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Walleyes Gone Wild!!!

Aaron Shirley

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Okay, before you think you'll see walleyes in G-Strings, this isn't an "R" rated fishing report, feel free to allow your kids to view lol. I talked to a buddy Gavin (Gman) early last week, and when he told me that he had been trolling the Bay of Quinte this winter during this mild weather, I was all ears :) With Simcoe open water and the Niagara constant mud, I was looking for alternatives this unusually tropic winter lol. We made plans with Rob (Iceguy) to get out for two days of trolling, and Gavin's buddy Larry (Lunge Larry) would join us the first day. I hooked up the ProV, picked Gavin and Rob up en route in the morning and we met up with Larry in Napanee. We set out for the only open launch that was ice-free in Bath, and saw Mike Miller and the Angler and Hunter film crew gearing up to launch and film a show as well. We chatted with them for a bit, good guys. We had a very long and warm but rough ride across the gap into Adolphus Reach.


We set up our troll with the waves and deployed 2 trolling bags on each side of the Lund to slow down and stabilize the presentation. Our goal was an average of 1.5mph SOG. The fish were suspended high in the water column, and the mono planer board rods were set with mostly Husky Jerks and Down Deep Husky Jerks. They would prove to be the only lures working. We tried all kinds of stick baits, but the Husky Jerks were the only ones that got bites. I have not seen such a highly specific stick bait bite like this before for walleye on Quinte.


We ended up getting 14 walleye in the boat and losing three at the end of the day on Wednesday. Although it was really windy, it was warm and the fishing was great :) We ended our day with lots of smiles and barely noticed how tired we were from a lack of sleep lol. We had a bite to eat, had some cold ones then hit the sack to do it all over again on Thursday.


Enough details for now, enjoy the photos :)












Larry wasn't into holding up the pike for a photo, so Gavin held it up. Although it wasn't gold, it was a nice pike.

















We had to be careful of major icebergs all over, some of which were about 2-feet thick!







Icebergs were an issue for our planer boards and a lot of work to clear, but hey, we were trolling in February!

























Rob hooks up with a heavy





True tank and the biggest of the trip at 13.24lbs. Great fish Rob!



It was -2 on Thursday and our rods and reels got wet on the ride and covered with ice and stopped working! We had to warm up the rods and reels inside our suits to rid of the ice and get the reels working again. Gavin found this quite amusing lol.



My best walleye of the trip





I got this awesome pike on a Rapala Trolls To 20 feet at the end of the trip. Made my day!



A perfect end to a perfect trip trolling the Bay of Quinte in February :) 10 fish boated with no lost fish on Thursday.



Thanks for the program info Gavin and joining me, along with Rob and Larry on this awesome trip! This was a truly epic trip and one I will not forget any time soon. We had a riot, and caught a ton of fish. My stomach hurt for two days from laughing so hard. There are a few quotes that had us in tears, and I'm still chuckling over them :) Now that's a great trip with buddies :)


I hope that I can get back there again before the season closes, I could get used to this global warming :)


Good fishing!



Edited by Aaron Shirley
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Four top fisherdudes in the same boat, the walleyes didn't stand a chance. Some really nice fish there and consistently large all day! And don't get me started on the colours, we just don't get them that gold here. Well done and thanks for posting.

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:clapping: :clapping:

Way to go man!

If you made a Surely Fishing episode out of it, I would have loved to watch it. When are you planning on making another one anyways? And what species / technique will it be on?


I really think that last whitefish video you did help me ice a few fish on Simcoe this year!

Thanks again!

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