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Reflecting on the past.


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Just wanted to here about all of the OFC members most memmorable expierances?


No pictures please unless its worth bragging about.


Ill start.


I moved out to Calgary when I was 20yrs old and met up with a guy that showed me evrything I needed to now about the Red Deer river as well as everything I would need to know about running mountain rivers.

Had the chance to see and expierance things that are truly once in a life time.

Cought pike that most of us dream of /stalked by a rutting moose and watched bears eating discarded pike. (they are regarded as garbage fish out there?/saw huge pike on the ice as well) I coulndt wrap my head around that......?


Share your expierace?? :thumbsup_anim:

Edited by saltydawg
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Growing up in the Muskokas certainly had its advantages before development swallowed up all the shoreline.

We did a backwater canoe trip that took us from Pt Severn to the French River one summer. Some real long hikes with the canoes on our shoulders. It was just beautiful. For most of the trip, nary a soul around except when we hit the big lakes. Crossed through a couple of reserves, but we had friends there. One of which, George, was part of our foursome, and that was before folks had started to draw lines in the sand.

No schedule or deadline to meet, and plentiful fishing the whole time we were out. Oh to be a teenager once more (without some of the other baggage LOL)

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My grandmother has a cottage on a small haliburton lake. When pike were first introduced, i spent a week there and averaged 60 pike a day, not to mention countless big smallies in the mornings. It was a whole week i couldnt do anything wrong.

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One of my most memorable days...


There had been a LOT of rain one year and a trib to the st Lawrence had colored half the Larry brown in front of our cottage.....


As a youngster I often trolled flats with flatline worm harnesses and rapalas for whatever would bite.... This was in a canoe with a 2hp motor... Mostly I'd catch pike... Smallmouth... Perch...


So this day dad was heading out for walleye in the big boat.... He asked if I wanted to bring the canoe in so I could go with him... I said I was fine seeing as he wasn't alone and I was catching some bass....


2-3 hours later he pulls up to me on his way in.... I asked how he made out... He had been skunked.... He asked how I had done.... I lifted 3 nice walleye (2-4lbs) off the floor of my canoe...


To this day I'm not sure if he was proud... Jealous... Or both that his young son ( maybe 10 years old at the time) had out fished him....


That's one of my favorites...

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So many to choose from but I'll go with going to Labrador for the first time on a last minute whim(was going to go to Nipigon)drive all the way there get out to take a look at the first place we stopped to fish. Rising fish everywhere. First cast 19 inch Ouananiche on a caddis. Stayed that way the whole 8 days I was there.

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Moose hunting/Fishing trip to Lac Seul


Drove 8hrs into Lac Seul on the houseboat, pulling 3 tin boats behind.


Caught my previous PB walleye within the first 30mins of the trip (which was my goal of the trip)


One day on the trip, i caught 4 species of fish on the same lure (SM bass, walleye, pike, musky) i used the same lure all day because it was on fire.


one guy on the trip went overboard (by himself)...we wouldve lost him, if another group didnt spot an empty boat driving in circles, and saved him.


we also ended up shooting the only Moose on the trip, ended up schooling the veteran old timers


very memorable trip of a lifetime

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One of my most memorable days...


There had been a LOT of rain one year and a trib to the st Lawrence had colored half the Larry brown in front of our cottage.....


As a youngster I often trolled flats with flatline worm harnesses and rapalas for whatever would bite.... This was in a canoe with a 2hp motor... Mostly I'd catch pike... Smallmouth... Perch...


So this day dad was heading out for walleye in the big boat.... He asked if I wanted to bring the canoe in so I could go with him... I said I was fine seeing as he wasn't alone and I was catching some bass....


2-3 hours later he pulls up to me on his way in.... I asked how he made out... He had been skunked.... He asked how I had done.... I lifted 3 nice walleye (2-4lbs) off the floor of my canoe...


