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Can't believe what I just saw.


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Was just just looking out the window and a van was parked facing the wrong way. A mother and daughter, I'm assuming, were in the van when the mother got out and grabbed my neighbours cat. She threw it in the van and was about to drive off. I ran to my front door and started yelling at them as they drove away. The passenger window was down and the cat jumped out and ran up onto my lawn as they drove away.


The cat sat there and looked at me as to say thanks for a couple of minutes and then ran back home. Unfortunately I didn't get a license plate number. Unbelievable what some people will do. :angry:

Edited by fishnsled
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Makes you wonder eh Will !!


When our Lab was 13, and had alzheimers, we had him at the lake and he would take off on us and forget which way was home. I had a luggage tag on him that said "my name is Rikki, I'm 13 years old and sometimes forget where I am, please deliver me to Island 30-4 or call.." When he'd disappear Leah would go East.. I'd go West.. in seperate boats looking for him. He was missing for over a day one time and we thought he'd drowned. On the third time by an island Leah saw a man holding Rikki back beside a cottage. She asked him WTH and he told her they'd let him sleep at the foot of their son's bed that night because the kid really liked the dog (renters in Doug's cottage). Phone works just fine over there...


After retrieving our dog.... 2 days later we caught them 5 feet from our shore trying to coax Rikki into their boat with hot dogs. It was their check out day in about 1/2 an hour and they were trying to steal our dog. He was also on thyroid pills on a daily basis... what are people thinking. Go to the pound or store/breeder and buy your own damn dog.

Edited by irishfield
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Stolen for parts? Food? Fly tying material?


Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, hide yo cats, dey out der rapin' errbody!


Forgot to add, we had our dog stolen from us about 15 years ago.

Edited by Dozer
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That is just sick and I ask my self each day am I just messed in the head when I worry about the kids playing in the driveway? I guess post like this make me feel a little better that I am not totally messed in the head.


I hope that people like that get what is coming for them. I can understand when kids do this kind of stuff but adults that is not right at all.

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Can't imagine who would do something like that.

Couldn't they take into consideration how it would impact the family?

Maybe they're unable to think of anyone but themselves.

Then again, I'm sure we all know someone willing to ditch thier morals over a strangers cat.

Edited by SlowPoke
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Wayne - that's some crazy stuff. The nerve of those people! mad.gifmad.gif And with the dog being on meds who knows what would have happened in a few days.


Mike P. - You're not messed in the head. The thought did cross my mind about the kids in the area being grabbed and I'm not even a parent. I think I'll make a call to the police and let them know. Don't expect much but maybe there will be a couple more cars showing some presence.



Stealing a loved pet is almost as bad as abducting a family member.

It takes a real lowlife, scum of the earth, type person to do such a thing.


Bigugli - Well said.

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I had a 9 yr old try to steal my now 14 yr old Chihuahua,Tiny, from my yard....I tore the hood clean off her jacket while slamming her to the ground..It might sound cruel today but it wasn't when it happened.. glad I got my little dog back...


Tiny was 11 yrs old at the time...about 7:30 AM one spring morning a little girl walked into my backyard ..untied and picked up my Tiny after I'd let her out for a pee.. decided to walk home with her in arms... I happened to look out my front window and seen her (Tiny) looking over the girl's shoulder back at me... I was in my boxers and slippers..(insert ADRENALIN SPIKE :angry: ).I ran out onto the street and grabbed kiddo's hoodie and pulled her to the ground...With purple hood in hand grabbed Tiny and walked back home.......(BOOOO TO ME I know I overreacted) I know it sounds cruel.. but I felt so robbed of a family member and ,who would have the nerve?


Her Dad payed me a visit along with the Police... but when the whole story came out .. the little :devil: was at fault and got a rather lengthy speech from the officer..

and so did I. :blush:





Edited by Randy from Sturgeon
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Really glad you were on the ball Will. I'd be devastated if my cat disappeared. I'd look for a long time for him, wondering what had happened. You saved the cat's family a whole lot of sadness and worry and wonder :thumbsup_anim:

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My Mom has indoor cats, but one in particular makes an escape every now and then....she waits by the door and bolts as you come in.

There is little you can do to stop her LOL...

But she's usually back in about an hour or two so its not a huge deal, but to be safe Mom got her an ID Tag with our phone number etc.


One day the cat got out, and didn't come back for a week....

When she came back she was missing her ID Tag from the collar So Mom bought her another.

Then it happened again a few times where the cat would simply disappear for a week or two, and each time came home WITHOUT the ID Tag.

Mom was getting plenty sick of buying I'd Tags but she kept buying new ones, and each time she made sure there was no way the Tag could be falling off.

She was Convinced someone was taking her in and removing the ID Tags but the Little bugger would eventually escape and come home.

One day....the cat vanshied for about a week.

My Mom was more convinced then ever that someone was trying to keep the cat so she just sat waiting and hopping the cat would make a jail break and come home in time.

Around that same time My Mom And Dad took up walking for health reasons....unrelated to Cat Naping but it turned out to be a link.

Wouldn't you know it but on their FIRST walk they happed to come across a sight.

On the other side of the street sitting perched indoors on the bay window of a neighbors house sat my moms cat.

They went up the door, with a picture of their missing cat, to ask if they had "found and taken in" my parents cat.

The funny is as my Parents approached the house, they noticed the cat nappers actually had learned the cats appetite for jail breaks.

My parents witnessed the cat nappers as they grabbed the cat and locked her up BEFORE opening the door to talk to my Parents LOL.

Of course they barely spoke english, but they were able to get out "No sorry, We Bought the cat..."

Mom was livid, but she couldn't prove it so she had no choice but to wait and hope her cat would come home.

I swear to God 8 MONTHS later the Cat came home scratching on the sliding door to be let in like she always did.

My Mom promptly had the cat re-collared with a new BRIGHT orange collar, ID Tag and.....had her Micro-chipped that week.

Guess what happened next....

Yup the Cat took off and didn't come home...after the first day My parents went Strait to the Cat Nappers house and confronted them.

The cat of course had the new collar on, but they had removed the Tags again...

This time My Dad more or less gave them the ultimatum.

He told them about the Microchip, and politley told them that if the police needed to be called to sort this out

He would gladly make the call himself and pulled his cell phone out.


They appolgised and gave the cat back.

That same kitty still to this day makes Jail breaks weekly, but has never been out longer then 3 hours.


Crazy story but true.

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you can send them by my house - got a couple feral ones live in the ravine out back. The regularly come stalking the birds at the feeders and to do the dirty at night. They are welcome to snatch these, although judging by the look of these critters they might find a thing or two about cat scratch fever if they do.


Can't imagine stealing someone's pet? These stories just make me shake my head.

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This sort of thing happens all the time with hunting/field trail dogs as they are often kenneled outdoors. Best advice I got was to never put the dogs call name on the collar, but instead your full name and phone##. I know a few guys that have had high end pups ripped off from the kennel and it just makes me sick :wallbash: especially with all the work that goes into them. A good finished(fully trained gun dog) can sell for over 4000.00 Bucks.

Some people :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

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Mine too.



A little off topic but I wish my neighbours on either side of me would keep their cats in the house when these annoying things aren`t fighting they make themselves comfortable on my patio furniture! :angry:


I don`t wish these animals any ill will but what is it with cat owners that they just let them run wild being a general PIA, certainly dog owners are required to have their pets licensed and under control.

The town of Orangeville is considering a by-law to make cat owners responsible for their pets including keeping them on a leash, whats good for a dog owner should be good for a cat owner as well!

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