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Back from Jiggy...


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Went up to Camp last weekend for a quick trip, to find out that someone had gone through the entire camp, went through every cupboard and rubber maid. They didn't steal too much, but they did manage for find my hidey hole for my outboard and stole it. Cause its a tent camp, there's no insurance so I'm out on the motor. The one I want is $2500.00, so that's gonna have to wait a while.


We didn't get a chance to do any fishing... BUT it did give us a chance to do some work around camp and a great day of 4 wheeling, and we came across this momma partridge. I saw a few of the chicks but they scurried away pretty quick, and she stood her ground in the road. I had never seen something like this before from a partridge .. I filmed her for a couple min, but didn't want to stress her out too much.


Enjoy, I think its quite remarkable.


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Tj.. sorry to hear about your loss.. here is a thought.. why not build a box from PT and place the things of value inside the box... line the box with several layers of Vapor barrier and bury it.. in a location away from camp.. it would not have to be very deep.. pile on rocks, or a couple inches of soil or even some leaves...


it would take just a couple minutes to unearth it.. and remove motors etc.. then just place them back in when you are ready to head out again..


I would remove them permanently in the winter though


cool video BTW... I would'nt mess with her!



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Ah.... getting stuff stolen is par for the course.. its so remote that they dont worry about getting caught.. although I have ordered a few hidden cams to get the next batch on tape.. as for the bird.. lol.. its a good thing it wasn't the fall, although I think if a partridge put up that much of a stink in the fall, i'd have to let it go.

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An old family friend had a water access camp very similar to yours on the lower French.


He had several lrg steel boxes built with lockable lids. These were burried in the ground, the lids camoflaged with ground cover.

Kept most of his valuables in there including outboards.


In 25 years in a pretty busy area he never lost a thing.

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bad bout the motor,been there done that, hopefully karma comes back and kicks em in the arse,


great footage on the bird, i had almost the same experience on tuesday, was walkin the dog down a trail, came around a corner and there was a partridge but it was on the dogs blind side so she never noticed till she picked up the sent just passed it, as my dog turned the bird attack her batting its wings in her face and screeming a very high pitched squeal, once it back off my dog chased it up a tree but i quickly called her off as i knew there had to be chicks around, i was a little sadened on how my once awesome bird dog got it's butt kicked, losing an eye over the winter really took its toll on her, i take her in the bush and shes constantly running into trees, i believe she'll be her old self again come sept. 15


never heard the hissing like yours before, good stuff

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Sorry to hear ya got your stuff stolen boss,but,,,,,,,theres a saying,if you build it,they will come.What I mean is,theres got to be a good trail to your place.I told the guys in the hunt camp, that wanted to cut trails/raods for thier atv,s,to get to spots,others would find them aswell.They did. :wallbash::wallbash:


As for the vid,very cool.You should of wore your BPS socks.Less crunching.LOL

Edited by BrianB
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A few trail cams would be nice,Make sure they dont flash though.I hate a thief worse than anything,maybe rig a shotgun with a door trigger.I know it prolly would shoot the wrong person but I reaaly hate thieves.


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The rowing between rapids will do you good boss!!


Nothing I hate more than a thief!! Unfortunately knew it was just a matter of time for you... as others have said the trails too well kept now, or was it a boat down from the campground above?

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Well that sucks!


Like you said though, remote, no concern for making noise and such. It really does suck that you would have to haul in everything every time you want to enjoy camp Jiggy. The worst of it is now, they figure you will be replacing the motor with a new one. Perhaps you should stash a beat up old one in the same place and then find a new stash spot for the real replacement. Chances are they will come back for your replacement one too.

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Exactly Ron... the thieves do exactly that on Temagami. Steal sleds and ATV's off islands... and when insurance replaces them for the owner, they take them again. Doesn't take much figuring when there's only so many Stanley drop bridge boats on the lake... but nobody seems to get charged!

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LOL.. umm thanks guys... Im gonna invest in some cams.. next time.. it will be MY turn to have some fun... plus.. ya never know, I may just "hide" a dead outboard.. lol..

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TJ, sorry about the gear gone BUT you have to get a pepper spray rig hooked up too. Now wouldn't that be a funny trail cam vid of some :asshat: getting a shot in the face of that while tring to take a dead motor? :whistling:

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That bird was doing one of the three things...


Creating a scene and leave her babies for safety.


She thaught she could fight you because you wren't intimidating enough and she was waiting for your first move.


Or... she wanted to be with you and gave you her mating dance.


Sorry to hear about the motor. What are you looking for?

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Hey TJ sorry to hear about your outboard motor that sucks and I hate thieves. That hen grouse thought it can take you....I guess it figured you must be about her size or something.................certainly was entertaining.




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Sorry about the theft T.J Hidden buried box sounds like a good idea, too bad we have to be so protective of our property, but give a stinkin' rott'n theif a chance and it's gone :angry:


there's only so many Stanley drop bridge boats on the lake... but nobody seems to get charged!

Meet my brother Bubba, the Chief of police, my other brother Jethro, the Mayor, my sister Thelma the town hall clerk, my cousin Leroy the judge....

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:lol: :lol: You don't have to remind me about Momma protecting her brood. I ran into it first hand back when I fished for specks wading wet in sneakers and shorts. Was in tall grass. Saw the little ones scurrying for cover,...then.....the attack came, from Momma. I got hissed and chirped at, and she got me in the ankles with her beak. My bud had to grab a big brushy branch to hold her away from me.
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Sorry about the outboard. Pepper spray shot guns and cams are good ideas. Just like house break ins the bad guys know the turn around time for insurance claims. Get two or three jerry cans and put 1 part gas to 3 parts water in them. Once it is in their machines just start walking down the trail with the 12 guage. Bikes blow up pretty good. Then just follow the scat and you will get them too. Cheers. :good::good:

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TJ I learned my lesson years ago when I had a fish hut on Simcoe, never leave anything of value that you don't want stolen. Take it with you. Some people don't have morals. I know how you felt when you seen it gone, not a good feeling. Almost makes you sick.

Edited by Fish Farmer
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You must know a few old time trappers up your way TJ with some antique gear laying around ??


Replace that motor with a brand new shiny one , then hang it in plain view and lay a couple old bear traps around the area with a few leaves scattered over top to conceal them.


Betcha those stinkin thieves won't come back again after stepping into one of those things.

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