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Dalton McGuinty


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the politicians aren't responsible to the voters because there aren't enough of them to worry about pleasing. the 07 provincial election had a record low turnout, something like 53% or so of eligible voters actually took part in the process. of that ~50% of voters approx. 70% or so of them voted for mcguinty? the way i look at it, by not voting, half of ontario automatically loses their right to complain about the government. it's unfortunate that too many people complain about the government than actually take part in choosing it.




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It isn't just Mcsquinti, Mulrouney took hundreds of thousands of $ in kick backs "but he didn't do anything wrong", JC he put it right here in the Red Book! then broke every promise he made, Jag Beduria got elected using false credentials but he still got to serve out his term, in my opinion, he should have gone to jail. The list is long and the problem is that there is no system in Canada to make these guys accountable.


You can vote for any party you want and they will promise you what ever they think you want to hear but as soon as they get into power, they give themselves huge raises and lavish pensions while the rest of us work our asses off and get taxed to death. Don't pay your taxes, go directly to jail.


Right now, more than 50% of everything you earn goes to our government who spend it as they see fit (a good portion of it on themselves) and he who works hardest sometimes holding down two jobs just so he can feed his family and because his income goes up so does his tax rate while the guy that doesn't bother getting the second job and sits on his butt earns less so he pays a lower tax rate. Doesn't sound like a fair system to me!


So here is the plan: I'll run for PM if you'll all contribute to my campaign. If I get elected I'll form a board of governers made up of average working people. I will reduce my pay to $50,000.00/year and pay each of the members of the board $50,000.00 salary and Reasonable Expenses. The board will vote on any majour expenditures and majourity will rule!


Non esential expenses will be cut until the deficite is paid off unless there is good investment potential.


Any public servent making more that $250,000.00 a year will be fired and replaced by someone willing to do the job for $50,000.00 a year and then they will also have a board of directors to answer to; you got it, also making $50,000.00 a year. Raises other than the cost of living will be based on performance, do a good job, show a profit, there will be profit sharing FOR ALL THE EMPLOYEES!


Pensions will be adjusted based on the years a person has lived in and contributed to Canada. None of this "come live here 3 years and get a pension even if you haven't contributed anything".


New immigrantes will be required to show merrit in coming to this country and a proficiency in our language and laws. They will be able to offer a skill or a trade or fill some other role that is of value to this country.


In short, I would run this country like a business (and I have run a few that all made a profit).


The billions of dollars that our casinos and OLG rake in every year would be diverted to paying down the debt and once the debt is paid off a budget would be established that is realistic and taxes would be lowered so that the net worth of every Canadian would go up.


Seniors would all be entitled to quality retirement homes that are staffed properly and would have very strict guide lines as to the care of the residents. There would be no more "wards" every one would be entitled to their own private apartment and what ever care they would need so they could live out their last years in dignity and with respect.


Now I realize that this would all cost money but look at all the jobs it would create, besides we spend on average $26,000.00 a year on prisoners why can't we do it for our seniors.


Our justice system would over go some significant changes. It would be simplified, one crime, one time, do it twice, do double the time...... and Sheriff Joe Arpaio would be hired to impliment a similar system here to what he has done for Arizona. the money we'd save would pay for all the retirement homes!


Well, do I have your support? Who wants to contribute to my campaign? Who will vote for me?

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It doesn't seem to matter who gets elected and it won't until there is some form of accountability. Broken promisses and lies are just accepted and apart from waiting until the next election and voting for the person that tells us the biggest and best lies there isn't anything we can do about it.


I'm with you. I've pretty much lost what little faith I ever had in politicians of any stripe. Once they get fed into the political machine they apparently lose pretty much whatever ethics and free will they may have possessed before. Unfortunately there's been so much damage done that even if a good politician (has that become an oxymoron now?) did join the fray he'd have no credibility - guilt by association.


I once suggested to some friends with experience that I was interested in getting into simple municipal politics. Their response was a resounding "ARE YOU FREAKIN'NUTS?". They filled me in on the joys of even that level of politics (it seems those guys are just in training for the big leagues but not as crafty as the big timers).


