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Excited & Nervous all at once...

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I joined OFC right around the time Averie was born, and made a post proudly presenting my new baby girl! Here's a picture of her only a few days old, fishing Humber Bay Park for gators! haha :thumbsup_anim:





Shortly after that we moved out to where we are now and she's been my best fishing buddy ever since....


First fish hold...



We spent many early mornings beating the banks together...never once did she complain about having to spend time with dad...





Her First brookie.. all be it a stocker...



Then she took well to Ice Fishing...



And the boat opened up a whole new world of opportunities... such as ice out perchin' on the bay...



She out-fished me right from the beginning...



Some days were meant to remember forever like when she caught her first bass!



This past winter we started ice fishing in style! B)





We've spent many wet nights picking worms...



She's whopped the big boys in local kids derby's...



And this summer she's smashed personal best....



After Personal Best...





After Peronal Best..



When I first wrote reports that included my new and best fishing buddy I was told to cherish the moments while they lasted as they grow up all to fast. Labor Day weekend is nearly behind us, and before I know it my best bud is going to start her first day of school where she'll make new friends, and open up a whole new chapter in her life. I don't think I've ever been so excited, and scared as a dad in my entire life. Having a home office, unless I'm on the road, she's only been but a few steps away since the day she was born..... I wish her nothing but the best in school, and the same for all of you parents out there who have kids starting school, or going back again this year. In the end, as long as she's willing to wet a line with her old man for years to come I guess there's not much more I can ask for!


Enjoy what's left of your weekends and best of luck to all the young ones going back to school next week!




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I'm with you Ryan, my oldest came in a gave me a big hug and kiss this morning then left for University.

I'd give anything to turn the clock back to her first day at kindergarten, man where did the time go..... dunno.gif


You're an exemplary Father Ryan, make the best of every day the rewards of your efforts will come back ten fold. thumbsup_anim.gif



Thanks for sharing the pictures, oh the memories are flooding back now..... *insert crying emoticon*

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Juli and I just read this one together...all I heard was ahhhhhhhhhhh, oh my God, that is too cute. Great post Ryan, hopefully you've made a fishing buddy for life out of her.

That wouldn't happen to be a Clam 2000 ice hut, would it??? Just got one myself this past March from Steve Rowbotham (of the forum), can't wait to use it....well I can wait a bit, still some good boat fishing to be had! :thumbsup_anim:

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Great post for sure Ryan and dont forget to save them pics on different formats as we lost the first 2 1/2 years of Jade other then the ones we printed off. This post reminds me of me and my little girl last year she did not get out fishing with me for fall musky she was to busy with her friends even the end of last summer was the same but this year she wants to get out as much as possible I was glad to have my fishing buddy back.


Keep up the great work with the family Ryan they will pay you back time after time.

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My oldest starts grade 2 tomorrow. I remember the horror of the first day. We put him on the bus and as my wife was taking a picture of the bus pulling away an older kid on the bus flipped her the middle finger. I swear I had to restrain her from chasing down that bus and pulling Alex off of it.


Good job Ryan. Averie will learn alot of important lessons that can only come through exposure to new people and situations.

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Dude that almost brought a tear to my eye LOL she's such a little cutie and prolly the only girl Kaleb has every played with without being mean to LOL good job at starting her at fishing so young Kaleb doesn't have the attention span to fish for more than a half hour or so hope to get him out ice fishing or trout fishing this year

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Awesome post and pics Ryan :thumbsup_anim:

I remember when Mélissa started kinder garden, we were so nervous leaving her to school that morning all by herself amongst the collective that me and my wife stayed in the school yard until she was inside.... but to make a long story short in the end she made new friends and was a very happy little girl.


I think Avery will do just fine and you don't need to worry.... Kids are resilient and do adapt very fast.


Make sure you take lots of pictures of the event!!!


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Awesome report thanks for posting! :thumbsup_anim:


My niece just turned three today and I was hoping to take her out in my canoe this summer but it didn't pan out and she is still a bit uncordinated to be fishing out of it. Hopefully this winter I can take her out on the hard water in my hut so we can focus solely on fishing and not have to worry about her going in or getting hooked as easily. I got her a tinkerbell rod at easter and she has loved casting the rubber fish around so i think it should go well.


This gives me inspiration to get her out asap, thanks again!



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