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Should there be a test requirement for acquiring a fishing license?


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There should be MANDATORY fishing test to acquire a license. Unless you are underage or over 65 as is the case now. However the exam/test should be a one time deal if 100 bucks. Or if 20 ish then every year as long as its not 20 + 40 for license (then that is stupid).


This will bring in more money for the M.N.R to get more done, via C.O's or stocking programs etc.

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Those of you who are for mandatory testing, please take a moment to post one or two of the questions you'd like to see on this test. Seriously, I need a smile this morning.

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Here's one...


In Ontario what species season opens the last Saturday in June...


1/ Zebra Mussel

2/ Blue Fin Tuna

3/ Bass Small and Largemouth

4/ Bush Chicken

5/ MisFish


Which zone?

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1) What's more important to have in your boat....Molson's or nightcrawlers.


2) If it's going to be a hot day 90+ degrees...(30 Celsius) how much beer and ice is required to keep 2 large fishermen happy throughout the morning hours.


3) If there is a sweet looking babe in a bikini sunbathing on a dock that is too shallow to hold fish, do you continue to cast to said dock or turn you back to her and cast on the inside weed line that just on the other side of your boat.


4) If you were suppose to be working instead of fishing what excuse should you use when you called off of work.


5) And finally, if you should happen to catch anything, how do you clean it before throwing it out.



(just a little fun Roy)...... :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

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I find it hard to believe that some folks are actually in agreement with having to write a test, and probably pay more $$$$, for the simple pleasure of going fishing.


Perhaps next we can force people to write an exam before we're allowed to walk down the sidewalk to prevent some poor soul from stepping out in front of a bus.


We write an exam to drive a car yet it doesn't stop carnage on our hiways, we write an exam to drive a boat yet people drown in foolish accidents every weekend. We write an exam to carry a gun yet every November some hunter is killed because a license holder thought he was a deer.


You could have people writing fishing exams till the cows come home but if somebody wants to fish a sanctuary, keep OOS bass or eat a 30" musky, all the testing in the world ain't gonna stop it.


We're already over licensed, over tested, over taxed and over yada yada yada in this province as it is and we sure as heck don't need any more of it.


Last fall I thought it would be a good idea to have a VHF in my boat so I could maybe call for assistance if I was in trouble or go the aid of another boater who needed help. That simple little safety feature in my boat cost me 85 hard earned $$$$ and a full Saturday.


Nope, we've already got too much government interference in our lives as it is and we sure as heck don't need anymore of it.

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2) If it's going to be a hot day 90+ degrees...(30 Celsius)


Sorry Bob, but you failed the test and are no longer allowed to fish in Canada cause 30C is actually only 86F.


See, you woulda known that had you studied harder for your Canadian fishing license :lol::canadian:

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While fishing the area of Bronte Creek between Hwy 2 and the QEW..Is it ethical to...


1/ Roast the Stay puffs you don't use for bait

2/ Use the local residence's fence for firewood

3/ Attempt to lob empty beer bottles at anglers on opposing shore

4/ Use "Lead free" sinkers with your treble hooks

5/ All of the Above

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I find it hard to believe that some folks are actually in agreement with having to write a test, and probably pay more $$, for the simple pleasure of going fishing.


Perhaps next we can force people to write an exam before we're allowed to walk down the sidewalk to prevent some poor soul from stepping out in front of a bus.


We write an exam to drive a car yet it doesn't stop carnage on our hiways, we write an exam to drive a boat yet people drown in foolish accidents every weekend. We write an exam to carry a gun yet every November some hunter is killed because a license holder thought he was a deer.


You could have people writing fishing exams till the cows come home but if somebody wants to fish a sanctuary, keep OOS bass or eat a 30" musky, all the testing in the world ain't gonna stop it.


We're already over licensed, over tested, over taxed and over yada yada yada in this province as it is and we sure as heck don't need any more of it.


Last fall I thought it would be a good idea to have a VHF in my boat so I could maybe call for assistance if I was in trouble or go the aid of another boater who needed help. That simple little safety feature in my boat cost me 85 hard earned $$ and a full Saturday.


Nope, we've already got too much government interference in our lives as it is and we sure as heck don't need anymore of it.




