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Police question?


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I'm sorry but it really bothers me when guys call cops morons and the like. Perhaps I'm just lucky but I have never in my 65 years had a bad incident with a police officer, in fact just the opposite! I have always been treated fairly and in fact many many times I have had them go out of their way to help me. Sure I have had a few tickets over the years but never any that I didn't deserve and even then they were often reduced. Officer Cliff Tate here in Lindsay deserves a commendation for the way he helped me when I found my brother-in-law had passed away. I'll never forget him for what he did for me.


Sure there are some bad apples just like there are some bad fisher (persons) but don't tar them all with the same brush. The reason I never tried to become a police officer is because I'd have probably made Dirty Harry look like a little girl by comparison.


You guys can think what you want but I have nothing but respect for them! If you can't stand behind them; try standing in front of them!


AMEN BROTHER.clapping.gif


Don;t be too hard on em. They"ll be damn glad to have a cop on thier side someday when they are in a situation where they really need one. I for one, always give the local cops a discount in my store, even though they have never asked for one.They desreve it in my opinon.

Edited by mercman
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I'm sorry but it really bothers me when guys call cops morons and the like. Perhaps I'm just lucky but I have never in my 65 years had a bad incident with a police officer, in fact just the opposite! I have always been treated fairly and in fact many many times I have had them go out of their way to help me. Sure I have had a few tickets over the years but never any that I didn't deserve and even then they were often reduced. Officer Cliff Tate here in Lindsay deserves a commendation for the way he helped me when I found my brother-in-law had passed away. I'll never forget him for what he did for me.


Sure there are some bad apples just like there are some bad fisher (persons) but don't tar them all with the same brush. The reason I never tried to become a police officer is because I'd have probably made Dirty Harry look like a little girl by comparison.


You guys can think what you want but I have nothing but respect for them! If you can't stand behind them; try standing in front of them!


give me a gun and the same rights as they have and I think you would find many people would gladly stand in front of them and do without them


my right to bare arms to defend me and my property has be pretty well taken away...putting a dependence on using the cops for everything .........


oh and I server time in the armed forces so one could say I did stand in front of them,or with them as the bumper sticker says

Edited by Terry
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give me a gun and the same rights as they have and I think you would find many people would gladly stand in front of them and do without them


my right to bare arms to defend me and my property has be pretty well taken away...putting a dependence on using the cops for everything .........


oh and I server time in the armed forces so one could say I did stand in front of them,or with them as the bumper sticker says


We've obviously had some very different experiences Terry. I too served time in the armed forces, 1RCR Delta Company Airborne.


I carried a gun, was trained on rocket launchers, SMGs and several other things, I also had rights that perhaps the average person didn't have. Does that mean I am a bad person? Does that mean that all soldiers are bad people? Well, maybe in the eyes of some.

Edited by Big Cliff
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We've obviously had some very different experiences Terry. I too served time in the armed forces, 1RCR Delta Company Airborne.


I carried a gun, was trained on rocket launchers, SMGs and several other things, I also had rights that perhaps the average person didn't have. Does that mean I am a bad person? Does that mean that all soldiers are bad people? Well, maby in the eyes of some.


of course not and 99% of cops are not bad


but that 1 % sure screws things up


and I have had 2 bad experiences with cops and 100% it has tainted my view of them and has made me fear for my life when approached by cops


life experiences is how people/children learn . you touch something hot and you soon learn to not touch hot things

you get beat up in a dark alley you learn to fear dark alleys

well same with cops I have learnt not to trust them

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The kid is asking a question. He does not seem to have any vitriol for the cop. He is just uncomfortable with what happened like anyone would be. What happened was no where near what police protocol would be in that situation. Maybe the guy was not a cop. Maybe he was. Go to the police station and find out. Just because some of you have never had a bad experience with a cop does not mean that it has not happened. I think I smelled an implication that maybe this young guy was asking for it as well. If I were him I would resent that a little. If he was all punk like I am sure it would have come across in his explanation. He would not have received an apology either.


I agree with the statement that said we should not brand all cops with the same brush. I would like to add that the citizenry should be shown the same respect.

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I agree with TB4me - was this guy really what he represented himself to be?

It is clear that this situation was handled less well than it could have been, IF it was indeed an officer of the law,

But just for the purposes of discussion....


In every vocation there are those who represent the positon they do with the utmost integrity, those who represent it well, those who could represent it better, and those who frankly shouldn't be there at all. Power and authority tend to exaggerate the failings and ignore the successes of those it touches.


There are always 3 sides to every story


it is difficult to judge the actions of others if you have not walked in their shoes or faced their demands


HOWEVER, if he happened to be acting on a tip that armed drug dealers would be in the area making a transaction that day... and if it was you assigned to do the stake out...... and you wanted to make sure you got home to your wife and kids tonight....




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Guest gbfisher

For the record I really think this was not a cop. Sounds like someone trying to score some dope on the fly. The police would probably be interested to hear it so they can sort it out.



Not a cop?..... :rolleyes: That's why the bad guy looking for drugs apologized... :clapping::D

If some half cocked rookie cop stuck a loaded weapon in my 17 year olds face there'd be hell to pay. I'd love to see the cops face if it was done to him in return. :)

The coward would probably start crying. :D

Sorry if I seem a tad off. It's been done to me on more than one occasion and there is nothing that can be done about it. Just gotta suck it up and move on and hopefully it never happens again.

No I don't hate all cops. :D ...just the really bad ones....lol and there's enough of them around so it would seem.

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I see this as a friendly discussion ..nothing more


As do I and I respect Terry and his right to his opinion as I am sure he does mine! The beauty of friendship is that you can discuss and sometimes agree to disagree on something but still enjoy each others company at the end of the day.

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I'm not going to get too far into the debate of good cops versus bad cops. But I will say this - the "cop's" tactics don't seem to fit the standard at all, and I tend to side with the OFC'rs who have replied thinking that this may not even have been a law enforcement officer. My advice to the chap who started this thread is to report it to the police and make sure that they know you're expecting some follow up. If it was part of a legitimate operation, they should be able to tell you that much. If it was not part of a legitimate operation, they should also be able to tell you that (and would probably be very appreciative of any information you can give them).

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As do I and I respect Terry and his right to his opinion as I am sure he does mine! The beauty of friendship is that you can discuss and sometimes agree to disagree on something but still enjoy each others company at the end of the day.



Glad to hear that, cause i really enjoy reading your posts, guys.thumbsup_anim.gif I was afraid someone else would express his opinion a little too recklessly and like other interesting threads, get it wacked.whistling.gif

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