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Steelhead quest - Great friends...great times!


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ChrisK and I had this past weekend planned for me to join him at his trailer for a few months now...and when the opportunity came up for Spiel and MJL to join us, it was shaping up to be a great weekend filled with great times!


Leading up to the weekend we were all praying for rain, as the levels were very low. I think we prayed a little too hard and MJL's last ditch attempt at an "anti rain" dance fell short. :wallbash:


I left my house in Whitby and headed to pick MJL up at this place in Toronto...then we headed to Spiel's place. The three of us then piled into Spiel's van and we went to London to meet up with ChrisK. After dropping off some things we headed to the trailer.


We arrived and immediately went to the river. It was up over 3 feet, was chocolate milk, and running FAST!!! We knew there was no fishing to be had today, so we spent the rest of the day tying up MONSTER roe bags, having a few drinks, relaxing and hoping the water would drop overnight.







With dreams of fresh steelhead in mind, we called it an early night...with intentions of hitting the water at first light! With the exception of a little light snoring keeping some awake and MJL's feet getting licked, it was an ok night! LOL.


We headed to the creek and although the waters had dropped about a foot, it was still far from being prime conditions. Didn't matter...MJL and I headed out to see what we could stir up! The scenery was breath taking...temperatures were mild...it was a treat just to be there fishing. :thumbsup_anim: (yes, that's like saying it was an honour just being nominated!!!)




With nothing going on there, MJL and I went to another hole and found some slower moving waters. After drifting there a while...my float goes down and I feel the weight on the end of the line I was waiting for! The fish went breserk...and then took me in benind a fallen tree. I waded out...rod extended as far as I could reach and miraculously the fish came out. MJL was getting the camera ready when the fish shook the hook free!! :wallbash: Oh well, that may be my only chance....sure felt good to have one on the end of the line again though!


Back to the trailer around noon to take a break...had some lunch and a little snooze...



Later in the afternoon, the water changed a bit...from the chocolate milk we had been fishing in...it was turning a chocolate greenish colour. We are drifting for a bit and I hear a loud SPLASH! I look over to see Spiel fighing a nice one! MJL stops fishing and snaps some pictures of the fight....



And the money shot!



After a evening of laughs we called it a night...hoping the water would cooperate more Sunday.


Some random Sunday shots...


Devon, MJL and Spiel



ChrisK and Spiel



Both ChrisK and MJL had fish on, but unfortuately were not able to land them. Devon schooled us all that day and got a few! Here's one of his. I have to say I am very impressed with the skill and patience Devon has with his set up! Wait a few more years and this young fella will be killer out there!




Of course we had to leave on the day the waters were looking pretty darned good :wallbash: A great time was had by all...thanks very much for the hospitality ChrisK! Hopefully we'll get out a few more times this fall!


Oh...my numbers? 0 for 1 in the steelhead...and a few of these...LOL :dunno:


Edited by ccmt
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CCMT is not going to take pics eh! LMAO

Looks like you guys had fun, some spotted carp, a whistle trout and the lead solo in Brown Eyed Girl, all in one report!

Well done lads!



LOL...I didn't bring my camera...I had to wait for MJL to email the pictures he took!


Ok...there is one or two from my phone...but all the nice ones are MJL's photo credit!

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Many thanks to be said. Thanks to Chris for having us, thanks to Cliff for the post and of course thank to MJL for the minute by minute photos. ;)


Here's another one MJL took of me fishing in the cold morning on a misty river.




A great weekend guys. thumbsup_anim.gif

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I wondered how you guys were going to make out in those conditions, but knew you'd have a great time no matter what they were. By the looks of the photos, I was right :thumbsup_anim: You even managed some fish in there too :clapping:


You should have that last picture of your on the river's edge framed Chris :thumbsup_anim:


Great report Cliff and great photos Mike :Gonefishing::clapping:

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Sam is proclaiming innocence to the licking :whistling: Looks like you guys had a great time regardless....good on ya'll......fish are just a bonus when the conditions are like that...congrates to the young lad for schooling the ole boys....nice images Mike ....been trying to get that "jumping fish" shot for a long time now...

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Ever sleep 10ft away from a chain-saw going at max revs? I sure did...His name was Cliff :whistling:


Getting your feet licked at 2am by an obviously hungry dog is not cool :(


Having 6lb Maxima UG part like thread and getting smoked by fish back-flipping and steaming down river...Demoralizing :wallbash:


With that said, it was an AWESOME weekend and I'm looking forward to my next trip back :thumbsup_anim:

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