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Need your Opinions OFC

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My Grandmother passed a few days ago and a family member(married into the family) took a bumch of pictures of her in her last days when she was very sick and decided she would post them on facebook .Am I wrong that this is totally wrong and should not be put on display like this my poor little sister called me balling because she hadn't seen my grandma sick and wanted to remember her the way she saw her last.Anyways guys/gals what do you think I have no problem with her taking the pics but I am furious that she put them on FB ?

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I fully agree with you. Just lost my Grandpa at 97 years old and there had been NO pictures taken of him for the last 2 months. He was in pain and had faded away to nothing. Not the way a great man was to be remembered. I say call that family member and request that she remove the pictures. 1 request is all it should take.

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It would have been a nice gesture if she'd at least asked first considering the circumstances. But yeah, I think this was in poor taste if she didn't look as well as I think you're saying. Has anyone else asked her to take them down ? I wouldn't have had a problem if she had pictures taken of herself with your gramma just for memories. I'm sorry your sister had to see the photos which are now her last memories of her grandmother.

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My condolences first and foremost. I agree with you and the others. Let her know what happened with your sister, and that you would like it to come down. Let her know you are fine she took the pictures for her own personal reasons, but that they do make people feel uncomfortable. I have some pictures of my mom who passed away this past March, but took them for myself, not for everyone to see...as I knew it would be difficult for some family members.

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You can report it to FB. I believe there is a "report" section for each photo. Not sure how they handle it, but I would click the report on each one and see if FB contacts you and you can request they be taken down and why.

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My condolences Shawn.


I would rather remember a passed loved one during their better times.


My dad was in ICU for 13 days before he passed & my in-laws were in ICU for a week before they passed on the same weekend - I wouldn't want any of those images posted on FB. Those images are still quite vivid in my memory.



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My deepest sympathy Shawn.Grand parents are special people, and i was lucky to have know 4 grandparents a 2 great granparents.

If this person did it to be malicious, then do everything in your power to have them removed.If she did it with respect and love, then talk to her, and let her know how the pics make you and others feel. Maybe in her grief, she didnt realize what others may see in these photos.



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Thanks guys/gals she was asked politely by a couple cousins before I posted this with no responce she was then asked not so politely to take them down and she has removed some but not all of them I think she's looking for attention .I just hope this is the end of it because I don't think I can handle anymore of her Bull I just lost my grandma on my Dads side and now my Moms Mother is in the hospital with untreatable cancer and won't be coming out I really don't think I will be able to keep my cool if she keeps it up .I need to go fishing sunday can't come soon enough.

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Condolences on your loss Shawn. Unfortunately it sounds like this person doesn't "get it". Probably never will. Respect your grandmothers memory by thinking if she would want a family fight over it. I doubt it somehow from what I have seen of your character. As difficult as it may be, the best course of action maybe to ignore this. As a great man once said, All things must pass. And this will too. Make your memories of your grandmothers life, not some insensitive clod's internet foibles. Keep your head high.




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At least that's a start Shawn, however unsatisfactory. If the remaining photos are still making people uncomfortable, then perhaps Joey's advice might need to be taken and see where it goes from there. Hopefully she won't be taking any more hospital photos and that her husband has a good talk with her.


Like wildeye rainbow, my dad was in icu for a couple of weeks and it's probably the lowest point anyone can feel so I can get a sense of what this added stress is doing to the family.


I guess I'm saying try to ignore or put it in the back of your mind it as best you can although this is tough to do. She doesn't sound like she's very considerate nor compassionate and there may not be anything you can do to change this.


Be there for your family and take care of those you cherish.


and have a good time fishing, you deserve it.




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Thanks again you guys are great I forgot to mention I did report the pictures showing my grandma to FB with no responce (they prolly get millions a day so I kinda expected that) this is the 6th death in my family in the past 5 years and no one has ever taken pics of our ailing family members until now she has been at 5 of the funerals and never took any pics there is some bickering with my aunts and uncles and I think she's trying to fan the flames I am going to take your advice and take some deep breaths and not give her the satisfaction of a reaction I just found out my brother never seen my grandma in the hospital and is fuming about this to .Thanks for the kind words and being the voice of reason OFC this is why I LOVE this place :thumbsup_anim:

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First, may I offer my condolences. From the sound of it, Grandma is in a better place now.


As for the relation without a smidgen of sense. Depriving those dear and departed of their last vestiges of dignity in their final days. Well, that's just plain disgusting.

You've been civil about it. All you can do is take the higher road.


P.S. Don't be surprised iff the individual proves to be an estate vulture as well.

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P.S. Don't be surprised iff the individual proves to be an estate vulture as well.


Thankfully thats not a issue.She know nows how we all feel about what she did I hope that this will be the last of her nonsence I feel bad for my uncle who is caught in the crossfire he just lost his mother and has to deal with this crap.

Edited by SRT8
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My family offers our condolences, Glad to hear that this issue may be done you need to take the High road if possible But you still need to follow through if you & other Family members feel that strongly against it, best of luck, now go get some Fishies & show us your Porn

Tight Lines SBK:Gonefishing::Gonefishing:

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My condolences to you and your family. I haven't had many deaths in my family until the last couple years and I don't think one didn't involve people getting angry over things posted on facebook. I personally don't think there is any reason to be posting pictures of someone on there last legs and I sure know I wouldn't want my pictures being taken or displayed on the internet. Some of my family are still fighting over a situation very similar to yours and it's separating that part of the family..

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Bosh I am sorry to hear about your loss ,My condolences to you and your family.


SBK I had a good day on the water we boated 14.34lbs of smalljaws we were not even close to a win first place was 27+lbs and a bunch of 20+lb bags weighed in but we did a bunch of culling had a fly over from some US military jets and stayed dry this year (we got swamped last year by a pleasure boater)I never take pics at tourneys unless we have a huge bag of fish.Today was exactly what I needed thanks for all the kind words and advice guys/gals it is very much appreciated.

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My condolences to you and your family. Facebook isn't the problem, it's the people who are on it. I hope this sister in law gets the message and doesn't pull this sort of nonsense again, it is pretty callous of her and is telling of the kind of person she is. I see lots of cold shoulders in her future.

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