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What's Up With Embellished Bass Weights?


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Dana has the right of it measure your fish in inches keep track of your PB's. Besides its bass who can be bothered to weigh sunfish.

Haha, I feel the same way about specks. Or creek perch as I call them. :)

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Most of my fish are released at boat side a quick flip of the pliers and off they swim. If it is hooked well then it is in the boat and a hook removed. If it is a really good one then it gets a measurement and a photo. Most of my guests when we are fishing for blue cats take my word for the weight and I will give the younger folks a 2 or 3 lbs fudge just so they have better bragging rights.



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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

there's no sense in confronting peoples fish tales. just a few days ago i had someone tell me about a 30 inch bass.

a few years ago i was working on the water in michigan and an angler came by bragging about his 10 pound bass. i was obviously curious (and skeptical) so i investigated further. needless to say, the guy wasn't exaggerating. this fish was indeed about 10 lbs, trouble is, it was a sheepshead.

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What really bothers me are the anglers that are actually good fisherman... And they have respectable catches... Yet they still feel the need to lie about numbers and size....


They lose all respect...


And if your gunna brag about the weight of your fish.... You should be sure to weigh them on a quality scale first....

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My dad used to live on a farm as a kid and would walk to the crick everyday down the road and bring home a limit of fresh brook trout.


My Grandpa waited , and ate his fresh fish , for six years before he broke it to my dad that they were creek chubs.



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I am by no means an experienced fisherman as I am new to the sport / game. However I can relate, my golf game is much more polished then my fishing skills so I can say it really bothers me when folks claim to hit 300y bombs or shoot in the 80’s yet they have no clue what their handicap is or how to calculate it…..Sigh.


Hey did I show you guys my 50” pike I caught last month………… :whistling:



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If a fish is a monster, I'll take a measurement, if not it goes back with a pic and nothing else. Another thing I love is when guys over estimate the numbers of fish they catch, this is pretty common place in the fall with steelhead.. I JUST WENT 65 for 84!!!!!!

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However I can relate, my golf game is much more polished then my fishing skills so I can say it really bothers me when folks claim to hit 300y bombs or shoot in he 80’s


I always considered myself the worlds worst golfer and only went out for the laffs and never cared what my score was. Buddy was a member at a club and always bragged about how good he was and invited me out one day. Turned out this doofus was even worse than me and probably whacked the ball 10 times on every hole but put himself down for 3 or 4. I didn't care until we got back to the club house where he started yapping to his friends about his great game and how he beat me by 30 odd stokes.


I told him on the way home that he was an idiot and we'd played our last game together and don't think I ever talked to him again.


He fell down the basement stairs awhile later and was killed.


Everyone including me suspected his wife pushed him and I said perhaps he'd taken her golfing too and bragged to his buds about how much he beat her by...

Edited by lew
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Like Mike said above, the worst is when they are GOOD anglers - or at least "appear" to be.


On bass opener there was a fellow who was on the lake we were on.

He had a beautiful 21' bass boat and a 300 hp on the back ... but it was always docked.


Our last evening his nice looking wife called us over to join them for "fish and beer".


How can one say no to that?


Well, once on shore I asked whose beautiful boat it was - trying to get some local bass info.


Instead I was told by the owner that he was a "pike tournament fisherman"....didn't know there was such a thing.


He then followed by telling me of the 14lbs bass his dad caught, and the 10lbs bass he caught....but those were only the small ones.


How can someone claim to be a "anything" tournament fisherman and not know how silly they sound spouting 10lbs and 14lbs bass .... as SMALL ones! :wallbash:

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Also have to agree that is VERY annoying..... there are a few people that I know that need a serious lesson in how to approx guess the weight of a fish.


Recently I've seen a few posts on various websites/social media sites claiming certain fish to be upwards of 7-8lbs, but the fish in the pictures were CLEARLY 3-4 lb fish.

There was one in the Cobourg paper a few years back claiming a "10 lb Largemouth Bass from Rice Lake".... that was a 4lb fish TOPS.


:wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

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What really bothers me are the anglers that are actually good fisherman... And they have respectable catches... Yet they still feel the need to lie about numbers and size....


They lose all respect...


And if your gunna brag about the weight of your fish.... You should be sure to weigh them on a quality scale first....



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I actually caught a bass that had moss growing on it's back. It was only about 4lbs though.

Ya ever here the story about a bass that was so big it had moss on its back?

Or the one about catching a bass through the ice but the mouth was so big it couldn't fit up the hole?



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I get a chuckle out of fishing stories. Many a books written about them. You can always suggest that they enter a tournament if they can boat fish like that, since it's rare to see a bass over 7 lbs weighed in.

I used to be a full time taxidermist and would get calls from customers ranting about their 10 pound walleye or 7 pound bass, so when they showed up it was only proper to charge them what a 10 pound walleye would cost, then they would argue the fish is only 22 inches. So, I would ask which way they would prefer the mount, as an 10 pounder or the 3-4 pounder that it realy is. Kind of hard to stretch the skin that much and satisfy them when they picked the fish up. Must be like a drug once you touch a fish, you start imagining things. LOL

However, I have a friend who always under estimates the size of a fish. He is always surprised when we weigh in our bag of fish.

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I honestly don't know why guys weigh small fish unless it's some sort of PB for them or possibly their fishing a tourney. Never understood the reasoning of weighing a 3 pound pickerel, 2 pound bass or 10 pound musky.


And I have NO idea why guys measure perch.


But maybe that's just me :lol:

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