At the risk of sounding alarmist politics at pretty much all levels seems to have sunk to the level of the lowest common denominator, and there are some pretty low denominators in the game. Dunno what the solution is though. A lot of folks seem to have come to the conclusion that it's easier to just bend over and let 'em have their way. It's gonna happen whether you fight or not. Sad that we've come to that but it's a very big snowball rolling down a very steep hill. What's gonna stop it now?



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I'm with you. I've pretty much lost what little faith I ever had in politicians of any stripe. Once they get fed into the political machine they apparently lose pretty much whatever ethics and free will they may have possessed before. Unfortunately there's been so much damage done that even if a good politician (has that become an oxymoron now?) did join the fray he'd have no credibility - guilt by association.


I once suggested to some friends with experience that I was interested in getting into simple municipal politics. Their response was a resounding "ARE YOU FREAKIN'NUTS?". They filled me in on the joys of even that level of politics (it seems those guys are just in training for the big leagues but not as crafty as the big timers).


At the risk of sounding alarmist politics at pretty much all levels seems to have sunk to the level of the lowest common denominator, and there are some pretty low denominators in the game. Dunno what the solution is though. A lot of folks seem to have come to the conclusion that it's easier to just bend over and let 'em have their way. It's gonna happen whether you fight or not. Sad that we've come to that but it's a very big snowball rolling down a very steep hill. What's gonna stop it now?



Inertia is a pretty powerful force. Only an equal or greater force will stop it.
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Inertia is a pretty powerful force. Only an equal or greater force will stop it.


Our brothers south of the border found a solution but I'm not sure tea parties are quite as effective as they once were. And I'm not talking about the new bunch of simpletons who paid the Alaskan beauty queen a great load of speaker fee for addressing their fundraiser gathering. If that's any measure of their judgment in choosing party icons they're dead in the water already.



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The faith is lost....I'm in on the Tea Party.

Flappn, you should look into "grants" from some rich ol American sugar daddies, that way you can start up your very own Canadian tea party!!!! I hear that the American tea party got millions and millions of dollars and lots of free TV exposure from one very kind TV network so that it wouldn't run into all the problems that a grassroots movement typically has, eh! ;) Edited by scuro2
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Guest Johnny Bass

It isn't just Mcsquinti, Mulrouney took hundreds of thousands of $ in kick backs "but he didn't do anything wrong", JC he put it right here in the Red Book! then broke every promise he made, Jag Beduria got elected using false credentials but he still got to serve out his term, in my opinion, he should have gone to jail. The list is long and the problem is that there is no system in Canada to make these guys accountable.


You can vote for any party you want and they will promise you what ever they think you want to hear but as soon as they get into power, they give themselves huge raises and lavish pensions while the rest of us work our asses off and get taxed to death. Don't pay your taxes, go directly to jail.


Right now, more than 50% of everything you earn goes to our government who spend it as they see fit (a good portion of it on themselves) and he who works hardest sometimes holding down two jobs just so he can feed his family and because his income goes up so does his tax rate while the guy that doesn't bother getting the second job and sits on his butt earns less so he pays a lower tax rate. Doesn't sound like a fair system to me!


So here is the plan: I'll run for PM if you'll all contribute to my campaign. If I get elected I'll form a board of governers made up of average working people. I will reduce my pay to $50,000.00/year and pay each of the members of the board $50,000.00 salary and Reasonable Expenses. The board will vote on any majour expenditures and majourity will rule!


Non esential expenses will be cut until the deficite is paid off unless there is good investment potential.


Any public servent making more that $250,000.00 a year will be fired and replaced by someone willing to do the job for $50,000.00 a year and then they will also have a board of directors to answer to; you got it, also making $50,000.00 a year. Raises other than the cost of living will be based on performance, do a good job, show a profit, there will be profit sharing FOR ALL THE EMPLOYEES!


Pensions will be adjusted based on the years a person has lived in and contributed to Canada. None of this "come live here 3 years and get a pension even if you haven't contributed anything".


