any issues at either of the locations in Barrie were I do most of my CT shopping.


I've actually returned things thinking they would for sure not accept the return.. Walked out shaking my head in disbelief, with cash in my hand.


So my experiences with crappy tire is 100% different from yours by the sound of it.



Edit... I have also bought a floor model from them before... Minkota Trolling motor....

Edited by N.A.W

I had a similar experience, I had a reciprocating saw I went to return under warrantee and the guy said it looks pretty well used and I got my use out of it. I flipped and got a replacement in the end.

Also I went to return a cumara I broke that is supposed to come with a lifetime over the counter warranty and they said to ship it back to shimano. I called shimano and they said "It may say over the counter on the label but on the website it said stores don't need to honour that warranty"


ive never had a problem with CT. ive returned broken mastercraft tools, they didnt even ask for a receipt


i've also had them price match items from other stores, and never had a problem with that too


its probably just your local CT

Posted (edited)

You can add me to the list of satisfied CTC customers too.


I've been dealing with them for decades and have never had an issue returning anything for either exchange or refund. A few years back I bought a tent from them for $250 and FOUR months later it went on sale for $200. I took my receipt back to them and without hesitation they handed me $50 plus tax.


Last fall I purchased a tool from them for $100 and when it went on sale for $50 a month or so later I got a refund of $50


2 years ago I purchased a set of 4 wheel dollies that you put under your trailer wheels so it can be moved around the garage. Sposed to hold a couple thousand pounds each but when I put them under my boat they buckled as if they were made outta tissue paper. Took them back the same day and told them they were junk and without question gave me a full refund...plus apology.


Like N.A.W. I purchase alot of stuff from them and if it's not right, it goes back and it's always been good.

Edited by lew
  On 7/24/2013 at 5:39 PM, BillM said:

So did HD stock that Stradic or what? :)


HA sadly no...apparently 1000 sized reels are hard to find in my area


I will add that I have returned/exchanged many items over the years without issue...these 3 things happened in the past few months, maybe I've just been unlucky...and getting grumpy in my old age lol


or maybe the stores around my area are all franchised and have stingy owners?


Regardless, I'll still be avoiding crappy tire for a while....walmart is great for return/exchange issues, same with rona and home depot, never had any questions, receipt or no receipt


I also buy mostly from CT north Barrie.I return as well with no problems.Money back,what ever.Must of had a bad bunch of stores?,hard to believe,but I guess it happens.


Surprised about the display model Bull.


At my local CT I purposely wait to buy the display models of reels .. they give it "last sale" price with light negotiation. Looks like you have a poorly managed local store.


You can add me to the list of satisified CTC customers. I have had to ask for the manager once or twice when the clerk was just following store policy (I don't blame them for that) but always walked away satisified!

Posted (edited)

Because many stores are franchises, each individual owner can treat their customers as they please. I must admit, since the Grimsby store underwent major upgrades, that customer service has improved somewhat.

Of course, the bigger the client base, the more you can get away with. I've seen the same unequal servise levels at Home Hardwares. Kala's will bend over backwards to help. Other Niagara area franchises aren't worth walking in the door.

Edited by bigugli

always treated well by CT in Barrie. Had a trailer tire for years as a spare before I noticed it was wrong bolt configuration. Brought it back to CT and they let me exchange it for the proper one. Hey kickingfrog...thats why that spare I gave you looks so new!

  On 7/24/2013 at 6:35 PM, lew said:

You can add me to the list of satisfied CTC customers too.


I've been dealing with them for decades and have never had an issue returning anything for either exchange or refund. A few years back I bought a tent from them for $250 and FOUR months later it went on sale for $200. I took my receipt back to them and without hesitation they handed me $50 plus tax.


Last fall I purchased a tool from them for $100 and when it went on sale for $50 a month or so later I got a refund of $50


2 years ago I purchased a set of 4 wheel dollies that you put under your trailer wheels so it can be moved around the garage. Sposed to hold a couple thousand pounds each but when I put them under my boat they buckled as if they were made outta tissue paper. Took them back the same day and told them they were junk and without question gave me a full refund...plus apology.


Like N.A.W. I purchase alot of stuff from them and if it's not right, it goes back and it's always been good.

