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I fought the Law and ...


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My 2 cents FWIW, it appears there is not a problem with being able to fish the actual water as you were not charged while in a boat. This along with the wording of the posted text seems to indicate that they are prohibiting an activity while on these piers, docks and other structures, which they are probably within their right to do so. I really don't see it as any different than they say prohibiting skateboarding and rollerblading on the pier or swimming and diving off the pier. It has nothing really to do with the water but your physical location while fishing. sorry :dunno:

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Penetang's town pier has always been posted No Fishing from pier... and council has to amend the bylaw for the day of the kids fishing derby and bag the signs.



Wayne,any time I have been there,which has been a few times,theres always been kids fishing there. The by-law is a joke.You of all, should know this.


I went through the same as Ron here in the Barrie marina years ago. You cant fish here . I was in a canoe. I said call a cop,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Oh they did and he showed up. Asked to see my fishing lic.Showed it to him, he said ,have a nice day. This whole thing about owning water on a main body of water is a joke. Oh did I say that again? sarcasm.gif


If your causing damage to the docks or the boats that are moared,I can see it,but if yer not,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TAKE OFF.




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Is'nt Cobourg the place about a year ago they ticketed somebody for trying to take a cab home after leaving the bar??? So they did'nt drink and drive.


Is there something in that city hall's drinking water?


Would'nt Rick Mercer have a beaut rant on this craziness

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Reading the posting it is the "As deemed advisable" section that annoys me.




I will state this again they are not banning any other user group from accessing this area. By ONLY banning fishing they are selectively discriminating against anglers and yes I am offended.


The town allows and has allowed large groups of anglers to fish daily, the rivers and shorelines in Cobourg. They enjoy the monetary benefits of the tourism this angling activity brings to the community. They are selectively choosing to implement a by-law when they desire, which also shows discrimination against a person. (Ron)

I will personally attest to having fished Factory creek and the park areas numerous times in full view of all enforcement agencies and have never been questioned or had this by-law mentioned. Anyone else?




Someone please start a e-petition that we can sign to show support of this issue. It will go a long way to support a claim of group discrimination.


This is wrong and needs corrected. Ron will need more that a few emails, so lets all help out with our support.


Besides, I have fished with Ron and he wasn't harming any fish.(possibly worms :dunno:)

Edited by Michael Brown
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Hey Ron, I know this might seem absurd, but you need to contact your local municipal representative about this. See where they stand; your argument seems logical and right, but lots of people wear blinders when it comes to small issues like this...


And also remember (from my limited knowledge of the Ontario court system) that even if you are found guilty in your local court, you can always try to appeal. Use legal-aid if needed.

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funny I say close all the rivers to fishing I know property owners who find hooks everywhere but keep the marinas open to fishing


100% self serving

as was your statement

don't take away my fishing but screw you and your fishing


I've walked rivers numerous occasions and yes find the occasional jig...but no where near as common or dangerous as large crank baits etc in the boats.


So in that light...I don't believe you.

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My young family and I love hitting the beach in Cobourg during the summer. I was hoping to bring a rod with me this year and see if my 5 and 3 yr old could hook into some perch in the harbour.


In light of this news Ron, we will be considering another locale for our weekly treks. Thanks for the heads up.

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I would suggest getting your Native Canadians involved....are they too restricted to NO FISHING in this area....if not then maybe they can help break this redickulaus "BY-LAW" apart for the sake of kids wanting to fish this area.

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Not very smart at all Ron, I would of at least sold the advertising space to shimano. ;)


Kudos to you my friend.


Bad Ron, Bad Ron,

Whatya gonna do,

Whatya gonna do when the whole force come for you.

Edited by Harrison
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A by-law charge may have stuck depending on the wording of the by-law (in this case iffy at best).

The charge laid has no chance. The president set by a conviction would have very far reaching implementations.

Edited by Woodsman
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