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Should there be a test requirement for acquiring a fishing license?


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Let's say before applying for your first time, you would need to take a test, and a passing grade would requiret at least 75%. The answers would all be found in the most recent version of the regs (however it is obviously not an open book test). The questions would not be region specific (such as what is the slot size for walleye on lake X) but rather questions every angler should know, such as the minimum distance fishing downstream of a dam. The reason for this test is that when it comes to certain fishermen not playing by the rules, the top excuse seems to be that they didn't know and that we need to spend more money on education. With a test, less money would go toward education and more toward enforcement. Even those new to the sport would perhaps learn something important. As I said, the test would only be a one time thing.

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In a word NO!!!


Just let the money that is generated by fishermen go to the Co`s for enforcement, I for one am sick and tired at watching what goes on "my" lake same guys day in and day out taking limits of fish.

The word possesion does not mean a thing to these :asshat:`s

The MNR can train and hire me at a salary of one dollar year, I would love to have a look into a few refrigerators in the park I am in!!!

If these :asshat: `s new someone could be watching they just might start behaving themselves!!!

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Actually :whistling: ... NO test for new anglers :thumbsup_anim: but...a test for people that get caught performing an infraction isnt a bad idea :clapping: ...$200.00 bucks for the test and a fine for the infraction (what ever it is ) :dunno: ...if they choose not to take the test no more fishing for them :w00t: ...if they get caught fishing without a licence after an infraction ....Dont drop the soap!!! :rofl2:

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I agree there should be a test. But i think it should be an open book test. If it's not open book you can only ask basic questions, and people would only need to review the first few pages. The point of the test would not be to fail people, but rather to make sure they're aware the regs exist in the first place and to understand what type of info they contain and how to look it up. That way you can ask specific questions as to the slot size for fish X in lake X. With an open copy of the regs anyone should be able to find this, and it would ensure new anglers would not only learn the basic regs but learn how to look up the more complex regs correctly. Plus with a test no one would have any excuse for not knowing the regs, so I would like to see increased fines for those caught breaking them.


With the push to create a better website and get people to purchase/renew online, they could easily insert a multiple choice test the first time you purchase a license. The fee would be very small and a one time thing.


However all this being said i'm not sure how many problems it would solve. The real problem is that similar presentations catch many different species, and in many cases you can't prove the angler was targeting the out of season fish and not the in season one. It all comes down to intent and that's impossible to prove sometimes.

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If you can't properly identify a fish, you shouldn't be fishing for anything.


Great idea.



I agree in principle...but I think sometimes we need to remember where we started or how we started. If you start imposing tests and add'l costs associated with it, fewer will take up this great pastime. I think most would agree that getting the youth of today involved is also important.


I'm a pretty staunch conservationist, but am getting tired of the "elitist" tone some of these posts are taking. I'm all for education and strongly believe that's the course we need to take..but add'l costs and time and so on isn't the way to grow our sport. I think someone before me hit the nail on the head asking....where is our outdoors card and license money going now? Great post though....I'm curious to see where this one goes. Cheers!

Edited by ctdd2006
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I see another billion dollar boondoggle in the making... imagine making learning material and tests in 60 different languages... cause if we didn't it would not be Canadian given our melting pot society..


Whatever happened to common sense coming from grandpa and your father in regards to fishing?


Perhaps a mentor program with registered volunteers might be a better a solution...perhaps registered workshops? for those anglers without a guiding hand... this would appear more cost effective.


do we really need to administer tests and charge outrages fees for everything?.. the government already has us by the balls... no need to make people bend over further to catch a fish or two.


my 0.0223 American



Edited by Gerritt
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I agree there should be a test. But i think it should be an open book test. If it's not open book you can only ask basic questions, and people would only need to review the first few pages. The point of the test would not be to fail people, but rather to make sure they're aware the regs exist in the first place and to understand what type of info they contain and how to look it up. That way you can ask specific questions as to the slot size for fish X in lake X. With an open copy of the regs anyone should be able to find this, and it would ensure new anglers would not only learn the basic regs but learn how to look up the more complex regs correctly. Plus with a test no one would have any excuse for not knowing the regs, so I would like to see increased fines for those caught breaking them.


With the push to create a better website and get people to purchase/renew online, they could easily insert a multiple choice test the first time you purchase a license. The fee would be very small and a one time thing.