But Lew...unless you smile at them, you are a rough,tough lookin' customer...probably scaired the crap out of them and they were afraid to give you a hard time... :whistling: :whistling:

  On 7/24/2013 at 8:30 PM, Big Cliff said:

You can add me to the list of satisified CTC customers. I have had to ask for the manager once or twice when the clerk was just following store policy (I don't blame them for that) but always walked away satisified!

Ya Cliff but, unlike Lew, you are such a nice sweet lookin' guy they don't have the heart to give you a hard time... :good: :good:

  On 7/24/2013 at 10:43 PM, Beans said:

But Lew...unless you smile at them, you are a rough,tough lookin' customer...probably scaired the crap out of them and they were afraid to give you a hard time... :whistling: :whistling:



  On 7/24/2013 at 10:43 PM, Beans said:

But Lew...unless you smile at them, you are a rough,tough lookin' customer...probably scaired the crap out of them and they were afraid to give you a hard time... :whistling: :whistling:

Probably gave the counter staff the "Cornwallis glare" , Followed by something like " fix it before I have to educate you" :w00t:

Your mug does remind me of a few crusty DI's I've known :whistling:


I too used to be CTC over most retailers, but lately mehhhhh not so much. I have three specific instances at two specific locations that have done me in ... to follow are two. Not all outlets are like this yet, but it does seem to be a trend. The two that did it for good - 1 bought G a bike for xmas. $400 reg, 50% off. Being a boy, he built some ramps and made some jumps. On one of them the front wheel fell off in mid air. We had tuned it up and made sure things were good before it was put into service, and he had only been using it for a couple days He bounced on a few body parts, road rash - the usual things we do as boys. I took the bike in to the store and explained the situation to the clerk. Look, the forks are bent so bad, I cant get the wheel in and cant get them bent back. He has used it for 5 days. Here's the receipt showing it was an xmas present. Can you cover the forks under warranty? Sure she says. Bring it in next time you are here. Went back next week, that sales rep was no longer with the store, and they wouldn't honour the commitment. Went all the way to the manager. Nope cant help ya. Its six months old???? But your rep said.....?? Nope, cant do... Whaddeva - I'm too old for this and pick my fights. I have better stuff to do with my time - but I do know that life is like a merry go round: what comes around........... NO more bikes or camping stuff from CTC. Little ticket stuff only from here on in


So - last week, the nail in the coffin: - in preparation for an upcoming trip I am sourcing various items. I have an hour spare while shopping. CTC ha deep cycles on sale. I need some. Go in '- Can I help you ?" Hmm ok maybe its changed - "yup need a deep cycle. This one here is it on sale?". "Wait a sec let me check............................ yup, 20 % off." "any idea who makes it, details on charging capacity etc.?" " Nope." "ahhh, what the heck, the specs on the label look good and there aren't a lot of manufacturers left.. I'll take it.' Rings it in. I look at the screen - um, were's the 20% discount? (there is a line on the screen, but it is blank) He asks the manager of the auto section. Manager- "those ones aren't on sale." Me - I see, but your rep here told me they were. I find that somewhat misleading." Parts manager "look here's the flyer, this model isn't listed. so it isn't on sale." Me "well, that is disappointing. Is there any way you can manually override seeing as how I was told it as on sale?" "Nope" "Then perhaps you could answer some questions your younger fellow couldn't? Do you happen to know how many times this unit can be recharged fully after an 80% discharge? - CTC dude 'no limit - that's what they're built for." Me - "really, I find that very unlikely - everything has a definitive life span? - what's the warranty on it" Him "3 years" me "even if it is drained 5000 times to 80% and wont fully recharge" Him - now visibly agitated that a customer should want to know how he is spending his 150 + bucks "I don't know they don't tell us that. Look, 1 year full replacement, warranty starts again. after that pro rated warranty". Me ' how do you establish the pro rate allowance" Him " Its based on usage" Me - "explain" Him - flustered, blah blah blah. Me Keep your battery.


As far as I am concerned, the big chains can keep their $10.00 in savings. Give me the neighbourhood store that knows my name and employs my neighbours. He has an investment in his reputation that he values. If I withhold my spend from him he will know it before the annual corporate statements are released.


CTC. finish this sentence "CTC rhymes with you can bite.."

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