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* UPDATE* Snowmachine....waddayathink.. MY NEW RIDE IS.....


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Hi all,


Thanks for all the advice and debate folks. Quite the journey deciding what to get.


Started off looking at Bearcats...Yammies and Skidoos.


Liked the Skidoos....liked the Skidoo 4 stroke 600ACE engine.


Thought about a Tundra Longtrack, a bit too tippy with the narrow ski stance.


Thought about an Expedition Sport, wider ski stance.


Got to thinking about power and after listening to a few folks here and elsewhere decided it might be a bit underpowered for either of the above models( particularly thinking about getting through slush with passenger and 300lb+ flip up shelter)


Was liking the idea of long and wide track, just not convinced the 600ACE would suffice. Looked at the next Expedition up with the 1200cc 4-Tech ....looking good.


Got some positive feedback about it from some members on here and a good fishing buddy....


sourced one in Winnipeg....


got a relatively good deal...


finance now in place.....


pick it up on Thurday with a new Triton aluminium trailer.



Looks like i will have to wait at least another 5 years for my quad....but oh well...at least i will have a nice ride for 4 months of the year.




Got back from winterpeg an hour ago.....on the road all day....the BEAST is in the driveway....can't wait to give her a spin down the road. Pics in the am.







Edited by limeyangler
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Pay the extra money for the ACE600. About two years ago BRP decided to modify the 550 fan to meet emissions targets. This caused some of them to blow up within 300 miles of running. Motors were leaned out and there were problems with oil delivery systems not set up properly or no oil at all. One dealer was installing a thicker head gasket on new machines to make up for some compression problems as well.


The ACE is a very quiet, fuel efficient engine with plenty of power, certainly better than the fan. No blue smoke. You can stand beside it while running and talk to someone in a normal volume of voice.

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I think it will be a great sled for what you want it for.

Good long and wide track for off trail and a nice spot to carry your ice fishin' stuff on the back. :thumbsup_anim:

I have talekd to some of my Alaskan friends that have or know people with ACE600 Skidoos and they have been very happy with them. They have even been able to start them in very cold temps (much colder than my Yamaha) without having to plug them in.

I would get the ACE600 motor (like we discussed over PM's) ;)


Tundra LT

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Cant go wrong with that choice Simon..Man that will make a nice machine for many years to come too!


Thanks man. Good to get some feedback.


Simon I would think up your way the Tundra or Expedition model would be better suited for you and the little guy going ice-fishing. But good choice with Ski-Doo :good:


Thanks man, I think the link is broke....It was meant to go to the Tundra LT I chose.


Looks like a great sled Simon :thumbsup_anim: little pricy but nice B) I'm sure which ever model you buy will serve you good :good:


Thanks Jacques....now go get a 14 pointer!




Get a 2up, long track touring sled.. Only way to go.


Thanks Bill, Like I said....the link was meant to go to a Tundra long track I chose....have added the 2 up seat with heated grips for the passenger...should be good for deep stuff and trails.


Pay the extra money for the ACE600. About two years ago BRP decided to modify the 550 fan to meet emissions targets. This caused some of them to blow up within 300 miles of running. Motors were leaned out and there were problems with oil delivery systems not set up properly or no oil at all. One dealer was installing a thicker head gasket on new machines to make up for some compression problems as well.


The ACE is a very quiet, fuel efficient engine with plenty of power, certainly better than the fan. No blue smoke. You can stand beside it while running and talk to someone in a normal volume of voice.



Awesome info BP! I like that it also has a fan radiator as well as extended heat exchangers. The only thing that is worrying me is no pull start...however it is a dry sump which should help.


No wonder you all have so much snow with everyone buying snowmachines... Nice sled for sure down here I would be lucky to get 2 weeks a year riding and only on grassy areas.






Yup.....snowmachines insurance is not cheap (pro rata )

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7F5D1CFE-3A2D-4F4C-A6D5-F8607B7D7AD9-935-000000DE781D4E41.jpg8797D399-AC6A-46CC-9B36-C06436C0A83B-935-000000DF8E305CBF.jpg this is my 2010 Yamaha vector GT long track awesome sled and starts at -25 no problem !!!! And well the reliability is the best there is !!!! And yes it's a four stroke !! You might want to look at a 2 up venture or the Viking !!! It will pull a hut and anything else no problems as well !!!
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That's pretty, but not as pretty as mine!!! :tease: :tease: :tease:






And yes it starts fine down to -25 past that it needs to be plugged in like my car.

My Alaskan friends have been able to start their SkiDoo ACE600's down to -40 without plugging in. I generally don't ride when it's -40 as it's too hard on the equipment.

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That will be a big improvement over your old sled Simon. :good: Less likely to get extremely wet with that one :rolleyes::rofl2:


"The only thing that is worrying me is no pull start..." That would be my only concern as well, knowing the out of the way places some of us get to. I've never tried to manually start a cold 4 stroke, so not to sure if it should be a concern or not.

Edited by Old Man
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well i can start my 1000cc yammy 4 cyl 4 stroke off the primary with a small flat belt no problem if i have to can't see it being much of a problem with a 600cc 2 cyl


I've never even thought of trying to pull start my 1000cc Yammy and I don't even worry that it would ever need to be. I also sled in much more remote places. :whistling:


Note to self: put old belt in sleds emergency kit. ;)

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I posted this thread on an icefishing forum....had a couple replies saying this machine is very tippy, I can kind of see why this might be with the suspension system and skinny ski stance...........



any thought on this folks?


I have a 380 Skandic 2-up and it is a bit tippy on some surfaces. It just takes a litle more active riding - moving around on the sled to balance it. I rarely go much over 40-60km on lakes and less on trails while towing an otter sled. More stable with two people. The narrow ski width (43") helps me a lot while moving through the bush. I really wouldn't worry about it. My next sled will be another Skandic or Expedition. BTW my pull cord riped out last year while 30km or so from anywhere. Luckly I had some rope!

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