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Looks like a soggy weekend


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Well it looks like I picked another great weekend to go tenting with the forcast 100% rain at Cameron lake Friday it will make for long days. Wife just went and picked up a new 20X40 tarp to try and make it a bit dryer for dinner time.


What do you all do to battle the weather when camping?

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Hope that forecast changes for you Mike. Tarps for sure, we also have a rather large screen house we picked up at Walmart for $100 a few years back. That thing is a godsend on rainy days.


same here - tarps over the sleeping tent(s) and the 12 x 12 screen tent. The latter being one of the best things we ever bought for camping (after air mattresses for the post 20's bodies biggrin.gif ) . We have been trying to find a replacement for the last few years as the zippers are starting to go, but they dont seem to make them with flaps anymore? - Oh, and of course the stand up on the boat and rain gear. Gonefishing.gif


On the other hand - if I could be as wrong as often as the weather reports and not face some form of job performance reveiw it would be a really casual world. If history is anything to show, you may still get sunny skies and a 3 day high pressure system. Here's hoping it works that way for ya

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What do you all do to battle the weather when camping?

I close the door and turn on the satellite and TV and look for the fishing shows. If it's too grumpy, I close up the trailer and go home. Anyone can get uncomfortable, some need practice.. :w00t:


Matter of fact, last sunday morning was a bit of a comedy watching soaked campers roll up their tents and contents and throw them into the back of their trucks and leave. There's not too many tents even with a good fly that will hold off the rain. A good tarp with extra overhang all around gives you a bit more of a chance.

Edited by Fisherman
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Only picture I got Mike.


I take my "Quebec Garage" with me. This one is 12X20. If it's just for the weekend, I don't bother putting plastic up around it. I just leave one of the lower sections off so it is lower to the ground.



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A good tarp, rain or shine, is a must for every trip. No cheap blue tarps for me. Too noisy, pain to fold up and they don't last long or have durability.


This Chlorophylle tarp provides shade and rain protection over the kitchen area and while reeking of too many fires, takes everything in stride. All you need is some good static rope (4-6mm from MEC) and a few trees and yer laughing. Rig it high, rig it low, whatever the situation calls for.




Tents need to be big enough for people to lounge in. My wife and I used to use a four man Eureka (above) for tripping but for base camping, it was too cramped. I'd think for two people, a 6 or 8 man (family tent basically) would be quite comfortable during long days of rain. If it had room for camp chairs, even better. I was solo in this 4 man and it had just enough room to spread stuff out. A tent with a big, screened room/vestibule would be worth it's weight if car camping.

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Camping and rain just dont add up to alot of fun. A few light showers is one thing but heavy downpours are another. Even if you manage to tarp and keep the site and tents fairly dry there is always the dampness which can make sleeping bags and clothing feel wet. If you have electricity on your site bring along a portable electric heater,it will do wonders to get rid of the dampness in the tent. Personally if it were me I would probably cancel and try to re-book another weekend,but then I have gotten soft over the years and I now camp in a tent trailer with a furnace and add -a-room so rain is not as much an issue anymore,and when it is raining we usually watch a movie on a laptop or play cards. Good luck this weekend,hopefully the forecast changes.

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You can still have lots of fun when its raining while your camping. Few years back i spent 13 days straight camping in AP in the rain. Like others have said, a good tent is a must. Make sure it has a full fly. Then tarp over top of the tent. Make sure there is an air gap between the tent and the tarp. We have a Coleman Dinning tent with flaps on all four sides. Pricey at $400 but its the best thing money can buy when its raining. Put three flaps down, throw in a picnic table in, and your staying dry and are comfortable. Fourth flap acts as an awning to sit under. Bring another larger tarp to cover the other part of the campsite and your laughing. few 100 feet of rope and a couple of tarps and youll be dry for the whole weekend. Another tip if its really damp, take a propane lantern and place it in the tent for 10-15 mins before going to bed. Makes it a little warmer but it draws all the dampness from your sleeping bags. CAUTION keep items away from lantern while its lit. I dont want your tent to catch fire.


When we stay for loner trips this is how we tarp our site. (sorry i dont have an actual picture)(work computer)



tent setup.jpg


Hopefully the rain does hold out for you, but I find its always good to be prepared. Also setting the tarps like this adds lots of shade to your site if it ends up being really sunny




Have fun



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Tarp is a must in rainy weather. For fishing/camping, I make sure I have a good rain suit and a working bilge pump! Bring some playing cards, games and a good book. Good luck this weekend.


How is the bilge pump working these days?? :whistling:



Always bring tarps, never know if you'll get some of those pop up thunderstorms. A dining tent with drop down sides to keep the rain out is great. I do like Ron's "Quebec Garage". :good:

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Was going to go to Cameron as well, but the rain scared the wife, and i wasnt lookin forward to tentin in the rain, and the take down of wet camping equipment, hope there is a good crowd just the same and the kids have fun, as thats what the MCI family outing is about, getting families fishing, and the kids having fun.

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Only picture I got Mike.


I take my "Quebec Garage" with me. This one is 12X20. If it's just for the weekend, I don't bother putting plastic up around it. I just leave one of the lower sections off so it is lower to the ground.




You've come a long way in your rain preps Ron. Last time we hooked up your tent looked something like this.




You coming up this way soon Ron?

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You've come a long way in your rain preps Ron. Last time we hooked up your tent looked something like this.




You coming up this way soon Ron?



Rain preps have never been a problem, it's dealing with 94 km/hr winds that still got me baffed! NOt sure when we will be getting up there again Dan, the last time we went it was just too busy. There is getting to be way too many people up there to enjoy the solitude.


Cheers, Ron...

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