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Seat Belt Law


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Actually Lew, the OP started the thread about seat belts... it just became a gufuffal after a few pages! :whistling:



Just kinda hard to follow things Joe when folks are posting from both sides of the fence.

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Just kinda hard to follow things Joe when folks are posting from both sides of the fence.

As long as they have their seat belts on Lew, they should be ok! LOL

I hear yah... a lot of passionate folks here and I bet none of this would have gotten to this point, should the folks involved be sitting by a fire, enjoying their beverage of choice and respecting each other's opinions. Something about typing on a key board that changes a person's perspective... IMHO


Edited by Headhunter
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I look at it this way.If you are always going to act like a :asshat: you will be excepted as a :asshat:.

And if you don't excepted a :asshat: for what it's worth,What do you think was going to happen?




I had two friends die with there seat belts on.It didn't madder.

Edited by Tybo
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The original intent on me posting that video was to make every one aware of what could happen if 1 person in a vehicle decides not to buckle up.

As with the original post I said, my comment to that 1 person would have been,

"your over 16 so YOU have to pay the fine"

After watching that video I realized that EVERYONE will pay the price.

I for one never thought about the damage that 1 idiot could do.


Now if anybody didn't understand the video, go back and watch it again, but this time open your eye's.

Buckle up and drive safe!

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I look at it this way.If you are always going to act like a :asshat: you will be excepted as a :asshat:.

And if you don't excepted a :asshat: for what it's worth,What do you think was going to happen?




I had two friends die with there seat belts on.It didn't madder.


Good call Paul.


Didnt Dale SR, have one on also?

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Actually Lew, the OP started the thread about seat belts... it just became a gufuffal after a few pages! :whistling:


Joe Im usually in the know but what the f!!! does gufuffal mean ??? done lots of research cant find out???? Edited by capt bruce
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The day after you posted this:


I know someone who's wife worked with this girl, she didn't like to wear her seatbelt and was thrown from her truck in a crash that resulted in her truck flipping....senseless..


■ News / Local News

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Updated 21 hours ago

FORT ERIE — Police say a 39-year-old Wainfleet mother of three girls may have been alive today had she been wearing a seatbelt. Michelle Raby-Beauchamp died as a result of a two-vehicle crash on the Fort Erie stretch of the QEW Tuesday morning.

Please look at this link..


Edited by Jewelbee
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Well before the count down hits 0 I must say I did not read all of this thread until I read Lews other one.


I must say first thanks to Lew for his other thread to direct me to Waynes post so I know who to thank for making seat belts.


As a truck driver I have always wanted to know who to thank for making them as they hold things in just right for truckers and I always wanted to thank the one who invented them but heck the guy who has been making them is close enough I love a tight seat belt in the summer :thumbsup_anim:


Thanks Wayne for the years ot tightness and if you know who invented them pass it along to him or her. ( I think it had to be a guy)


Oh yes I wear mine it costs to much to not wear it last time was 4 points I think and $200+ if I remember correctly been 10 years since then.

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Seatbelts save lives no doubt. This one hits close to home all to well. 2 weeks ago on october 8th my 20 year old cousin was killed from one. They are not sure but she had the marks around her chest from wearing it but still was ejected from the car. 2 days before her birthday and 2 days before her boyfriend was going to ask for her hand. In 1998 me and my wife made the front news page for our crash up in Uxbridge. Had to get a ride from a helicopter in that one. Thank god for seatbelts She was wearing one and it actually broke her pelvic bone from the impact. I hate to imagine what would of happened if she wasnt wearing one. That Video is true, the person not wearing one can cause more damage then the crash itself.

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Not to make light of this thread but speaking of restraints, and I know it's Hollywood and anyone who has seen Demolition Man (admit it) knows where I'm going.


There's a scene where the fine actor Stallone totals a car but in the process, the cabin fills instantaneously with a foam that basically encases the occupants. Kinda like spray gap filler writ large. I wonder if anything similar is on the drawing boards at some r&d think tank and possible or is it just sci fi ?

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I have no beef with wearing my seatbelt, but the most unsafe thing i've seen in cars is the auto locking doors. What is the point in those?? I witnessed an accident one time, happened right in front of me. A car went thru a stop sign of a major highway, and got nailed by a cube van. Both guys in the car were unconscious, and the car was on fire. I tried to get them out of the car, but the freakin doors were locked!!! i had to run back to my vehicle and get a hammer out of the trunk to break the window!! By the time I got back, the fire was almost to the cab of the car, and it was filling with smoke!!


Has any one else thought about this? Or is it just me?? I unlock mine as soon as I'm rolling. I don't feel safe in my car with the doors locked....you never know. I wish I could disconnect that feature.




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