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Anyone else find cats super annoying?

Rod Caster

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So my GF has a cat that is clinically bi-polar (my assessment). Last month it would try to scratch my eye balls out at every opportunity and now all it does is whine and cry and is a giant..well..pussy cat. Wake up in the morning..meow! Jump in shower...meow! eat b-fast...meow! so on and so on. Drives me MAD! Of course she defends it and treats it like a wittle baybee...and I'm the insensitive clod who wants to put a rag of ether on its cute little face.

I know you can declaw cats..but can you de-vocalize them as well? Go ahead and laugh, I know it's funny...but some of you must feel for me.blahblah1.gifblahblah1.gifblahblah1.gif

Edited by Rod Caster
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I had a similar problem with my girlfriends cat. It would be purring one second and then try to scratch my eyes out the next. I think it might have had to do with it wanting to be an "outdoor" cat, but we kept it inside since we lived in an apartment. Anyway, we got married and she got pregnant and the cat had to go due to potential issues with the baby. So, you could always get your girlfriend pregnant,lol!! Of course, it could make things worse since pregnant women aren't supposed to change kitty litter...I had to do that for 9 months as a result.


Anyway, IMO, cats all have different personalities. Not all are so annoying. I still don't want another one.

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I like cats - we have 3 and they're great companions and by having more than one they entertain each other. Roy makes a good point about kids (we don't have any), if you can't hack a friendly meowing cat, good luck if you ever have a screaming baby :D


Oh, and de-clawing cats is brutal IMO

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I love cats myself. I have always had one. I know they say keep them indoors but I found them to be happier when outside. Of course it helps if you live on a very quiet side street.


Cats need stimulation just like dogs or children. Get the cat some toys that she likes and a laser pointer and I bet you will find it is less annoying.


As for cats and babies, we have 8 month old and the cat has not been an issue at all. We were worried at first because people say they try and get into the crib but our cat mostly avoids the baby and never tries to get in the crib. Only time I have found her in the crib is when our dog chases her and she hops in.


We also have a 2 year old german shepherd. We worked our way up to children, cat year 1, dog year 2, baby year 3 and my wife is already talking about having another. No one wonder I have less and less time to fish.

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I'm a dog person myself. I've had cats, several cats, growing up. I simply just don't like them.


Thankfully my wife is very allergic to cats, and shares my dislike.


We have a hipoallergenic, non sheding dog. That doesn't bark, and always follows our commands. Couldn't be happier.


As for your problems with the thing not shutting up.. I'm not sure how to solve that one man? I trained my dog to be a quiet animal, she only barks when she feels danger. I don't know if you can train a cat to stop making useless noise??

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Grab your ice fishing rod, tie on a pouch with catnip and start flippin for the cat! Seriously, I had a cat that would cry for the fishing rod... I had to hide it in the closet or the cat would simply go nuts!

Many an hour spent together, with me laughing my :asshat: off at that cat jumpin all over trying to get that pouch. Burning it across the floor... LMAO!

Like so many things in life, you can fight them or you can take advantage of their attributes and use them to your advantage.


Edited by Headhunter
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I'm a dog person myself. I've had cats, several cats, growing up. I simply just don't like them.


Thankfully my wife is very allergic to cats, and shares my dislike.


We have a hipoallergenic, non sheding dog. That doesn't bark, and always follows our commands. Couldn't be happier.


As for your problems with the thing not shutting up.. I'm not sure how to solve that one man? I trained my dog to be a quiet animal, she only barks when she feels danger. I don't know if you can train a cat to stop making useless noise??



Is it some kind of large poodle mix? My GF's mother has a golden retreiver/large poodle mix and what a wonderful dog! Smart, quiet, obedient, hypoallergenic and soft as anything... perfect pet imo.


I agree with all that said that cats like the outdoors...we let this cat out as much as possible, but now that's it's below 0, even though it's layered in fat and fur, it comes right back to the door and MEOW!!! If it killed the squirels and mice I'd admire it a bit but man, what a useless waste of money for on demand affection (if it's in the mood). Does the cat count as a non-perishable food item for the food drive?? sarcasm.gif

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Grab your ice fishing rod, tie on a pouch with catnip and start flippin for the cat! Seriously, I had a cat that would cry for the fishing rod... I had to hide it in the closet or the cat would simply go nuts!

Many an hour spent together, with me laughing my asshat.gif off at that cat jumpin all over trying to get that pouch. Burning it across the floor... LMAO!

Like so many things in life, you can fight them or you can take advantage of their attributes and use them to your advantage.




HH your right, I tried that for a bit. I found a 12lbs flurocarbon leader for stealthiness and lime green imitation mouse tied by the tail with a uni-uni knot (no hooks, I promise) really got it going. It was fun watching it do flips in air and running full tilt...but as soon that's over and I get bored of looking like a tool...MEOW!

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I hate cats for the sole reason that I am allergic to them. Water eyes, wheezing, and runny nose - no thank you, get them the hell away from me.


My biggest peeve with cats, are also the owners who don't clean up after them - ie. vacuuming their hair on the furniture/rugs so that it ends up on my clothes when I'm over...


Also the fact that they are completely useless domestic animals fuels my hatred.

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hate cats.. thats why i got myself a rabbit smile.gif no meowing no barking..



Rabbits were the only pet we had as kids. I loved them! Most people don't know it, but they are very trainable too... Ours were outdoor rabbits and we'd let them run out of cage during the day and all we had to do was clap and they'd run back in the cage like well trained soldiers. It was great! I had an indoor one once, but that wasn't quite as smoothe.

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LOL....i'm a big animal person, cats, dogs, snakes, turtles, horses...cats are highly selective of their "masters"...a dog will love anybody that looks at it usually, but a cat's affection is earned...ha


I"m personally against declawing a cat and if you've adopted it then pretty sure there's a clause in the adoption agreement that you agree not to declaw it, slowly being considered cruel and unethical these days


for claws, google a product called soft claws...the first application will be the toughest and then they get used to having their claws messed around with...effective product that last a few months


if it's meowing excessively i'd say it's either bored or in heat(esp a female cat - a male cat would be pissin everywhere)

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I pretty much only read your first post on this thread, RC...but the fact that this cat has been "clinically" diagnosed as bi-polar was enough for me. Seriously?! A cat psychologist?!? I dunno....if the gf isn't willing to leave the cat...you may have to move on sarcasm.gif

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