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Family Vacation at the Cottage!!!!!


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Wow has it ever been a while since I've been online. Worked really hard at the new position this past week, and the week prior, we were on vacation. Which is what this report is alllll about!


Laker Jessy and I, along with our kids (son, 12 and daughter, almost 3) were lucky enough to be handed the keys to the cottage at Gull Lake, near Minden. We did this last year as well, and had a great time. As we often do, we used this free time to make up for missed visits with friends and family. This meant that I had some time alone to fish, plenty of time taking others with me, and lots and lots of quality time with the family biggrin.gif


The highlights:


Got my son to stop riding the kneeboard on his stomach and get up on it properly...which he loved. (He's dabbled with waterskiing, but perhaps now has the confidence to try it next time we're up)


Fishing in the boat with the WHOLE family, two nights in a row! Our little girl was quite happy to eat all the snacks we could give her, and caused no trouble in the boat. My son figured out the magic of dropshotting with the sonar in front of him, and of course, Laker Jessy nailed a chunky 3.5lb smallie biggrin.gif


Finding an insane walleye hole just down the road....although I only hooked one decent fish and lost it, I guided (gotta take credit somehow) Laker Jessy and a visiting pal to some PB's. Delicious, nutritious PB's!


Getting our daughter comfortable in the water to the point where she didn't want to come out....low water levels gave us an actual beach beside the dock. They also killed my dock fishing....but I improvised.


Finding out that my son (who has not been big on fishing for the last 5 or 6 years) grabbed my dropshot rig, nailed a little smallie off the dock and unhooked it barehanded all on his own. Grandparents were at the dock, I was running to town for supplies. He was pretty pleased with himself when I got back biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif



Ok...on to the pics!!!!



Why don't we start with a PB....visited this little walleye hole I'd heard about down the road with my pal Scott who was visiting. Told him to try the big Rapala DT16 in Bluegill that I suggested he buy before he came up. 26.5 inches and 6lbs, 12oz. Not bad! Sadly, the lure was lost on a snag shortly after. Straight to the tackle shop for him biggrin.gif




A few bass from Gull lake








I finally got the dropshotting thing figured out, and it was on fire at the beginning of the week. If we were in 19 FOW...no fish. Move to 21FOW...fish on! Even if we drifted off into the 50 and 80' depths...the bass were still chasing bait at 20-25 feet....and dropping the slammers down to them worked like a charm!





Just a short one here, but his gut was PACKED...and it's only the beginning of August!







I really wanted to find some big largies that week....never really did find the hawgs...but at least found a few decent fish.




The best day I had for largies was after a thunderstorm had moved on, in the rain, before the airtemp plummeted. No camera of course, but I recall going 7 for 8 on the frog in a 2 hr period. AWESOME!



Speaking of awesome, here are a few shots of the family in the boat...such a treat!




Mama's rod is cranked on a big smallie






I always seem to catch small ones when I wear this shirt.....




Caleb is getting pretty good at handling the boat J





We were about halfway through the week at this point, and my folks came over for a long overdue visit. My mother, bless her heart, suggests that Jessy and I need some alone time, and why don't we go fishing together. Has been a while since just the two of us got some time on the water...and she says "I really wanna catch a walleye! Take me to where you took Scott!"


Ok Honey....I don't know if it's that simple, but ok.


"What lure was he using?"


Well I just happen to have the same one, so here you go.


"Where do I cast?"


Uhh...like I said....it's not THAT simple, but, cast over there. Reel in just fast enough to make the lure wobble.


"How long did it take for him to catch it?"


I don't know, Honey....you gotta take a few casts and see what happens...


"GOT ONE!!!!"




Ummm....well done, Honey! 23inches and 4.5lbs. Not bad at all!


Not really sure how to top that....the rest of the pics just don't compare.


But, it wouldn't be right to hold out....so here are a few more.



This is my "I'm not a morning person, unless I'm fishing" face




I really need to make this my new job....nobody minds if I put my feet up




Amazing how much quieter the lakes are during the week




Jessy's parents came up for the end of the week, and sure enough, she sweet talks her way into more babysitting. Hitch up the boat and down the road we go to her new favourite spot. No instructions required this time....




Just a little ol' 21 incher this time. SHEEESH!



On our next outing, running to check out a new spot, we just happened to come across this guy at the right moment....he was taking a rather large sailboat solo, and got into the wind....no chance. Boat went over real quick.




Of course we did the right thing...





And....that's pretty much all the pics from the fishing album. Sorry for the poor quality....I just use the phone. Here are a few of our cottage-fun pics....hope you've enjoyed reading....we sure enjoyed living it :)















I watched one of these loons bring a 12-14" herring over and share it with the others. Probably explains what I was marking hordes of at 25-30 feet that would just nip away at the slammer without getting hooked.




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