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Took my dad fishing the other day and his first gar ever came in just one measly ounce shy of my own personal best. Whew!!! But we had a good laugh about it and he did take top honors for length at 52-inches. FOR NOW BUDDY!!!




It was an awesome weather day on the water catching a good number of fish and the company was perfect.



I don't go on about dad in the fishing reports, never have anyways, but this report I want too. He's the man I'll tell ya, a pretty cool dad to look up to. Some things that he's done while growing up from a wee lad are....


He immigrated from London England at 8 years old. His family landed and they instantly became Canadians. Not something-hyphen-Canadians, but just Canadians.


He learned to speed read before leaving England. It's annoying that books which take him 2-3 hours to read, take me about 8-12 or more.


Dad delivered milk in Montreal as a boy. Delivered... milk... in bottles.


He cooked the family dinners by age 9 while his parents worked.


Dad bought and paid for his own first car at 16.


Dad would often row to and from Carleton Place to Pickerel Point on the Mississippi to fish when he was young.


Dad played bass in a folk band called White Dove that made a record.


Dad tried peyote once and disassembled every nut and bolt from his car, then normal, put it all back together again.


Pops attempted Woodstock, but broke down in Smiths Falls I think it was.


At 18, dad hitch-hiked to BC where he worked 3 months in the bush, then bought a motorbike and drove to California to stay in an airport hangar for 3 more months there cleaning airplanes for free room and board plus free skydiving. He left that to travel through the Southern and Eastern States, to Eastern Canada then finally home.


Dad's been struck by lightening.


He survived his parachute not fully opening.


Dad actually spends an hour or so every morning and "reads" the entire paper with his jug of coffee.


He worked as a DJ on weekends and ordering clerk through the week. Later as an orderly with the Rideau Regional. One of his claims to fame was spending time during every shift for 8 months teaching a handicapped person to tie his shoes.


Dad ran the time-clock for the Perth Blue Wings Hockey team for 25 years. For free.


My pops learned to play golf well, windsurf, pistol shoot, build and fly all sorts of model airplanes and boats, study psychology at Carleton, raise two boys, operate HAM radio, learn Morris Code and to speak German (spy) and travel to many places in the world.


Dad got his pilots license and bought a 4-seater Cherokee. He would take me up flying when I was a boy. He'd sometimes travel in the plane too, like to Lake Placid to go skiing (a hobby he loved the most) or he'd fly to the Florida keys to scuba dive. (another hobby he enjoyed)


For 25 years dad ran his own successful business as a professional photographer. We had a darkroom in the basement of our house awhile, and dad would photograph pretty much anything and everything for anyone. Landscapes, sports teams, weddings, models, passports, events, etc. From his shop in Perth he'd sell cameras and do photofinishing, then later assemble computers and sell those too.


Every year in the 80's, my pops would travel to Europe for 2-3 weeks to ski all over in the Alps.


Dad managed to quit a life of smoking a few years back.


Dad for a time, was a dispatcher for the local police before retiring. Now his part-time jobs are grandparenting, snowbirding, gaming and biking.


My pops on his bike and now triked-out Goldwing has driven The Tail of the Dragon at Deal's Gap. He has more than one tattoo, has broken more than one nose in his life, and drinks real whiskey when he drinks whiskey... Scotch Whiskey.



Like I said at the top, "some things"... and there surely is alot more to my dad than just this, but if you think it's all cool then I should tell ya about my mom too. (but, maybe another time)



There's little my dad can't do if he sets his mind to it. It's in big part by his examples and guidance that I love the man so much, and in small part I suppose simply because of biology.



I know it's early, but you, mom and the Goldwing, will be out on another road trip during Father's Day... so have a happy one then dad. Thanks for the other day on the water too.




I feel warm all over. Thanks Moosebunk.my Dad was my Mentor also.He was rock solid and dedicated to his familly.He loved fishing too, and taught us kids the ropes.

I miss him every day.

Posted (edited)

Great stuff Drew ! I've heard some of this before over a beer or a Laker... the rest completes the tale! Thanks for that!


OH.. and the fish !! :good: I really do need to come "home"!

Edited by irishfield

Nice biography (and fish!). Makes me think I better get movin on some life accomplishments...sheesh!


I bet he drinks Dos Equis too, right? lol.


Thanks MB, reading stuff like that is a great way to start a day. :)


Oh ya, nice fish too !!


A wonderful tribute and further evidence that the apple never falls far from the tree. Certainly a positive morning read. Thank you.


Thanks Drew, I'd give anything to turn the clock back and have a day like that with my Dad!

I've no doubt you make him proud every day!

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