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Shelley Cooper

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I'm sure this post is to late, but just incase...


IF anyone was to be meeting Chuck today for icefishing, he won't be making it...


We had to call an ambulance at 1:30 this morning for he was yelling in pain... He was taken to YVH


still don't know what the problem is, but will post again later...



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My bet would be a kidney stone . . . . I KNOW just how incredibly painful they can be . . . . I spent several hours in the emerge only a couple weeks back when mine started it journey to see daylight . . . . it's stopped again . .. and you NEVER know, till it starts moving again . . . . THEN YOU KNOW!! Although it won't kill you, it can sure make you THINK you're dying! It's about the only thing I know of that would make Chuck holler 'UNCLE!' Or take him away from his fishing! Good luck . . . . let us know!

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Thanks everyone for the support....


PHOTOZ... you hit it right on the head....


Guess he had stones... the pain DID stop... and the Doc said he's over the worste of it... but he still has to pass it.... don't sound like its over to me...


He's laying down now.. just got home...


again, thanks for thd support..



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Boys oh boys!...I don't envy him one bit...been there and done that...Couldn't sit, couldn't stand, couldn't lie down, pacing helped somewhat... :wallbash:


Some hospitals have the ultrasound eqipment that blasts the stone into tiny little pieces and makes passing much easier...of course mine didn't... <_<


I hope he is feeling better soon... :canadian:

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Well I just got up and noticed this. Glad everything isn't more serious and he's going to be okay. I've never had the pleasure of passing a stone, and hope I never do. I hear it can be very painful. Hope the doc gave Chuck some cheap drugs for the pain.


Tell him Paul's in a world of pain here too this weekend. Our fishing plans went to crap also. On Friday afternoon at work he got his thumb caught in a machine. Its turning more and more purple as the weekend goes by and it hurts just to move it. At least the swelling has gone down some.


I know its not a kidney stone, but its still pain - Ouch!!!




So maybe Chuck won't feel so bad knowing his buddy is stuck at home in pain too :stretcher:



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