However all this being said i'm not sure how many problems it would solve. The real problem is that similar presentations catch many different species, and in many cases you can't prove the angler was targeting the out of season fish and not the in season one. It all comes down to intent and that's impossible to prove sometimes.


Good point, an open book test would at least expose people to the rules, and would attempt to educate them on exceptions, limits, and slot sizes.

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I agree in principle...but I think sometimes we need to remember where we started or how we started. If you start imposing tests and add'l costs associated with it, fewer will take up this great pastime. I think most would agree that getting the youth of today involved is also important.


I'm a pretty staunch conservationist, but am getting tired of the "elitist" tone some of these posts are taking. I'm all for education and strongly believe that's the course we need to take..but add'l costs and time and so on isn't the way to grow our sport. I think someone before me hit the nail on the head asking....where is our outdoors card and license money going now? Great post though....I'm curious to see where this one goes. Cheers!


If this discourages the white bucket brigade, I am all for it.

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I have often said there should be SOME form of testing required in order to obtain a fishing license but that it should also be simplified and not go the way the PWC card did.

I like the ideas of open book and only for the initial license application, after all you don't have to re-test for a drivers license, right? (until you're about a million years old anyhow!)

Pointing out the language issue was done-good call but don't we only have 2 official languages in Canada that would have to be addressed? (not being a smartass, just observing). Onus is on the applicant to know the language and the law which is what this is all about to begin with!

Costs should be low as well like with the PWC test, 40.00 seems to work for that, sometimes you can get a discount as well (unless that changed too!). I'm sure any of us could come up with 36 basic fishing questions covered by the free copy of the regs, may it's time the government listened as well. 20.00 should be ample for this considering that, unlike the PWC, fishing is an annual fee not a lifetime.

One last point I noticed mentioned in general - it should be MANDATORY for any offeneder to do an IN DEPTH testing before having a license restored, and only ONE chance given. Re-offend and yer off the water for LIFE!



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I don't think that they need to do a test for the fishing license but I think that there should be more of a test for your boat license. I seen some guys out at lake erie last night that didn't have a clue what he was doing plus my buddy is the same lol but he's learning. I also think that a lot of it is ignorance and people just don't care or think anything will happen to them a few weeks back some moron was going full throttle and didn't know the water we are in a bay where either side of the bay is a rock point that goes out alot farther then the eye and waters really high and he went flying full out and smashed the motor off the point thank god they were all ok but as for the boat it was a write off. The Government won't change the fishing license as it gives them lots of money but The boat exams a different story.

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how about a madatory course to take before getting a fishing ticket and the course could be put on by a local club or org that really cares about the fish. then after the course you recieve a paper to submit for you card or something


kinda like the turkey thing (Idon't know much about this I don't hunt just know there is a course to take)

Edited by skinny
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How about we approach a company like Plano or Woodstream


Get them to make a tackle box that when your dun fishin you scan your stringer/livewell or bucket and if you've broke the rules.....


A wooden mallett comes outta the tacklebox and gives ya one upside the noodle


Ala Acme tools and the coyote.. :lol:

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You guys are all nuts if you think a test is required to go fishing!!!!!


What about first timers, and kids, or joe blow who wants to cast off the dock once in a while. Good lord, your going to make it impossible to cast a line!!


The problem in ENFORCEMENT!! There is almost NONE!! I haven't been checked by a CO for years, and I spend a lot of time on the water!!!



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I do not think the problem is ignorance or lack of awareness. The problem is people are knowingly breaking the law. Let's bust their arses.




Couldn't have said it better myself.

A course does little to disuade people from breaking the rules, enforcement is where we'll make a difference.

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They hand out fishing regulations or have then for free for those that need them on the counter of most places I have bought a license some people never take one or open it up.


Fishing at an area pond I had a dude walk up to me and show me the Rainbow trout he had caught, they were sunfish.


On vacation at the Georgian Bay one time and a couple guys show me and my buddy the huge Largemouth bass they had caught and asked if it was good to eat, Ya go for it! It was a bowfin.


At local lakes here I have seen people fishing from shore put what ever they catch in their bucket, " if it`s big enough to bite? it`s big enough to eat? " and species was no concern to them.


A former friend of my dad`s tried to come back here one time with 27 northern pike between him and his friend, he got busted and whined about it, we laughed at him.


With the increase in population in a lot of areas the fishery becomes more fragile, some one needs to do something to protect it?


Perhaps warning signs? " a fishing rod is not a license to be stupid ".

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