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Don Cherrys rant NF


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I didn't think anything special of it. It's Don Cherry; he's contraversial and opinionated. It's actually nice to see someone with a true opinion once in a while...there are a lot of bought people out there who just say words and have no real purpose.


He's no crazier than Howard Stern. Both guys are great entertainment but often spew Bull.


More Ontario players on an ontario team???....absolutely...duh!!! But this is not Toronto's main problem and it's nothing new. Everyone is looking for an excuse.



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I didn't think anything special of it. It's Don Cherry; he's contraversial and opinionated. It's actually nice to see someone with a true opinion once in a while...there are a lot of bought people out there who just say words and have no real purpose.


He's no crazier than Howard Stern. Both guys are great entertainment but often spew Bull.


More Ontario players on an ontario team???....absolutely...duh!!! But this is not Toronto's main problem and it's nothing new. Everyone is looking for an excuse.



Ed Zachary! We all know it's Don Cherry. If ya don't like him, don't watch him. He tells it like (he thinks) it is. No surprise for me.

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

don lost my respect a long time ago. his rants have gotten stranger and stranger over the years and the more he's gotten involved in politics, the less I like him.

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I like Don but that has nothing to do with winning. Its becoming like the Montreal Canadiens. Prefer a french speaking coach instead of a winning coach. It does not matter. Ontario players or not, the goal is winning games. Burke is fed up with Toronto media.

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I may not agree with a lot of what Don says..But I love him! He's one of the last left who speaks his mind and has passion for what he believes in and doesn't care about being politically correct. Also I find him entertaining and in the end watching sports is about being entertained.

Also love the work he does to recognize the troops and emergency workers

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Like him or not, he has done very well for himself earning an incredible living at something he loves, not bad for somebody who dropped out of high school. Agree with him or not, he tells it like it is and knows hockey better than most. The NHL should listen to him once in a while. No touch icing should have been gone years ago, something Don has been trying to get changed for an eternity. He is also an advocate for changing the equipment so it doesn't look and feel like armor. He is a great ambassador to the kids and watches a ton of minor hockey...he simply loves the game.


Incidentally, most goalies will stop 99 shots out of a hundred if they can see it and it's not tipped. As a defenseman, knowing there is nobody else near, the best move is to let the goalie do his job. The many shots that are deflected into the corner were going to be stopped anyway.


Don is ultra patriotic which is refreshing in a land so passive. We should all be so grateful for our freedom.


By the way, he was coach of the year in the NHL as well as the AHL. Just because you don't like him, doesn't mean he doesn't know what he is talking about.


Regarding Don's rant, good for him - Burke is a moron. If you don't think hockey is filled with politics you clearly have not experienced minor hockey from a parent's perspective. Who has been Burke's coaches? His buddies, that's who. He has basically set up his buddies in one sweet deal after another.


Maybe Don didn't get Ron Wilson fired but hopefully he can get Burke fired.


In case you still haven't figured it out, I like him!

Edited by Henricus
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A few points on multiple posts:


The "agree or disagree (or right or wrong) he speaks his mind" position is interesting. Someone providing a counter to Don's position is also specking their mind.They've possibly consider the argument from more than one view point and don't respond emotionally to someone providing a different opinion.


A goalie may stop 99% of clear shots most of the time, but 100% of the ones deflected into the netting will never end up in the net all of the time.


Just because someone likes Don doesn't mean he knows what he's talking about.


If someone disagrees with Don they aren't as patriotic is another argument that provides no substance, but much traction amongst the masses.

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

No surprises on many of these opinions...Having the balls to speak your mind is fairly un-popular around here...


ironic because i recall some of my opinions being unpopular with you and the other members of the OFC "good ol boys club"... :whistling:

Edited by Dr. Salvelinus
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I like Don, I appreciate people who tell it like it is. He gets paid to tell eveyone his opinion, remember it's an opinion and he is entitled to it, just like you are. The differnece is he gets paid to give his...... which tells me that more people are interested in hearing his opinion than yours or mine.

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which tells me that more people are interested in hearing his opinion than yours or mine.



That's why he gets paid the big bucks. We all watched it, no?:dunno:


Like I said, earlier, it's all about good tv.


Do I take it seriously, not very often :blahblah1:

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A few points on multiple posts:


The "agree or disagree (or right or wrong) he speaks his mind" position is interesting. Someone providing a counter to Don's position is also specking their mind.They've possibly consider the argument from more than one view point and don't respond emotionally to someone providing a different opinion.


A goalie may stop 99% of clear shots most of the time, but 100% of the ones deflected into the netting will never end up in the net all of the time.


Just because someone likes Don doesn't mean he knows what he's talking about.


If someone disagrees with Don they aren't as patriotic is another argument that provides no substance, but much traction amongst the masses.

I don't think your feelings about a tv personality says anthing about how patriotic you are.Like with don,I don't always agree with your opinions but find your views often give me something to think about.I find this place full of people who "speak their mind" and have "cherry-sized" pairs.

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ironic because i recall some of my opinions being unpopular with you and the other members of the OFC "good ol boys club"... whistling.gif





Edited to add...


I should have posted this with the thumbs up. Eloquently said Doc.As i have mentioned to you before, i love the way you get your point accross, without insult or rancor.

Edited by mercman
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Did anyone else here the interview on TSN with Burke. The guy called out Burke about the Cherry thing, and Burke was pissed. then the interviewer asked burke about people calling for burkes job, and burke went nutso on the guy. It was great.

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