To this day I'm not sure if he was proud... Jealous... Or both that his young son ( maybe 10 years old at the time) had out fished him....


That's one of my favorites...



i bet he was proud mike.....very proud

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To finally get my oldman his first Nipigon spec, one of the best if not the best moments I've had with him.


As for myself, nothing beats topwater mouse patterns on the Sutton for big brookies. I'm definitely doing that trip again.

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So I edited the origonal post in order to include all of your most memorable expierences.

As stated earlier there are to many to mention.

But some of the highlites are worth mentioning. As random as they may be.

There is no 1 2 3 order just a welth of experience and memories.


I concider myself extreemly fortunate to have been exposed to fishing ond hunting from a very early age and these range from being 5 yrs old fishing with my father and going through his tacklebox simply because I was board to striking out on my own going on fly in trips in my early 20's to meeting OFC members in my 40's


It truly is endless :thumbsup_anim:


So Ill try this again.


It realy is a toss up between my son hooking a 6 pound bass on an ultralite at 4 yrs old to landing my first muskie on my own at 9 yrs old..(my Dad made me do it).. :thumbsup_anim: .





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So I edited the origonal post in order to include all of your most memorable expierences.

As stated earlier there are to many to mention.

But some of the highlites are worth mentioning. As random as they may be.

There is no 1 2 3 order just a welth of experience and memories.


I concider myself extreemly fortunate to have been exposed to fishing ond hunting from a very early age and these range from being 5 yrs old fishing with my father and going through his tacklebox simply because I was board to striking out on my own going on fly in trips in my early 20's to meeting OFC members in my 40's


It truly is endless thumbsup_anim.gif


So Ill try this again.


It realy is a toss up between my son hooking a 6 pound bass on an ultralite at 4 yrs old to landing my first muskie on my own at 9 yrs old..(my Dad made me do it).. thumbsup_anim.gif .





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Driving all night long from Ohio as a 14 year old (1976) in the back cab of a pickup truck piled high with gas cans and other gear, arriving at the Key River in the morning, then piling 12 guys into 6 boats w/ a 6 HP motor for an 18 mi boat ride to the fishing camp. My 1st introduction to Big Red gum, The Sweet Marie candy bar, Voyageur Restaurants (yuck), the pristine beauty of Georgian Bay, large, large walleyes, and a seed planted that has kept me coming back to Ontario ever since.

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Since your requesting a great past moment...


Caught these walleye at north end of Pigeon Lake back in May 1981 with mother.

Was 13 yrs. old at time remember like yesterday still. Caught on orange jointed Beno slow trolled along weed edge.

Back then you could keep 6 pickeral any size. Best day back then for sure.





Loved having place up there.


The walleyes would go deep in summer but caught lots of musky on same weed edge over years.


Blast from past.

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Mid 90's fishing Quinte in December. At that time, there was almost no one fishing that time of year and very few if any other planer boards being used.

It was a Saturday, the wind was howling out of the north west and we never left Picton Bay due to 3-5 footers right in front of the cement plant.

Out before first light, dropped our lines as soon as we passed the pump house and didn't make it 100yds and we had a double header of 13's.

Four of us in the boat, we boated over 35 Pickereyes with the largest being 16lbs... I also got my PB that day at 14.75lbs.

No other boats out that day and the other two guys who made the drive from London still talk about that day... actually, they begged us to stop fishng as their arms were tired from reeling in those big fat socks!

I doubt we will ever see another day like that on Quinte!


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Walking down to each awe-inspiring lake and river during a 3 week camping trip in BC, standing on the shores, slumped over, head down, looking at my empty hands, and wondering why the heck my gear was 5000 km's out of reach. A few years later, a solo trip covering 3 weeks of continuous travel, again on the shores, confused, slumped over even more, head practically on the ground now, looking at blurry hands this time through teary eyes, wondering why the heck my gear was 5000 km's out of reach.


My most memorable experience was wishing that I had longer arms.

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