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Musky mayhem on the French River

Rich Clemens

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Well, our annual September two-week fishing trip has come and gone already. Typically we spend two weeks on the French River. One week at Rainbow Camp on the North Channel and a second week at Wolseley Lodge. Due to my Dad's scare with open heart surgery last September, we decided to skip our second week on the French and head over to the Rideau System to spend a week with them. Probably back to our normal routine next year - especially after the week we had.


We arrived on Friday Sept. 9 to a pretty warm day. 3:00pm temp in my truck was reading 87F. After an 11 1/2 hour drive, unpacking, and getting everything ready, we just rested Friday night. Up at 3:00am and the drive, warm weather, we were pretty much wiped out. (Getting old sticks).


Anyway, the first several days were really touch fishing. I had only managed 2 pike, but one was a nice 33 incher. Talking with the owners, it has been a tough fish this year and the water levels are down about 2 feet. Been like this all year and many folks that stayed there this year were finding things tough as well. I guess that's why the locals call this place ... "starvation alley". Even the number of this year's catches in the lodge are not as many as part years. Never been there and only see one mucky pic on the wall. We kinda figured that the local name would persist for us as well.


Couple sunset shots we took. For a small digital camera, they didn't come out have bad. Since the fish weren't biting, you gotta take some pictures of something.








Quick shot of the 33" pike I was able to land early in the week. Bleeding from the tail a bit as she started flopping around pretty bad while trying to get the hooks out and the idiot ended up with one set of trebles in her mouth and the other set in her back end.




We were surprised that all the times we have been in the area, we have never seen a moose. In the back of one of the bays we were fishing, something moving caught Patsy's eye and here it was an entire family. Male, female, and a little guy. Never did get too good of shots as they were away from us and they kept the youngster between them. Of course, once the dogs saw them, the barking drove them away. Here's one of the better shots we got.





And, of course, after a hard day of fishing, the girls get worn out and ready for a good night's sleep.




Alright, all of that stuff out of the way ... LETS TALK FISH.


Ok, so Wednesday morning rolls around and rain is expected this morning. We take a look outside and see the dark clouds off in the horizon. So, the front is coming in. What better time to fish .. eh ? So we head off to a little bay not far from camp, just in case we have to make a bee-line back. I've seen musky in this bay before and have had numerous follows over the years, but never got one to bite. So, we start here. We're fishing for a bit and as I am bringing in my double cowgirl (black with silver blades), HERE SHE COMES. A nice musky following the bait in. I go into the figure 8 and she passes the bait and make a turn and comes back. Again, she makes a pass at the front of the boat and keeps going. I keep the 8 going and she comes back and passed it up once again and heads to the back of the boat where Patsy is fishing. I yell back "Look Down", hoping Patsy can see it. All I hear is "Oh my God" as she sees the fishing coming past. Patsy had just finished reeling in from one of her casts and the lure was still dangling in the water. The first turns and comes back to Patsy's bait ... and smashes it. Then, all Heck breaks out at the back of the boat. Poor Patsy is standing there, legs apart for balance, both hands on the rod, and the fishing splashing about like crazy. Talk about an adrenaline rush for her. I just drop my rod and head back for the net. After a short fight, she is in the net flopping around. I just kept her in the net and down in the water while Patsy laid out my release tools next to me. While flopping in the net, she threw the lure, so this was a good thing. Patsy got the camera all ready and we lifted her out. A beautiful thick 49" musky. What a fantastic FIRST MUSKY. After a couple pics and a quick measurement, we laid her back in the water and off she went. Afterward, Patsy said that she didn't think she really wanted to catch another one like that. But, that thought was short lived. Now, like the rest of us, she's hooked. Here she is ...




SPECIAL NOTE: Patsy caught her musky on one of Joey's custom-made musky baits. We have several of them and look .... they do work :clapping:


About then, the rain started and we headed back in to camp. Went over to the lodge to have the picture downloaded and be put up on the "wall of fame". The rain quickly stopped and we thought we could head out again as it may have just been a band passing through. So, off we go to another little bay near by for a little more pre-frontal fishing. This particular bay, I've never seen a musky before, but it was close and we could fish for something. We were fishing for about 15 minutes and I had a good hit. At first, I thought it was a nice pike, until I saw her turn sideways and I knew it was a big fish. Called back to Patsy to get the net. This one didn't fight quite as much, so we were able to net her pretty quickly. Same routine as before, Patsy lays out the release tools. Like Patsy's musky, mine also threw the hooks while still in the net ... GREAT !!! Pulled her out, couple quick pics and a measurement. Laid her in the water and she was off like a shot. And here she is, another 49" ... beating the one I caught in Lakair this past June by 1 1/2 inches.




So, in less than 2 hours Patsy and I were each able to land a 49" musky and set new PB's for both of us. This ended the day, as we just made it back to camp when the heaven's opened up.


Thursday, post frontal conditions, I figured we would be back to normal now and not catch much. Fished the entire day and nothing. We went out again in the evening, back to the same bay where Patsy had caught her 49". We we fishing around and I got another hit - another big fish. This one fought the hardest and took me around the boat for a tour. Eventually we got her tired out enough to land her. Once in the net and still down in the water, this one also threw the hooks. Three big fish and I didn't have to worry about the un-hooking on any of them. Sure does make the release time faster. We lifted her out and she was a very nice solid 45". Back in the water and off she goes. Sure looks like our fishing handling skills are getting better as none of the three required much revival - all were off as soon as they hit the water. Here she is ...




That was it for the week and we moved on to Rideau Ferry. The fishing was really touch over there. Worst year ever for us and catching bass. We only managed a few bass during the entire week. Not a whole lot to report from here, as the catching was way down. We spent the week with my Dad and Step-mom and did some running around sight-seeing as well. We had a great week there with Dad and the Maple Crest Motel and Cabins owners are fantastic folks and very good friends. So, this was more that just a fishing trip to us.


Couple of the nicer bass we caught.






[One of sight-seeing trips was to Lanark County to see a marble mine. We were able to pick up a few samples to bring back for our garden.




Now - Next year, we break the 50" mark at Lakair and we're already booked in cabin 9 for the annual OFC GTG.

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Now there is the report I was waiting for. I am so happy for you guys, and especially Patsy for landing her first monster :thumbsup_anim: I mean look at the smile on her face, it tells the story right there.


Congrats to you both for your new PB's, they are beauties!!!!!


Looks like a really nice vacation and your pics are great :clapping:


See you in June :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:


p.s. Should I bring up some more homemade Joey lures in June LOL!

Edited by Joey
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p.s. Should I bring up some more homemade Joey lures in June LOL!



She was using your bait religiously all week. I'm realy glad she caught one - finally. Now she's hooked as well. Patsy tried casting the DC-10's I was using, but just a bit much for her. I'll have to ask if she wants any more ... or if she'll stick to the purple one you made for her. :D

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Awesome !! :thumbsup_anim:


Took you awhile to get into big fish Rich but your making up for it now with 2 nice ones this year and it couldn't have happened to a nicer, more deserving guy. You've worked hard at it and now your getting your rewards.


And a BIG congrats to Patsy on that bruiser she landed too, that's a great way to start off. Some guys fish a lifetime and never see a fish like that.


Really happy for the pair of you !! :Gonefishing:

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Congrats to both of you on your 49's!! Loved the read while you captured the excitement during both instances. Those are really nice fish! Wow. I haven't been able to locate a musky in the French yet. My experience has been like your "first few days" you wrote about ... only pike so far. Awesome job

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