Well said Lew. There is WAY too much politics in our lives already. What a stupid idea it would be to introduce testing just so you could go and wet a line. Another bloody tax grab is all it would be.

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We write an exam to drive a car yet it doesn't stop carnage on our hiways, we write an exam to drive a boat yet people drown in foolish accidents every weekend. We write an exam to carry a gun yet every November some hunter is killed because a license holder thought he was a deer.



So if we were to get rid of the need for car exams, would the amount of accidents stay the same or be greater?

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I think people who think there should be a test for a fishing license have lost thier minds!!


Good lord, we've been fishing since the beginning of time to survive, now we need a license, and now you want to have a test to get that license?? Give your head a shake. We're on a short enough leash as it is! Whats next??




Using that logic, what's the point of having any rules and regulations at all?

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Mybe not for fishing licences, but i would love to see an IQ test be taken, to get a pleasure craft card.you should see the Yahoos i had to deal with last nite on the waterwallbash.gifmad.gif Power boats passing at full tilt less than 100ft of the boat beers in hands, stereos booming out hip hop!!!!!mad.gif


Sorry, back to the original topic.angel.png



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Mybe not for fishing licences, but i would love to see an IQ test be taken, to get a pleasure craft card.you should see the Yahoos i had to deal with last nite on the waterwallbash.gifmad.gif Power boats passing at full tilt less than 100ft of the boat beers in hands, stereos booming out hip hop!!!!!mad.gif


Sorry, back to the original topic.angel.png

Happens here all the time, despite the need to pass a boating exam. Again, just because you passed the test, does not mean you will act lawfully.

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Sorry Bob, but you failed the test and are no longer allowed to fish in Canada cause 30C is actually only 86F.


See, you woulda known that had you studied harder for your Canadian fishing license :lol::canadian:


Damn...I did my best to compute... :wallbash:


In my Redneck terms the heat would be judged by how many cold beers it take too cool off and it's so hot we had to switch to Labatt's Ice Beer to keep cool while down 2 dozen raw clams each....(Thursday plans... :P )

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Now if you really want to make sense people should have to pass a test and get a license before having children.... :whistling:


But that's another dicussion better served during winternet... :thumbsup_anim:


Today let's only solve the world's fishing problems before dinner... :rolleyes:


Now where did I leave that Canadian Reg book....wait they didn't send me one with my fishing license.... :whistling: ...I guess there are no fishing regs this year..... :devil: :devil: :devil:


Here walleye, muskie, bass, crappie etc.....get in the boat fishy, get in the boat.... :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

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Using that logic, what's the point of having any rules and regulations at all?


You can have as many rules and regulations as you want, but if there is nobody to enforce them, what is the point? You tell me??


How is a fishing test going to help any of this?? If someone is going to keep an oos fish, or under slot fish, do you really think they give a rats ass about having a license?? I bet if there was a test, there would be more people fishing with NO license, because they can't afford the test!!!


Enlighten me with your logic....



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You can have as many rules and regulations as you want, but if there is nobody to enforce them, what is the point? You tell me??


How is a fishing test going to help any of this?? If someone is going to keep an oos fish, or under slot fish, do you really think they give a rats ass about having a license?? I bet if there was a test, there would be more people fishing with NO license, because they can't afford the test!!!


Enlighten me with your logic....




Reread the OP, the test was about targeting those who really don't know much about the regulations. Obviously if someone has an intention to break the law, they're going to do it. With the current system, it's "pay for a license, and here are some rules but they're kinda over there and you should really have a look at them." I've read on this board of COs issuing warnings instead of fines. There would be no need for warnings if having a look through the book was mandatory, as you were consciously breaking the law.


I also don't see how someone could afford fishing equipment and tackle but couldn't afford a $XX test, but even then I made no mention of it costing anything (although a small price is not avoidable).

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Read the regs. Follow the regs. It is that simple. The only people who are ignorant is because they are willfully ignorant. You don't need a course with some person pointing at a frigging brown trout asking the group to raise their hand if they can identify the bloody thing.


Read the regs. Follow the regs. There is your course. I mean really.

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Guest gbfisher

The question took a lot of thought... :good::D


A test with many answers. At least everyone would pass or fail. Depends which ONMR checks the answers.

A B C D or all of the above....If indoubt, pick C :rofl2:


Yup....gotta fish more. :D

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