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I am trolling down the lake going west and I can see a bass boat coming from a mile away. I stay my course the whole time and this ass cuts right in front of me and puts his trolling motor down. He is about 30 yards ahead and right on my trolling line. I get up from the wheel and go to the back of the boat and i aint changing course. He puts his trolling motor on high and moves 30yards farther so i aint going to ram him. You didnt end up on the spot you stopped on anyway and you should have went behind me. We were the only two boats on the lake.

So stay the hell off my lake.


I am trolling down the lake going west and I can see a bass boat coming from a mile away. I stay my course the whole time and this ass cuts right in front of me and puts his trolling motor down. He is about 30 yards ahead and right on my trolling line. I get up from the wheel and go to the back of the boat and i aint changing course. He puts his trolling motor on high and moves 30yards farther so i aint going to ram him. You didnt end up on the spot you stopped on anyway and you should have went behind me. We were the only two boats on the lake.

So stay the hell off my lake.

Unfortuunately this seems to be the go to hot thing to do this year for some reason glen.Sure hope the fad dies quickly.



Boat rage is not a good thing. The tool probably isn't even conscious of what he's doing. Difficult I know, but the wisest thing to do is to back off and let lady karma work her magic. After all, you probably don't want someone posting to a board referring to you as the scum who did donuts around him and dropped a bait right next to his boat....


it's happening a lot, I just keep trolling so close to them I can touch their boat


if they say word one to me about being so close to them I drop the anchor


On the French Rivera few weeks ago, I was casting to a well known weed bed when a guided pontoon boat with bait fisherman pulled right up to the edge of the bed and slowly started in reverse across it. Less than a long cast away, and their reverse direction was going to take them right over the area I was casting to. Being of Irish descent, my first thought was to aim my next cast at his head. However, reason prevailed, and, instead, I just continued to cast to the same spot. When he finally was to the point that my casts were 10 feet off the rear of his pontoon, he left. What a jerk! When I mentioned this to the lodge owner where I was staying, he said this particular guide was known for this.












I am trolling down the lake going west and I can see a bass boat coming from a mile away. I stay my course the whole time and this ass cuts right in front of me and puts his trolling motor down. He is about 30 yards ahead and right on my trolling line. I get up from the wheel and go to the back of the boat and i aint changing course. He puts his trolling motor on high and moves 30yards farther so i aint going to ram him. You didnt end up on the spot you stopped on anyway and you should have went behind me. We were the only two boats on the lake.

So stay the hell off my lake.


Boat rage were no one wins.... Their are times were we all do something that seems stupid to everyone else except ourselves. If you find yourself confronted with a situation were someone does that,the best thing is to just let it go. Why ruin your pleasant trip with plotting how to piss him off too. Life is short and if you tangle with the wrong wacko it could get even shorter.





There just seems to be no etiquette these days...


It's a very very rare situation when I fish a run that somebody else is fishing... And if they were there first... I bend over backwards to stay out if their way...


Im lucky cause I'm third generation on my mom and dads side on the river... So I've had information passed down to me... And knowing how to treat boaters and fisherman is common sense... But I guess that's why I get so mad when people act stupid... I feel like if I don't let em know they are being a jackass... They might never figure it out


Boat rage is not a good thing. The tool probably isn't even conscious of what he's doing. Difficult I know, but the wisest thing to do is to back off and let lady karma work her magic. After all, you probably don't want someone posting to a board referring to you as the scum who did donuts around him and dropped a bait right next to his boat....



I was out fishing this weekend, and had just started working shoreline with my trolling motor when this guy motors in front of us with his tinny and anchors right in the line where we were trolling. So, we troll wide around him. As we were passing him, I hooked into a bass lol. Karma? maybe. Awesome? yes.


I was out a few weeks ago and this guy is trolling with downriggers.

I was anchored and jigging for whitefish. 80 fow


I'm watching this guy and he is pretty close to my boat....I says to my son...watch this idiot....he came so close he hooked my anchor rope with his downrigger ball. 3 guys in the boat...tangled lines...I almost cracked up laughing at them trying to get undone.


I don't know how you guys do it. If I see another boat within a mile of me, it's time to find another lake to fish.


I don't know how you guys do it. If I see another boat within a mile of me, it's time to find another lake to fish.


Well give way if an airplane blasts by your port side.... :w00t:


I once had a bassboat (with a certain apple farm ad wrapped all over it) cut right in front of my kids and I as we worked down a shoreline - just more than one full cast away and then he just worked his way along in front of us for 30 min, never looking back. I was really pissed. I was extra annoyed becasue I had seen this same boat, flipping / pitching for bass in early June. Real classy.






My story is a from a few years back on Balsam, near the shore across from the PP, with my little 14ft tinny 9.9hp, me and two of my small kids. A stupid waterski boat w/ skier in tow, basically used my boat as a pylon. He barreled by me on the inside and then circled around to the outside and headed back in the same direction from which he came. His wake FROM ALL THREE SIDES hit my boat at the same time. We were very close to capsizing. Don't we all slow down when approaching an anchored boat or a canoer for that matter and steer way clear of them? Man, was I upset, especially as I had the little ones with me. I know I had no chance chasing him down in my 9.9. Morons a plenty on our lakes.


This what went through all the trollers on saturdaymad.gif

He could of went around everyone of us out there.

This is a trueasshat.gif



I think it's Tattoo from Fantasy Island driving that boat!


Rob C

Posted (edited)

.....but they have a boaters card, so they must know what they're doing......right ??? :rolleyes:


I guess some people believe if they passed the boating test, anything stupid thing they do on the water is acceptable. Common sense just can't be bought.

Edited by Carp
Posted (edited)

Mine was yesterday Lake Scugog between Cessarea and Washbren. I wasn't driving fast or slow 50-60 mph and up pops a head. I react by adjusting my course no harm. I think the guy knows his boat is hard to spot.


Buddy's boat was white with windshield that blended into the white caps and light conditions.


Every close call has been with seadoo'rs.

Edited by Garnet

some time ago

My niece and nephew were fishing on the dock, when some guy and his friend trolled the end of the dock tell the kids to real up there lings so the did. He did this a few time's, when i went out to the dock he went by and made a stupid face at me, Then yells at me (not gonna repeat) so i took my fishing rod with spider wire on it and caste out behind him, I got 2 new fishing lures out of the deal and almost a new to me rod.


The next day he came back i do not believe this again with the kids and 6' from the dock i could jump in his boat.

down on the dock i send the kids off and wait with my cous beside me, well i guess he had bigger cahounas then brains smiling and beaking off at me 10' away thinking he was safe i tossed my grappling hook into his 14' tiny with a 20hp and my cous pulled him in to the dock there faces dropped motor revving and not going no were.WE had a few words and well stretcher.gif let the boat go and told them to have a good day fishing.


to this day i have wet to see him again





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