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It's Maureen's turn


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Bury him in your heart forever because it is the very best place to bury a good dog!


Completely agree Lew, that is a great sentiment, and not just for pets.


Sorry to hear about Dallas Mo,

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Maureen, it brings back alot of tough memories as we just faced this in Oct with our Goldie. As Cliff said so beautifully, keep Dallas in your heart - they will always be there.


There are very few people in our lives who are as good, loyal, friendly and loving as our dogs.

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Very sad indeed Moe ! So sorry to hear it. Its never easy to do, as many have said. As pet 'owners'

we have the responsibility to keep them from suffering,and you have made the right decision,however hard. Had to do it a few times myself,not easy. Got Pic's of all our dogs on the walls, Pet's do not get forgotten!

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So sorry to hear of the heartaching news. I am a dog lover and a cat lover now too, and they are family members not pets.


Cliff, you have a way with words, that's a great way of putting it.


I have a soft spot for our furry pals, this is choking me up.


Sad for you,


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Moe, We've never met, but I know your situation like it was yesterday. Be strong at time like this and be there for your freind. I have had to say Good-bye to a loved dog not too long ago- she had a tumor. Now we have 11 yr old and 1 yr old Labs and can see that picture coming again soon.



Big Cliff says it best...I still remember and love that Jessie dog.

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I'm terribly sorry about Dallas Moe. The day I had to take my lab for that last drive was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I cried like a baby afterwards, but knew it was the right thing to do.

Take comfort in knowing you did the best thing for him and remember all the good times.

Give your other dogs a big hug. They will help you get through this.

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I'm so sorry to hear about your beloved pet . . . . . to me, it is not 'just a dog' that is lost, but a bona fide member of the family. As you likely know, I have a lot of 'my own pets,' doggies that I always have 'treats' for on my mail route . . . . . every so often the inevitable happens, and I lose one . . . . . I feel like hell for days. I've only ever owned ONE dog . . . when I was a kid . . . . . never foud another that could stand up to his memory, nor had any desire to lose ANOTHER 'best friend.' At least you gave him a good life, and were strong enough to end his suffering when there was no more hope.

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Mo, that is the saddest news to hear. Take heart in knowing what a difference you made in Dallas' life. Your guys are all lucky to have a "mom" who loves them so much. I went through it myself and I know how much it hurts but hold onto your memories of all the good times you shared with Dallas & let your other guys help you through this sad time. So very sorry for your loss....Deb

Edited by DebS
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I truly feel for you Maureen.I had to put my cat of 17 years down a few years ago of lung cancer of which I was the culprit.It was Calico's way of saying to quit smoking as I realized the last two weeks of her life were not good at all and it was heartwrenching to let her go.I quit shortly thereafter.My wife had been pining for a dog for a while and we finally decided to get one.We named our Shi Tzu Skooby Do and he is now 8 years old.We have no kids so he is our child;I can't imagine not coming home and seeing him waiting for me in the window.He is so much a part of our life day in day out.

Time will heal the pain but the tears are flowing just going back remembering and memories keep them close to our hearts.

Take care Maureen.

Kerry and Cheryl

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