New immigrantes will be required to show merrit in coming to this country and a proficiency in our language and laws. They will be able to offer a skill or a trade or fill some other role that is of value to this country.


In short, I would run this country like a business (and I have run a few that all made a profit).


The billions of dollars that our casinos and OLG rake in every year would be diverted to paying down the debt and once the debt is paid off a budget would be established that is realistic and taxes would be lowered so that the net worth of every Canadian would go up.


Seniors would all be entitled to quality retirement homes that are staffed properly and would have very strict guide lines as to the care of the residents. There would be no more "wards" every one would be entitled to their own private apartment and what ever care they would need so they could live out their last years in dignity and with respect.


Now I realize that this would all cost money but look at all the jobs it would create, besides we spend on average $26,000.00 a year on prisoners why can't we do it for our seniors.


Our justice system would over go some significant changes. It would be simplified, one crime, one time, do it twice, do double the time...... and Sheriff Joe Arpaio would be hired to impliment a similar system here to what he has done for Arizona. the money we'd save would pay for all the retirement homes!


Well, do I have your support? Who wants to contribute to my campaign? Who will vote for me?


Those are some great ideas Cliff, but it would take alot more than that to fix this sinking ship.


Fire all the public servants? They would riot so make sure you beef up security first! If yuou work in a factory, they work you like slaves, but if your a government worker? You can see them taking their time chatting with co-workers while your waiting in line. And then you ask them a question and they get all annoyed. Then you remind them its their JOB to give you information! Of course I've have come across many helpful people also.


Plus, they are a majority of the voters so you'd be in trouble right there. You be better off establishing some competition. Of which those public workers would eventually be squeezed out of a job faiir and square.


As far as accountability?


Lets look at the news today.




After spending 16 billion dollars this is what they have to say?


Oliphant finds Mulroney-Schreiber dealings 'inappropriate'???


Thanks to who? Of course the Harper government whose election platform was that the liberals were protecting their people. Talk about calling the kettle black!


Thanks to terms of reference crafted by the Conservative government, Oliphant was precluded from making any findings of criminal or civil liability. He was specifically barred from revisiting allegations that Mulroney and Schreiber were involved in a kickback scheme at the time of Air Canada's $1.8-billion Airbus purchase in 1988.


Nor was he allowed to revisit the $2.1-million libel settlement Mulroney won from the federal government in 1997 as a result of the RCMP's Airbus investigation — all the while insisting he barely knew Schreiber.




In other words they wasted 16 million and let him off the 2.1 million he won wrongfully.


And the inquiry learned that Fred Doucet, a Mulroney insider turned lobbyist, had written to Schreiber about the Airbus sale on the same day that Schreiber handed the ex-prime minister his first cash payment.


Oliphant was not given a mandate to connect the dots, and he did not.


This entire trial was a joke!

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For the most part Mike Harris did do what he said he would do... McGuinty on the other hand did pretty much the opposite of what he said that he would do. I think it does make a difference who you vote for.




I didn't love everything he did, but at least he did what he said he was going to do.

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accountability is the best thing we can enforce as voters.


right now any choice other than the liberal party is a good choice


That right there is the bottom line to me.

Vote for anyone else and your actually showing ALL the parties we won't put up with the crap the present party is dishing.

There is no "perfect" choice...thats a pipe dream, but we can hold all the parties accountable by voting them out when they cross the line.

Politicans are a lot like my children....give them an inch and they will take a mile.

And like children they need to be put in the corner every once in a while....some more then others

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Harris spent like a drunken sailor but economy was good and he got away with it. I think if you look it up he outspent any previous gov.


There is no incentive to pay the dept of previous gov. because you can't get elected by paying for what the other guys did. That's a problem


A big problem is we don't understand how our system works. Cliff can't run for Prime Minister because despite what Harper would have you believe, the Prime minister is not elected by all the people of Ca.. and MP's don't work for him, they should be working for us if they had any balls to stand up and take control of their party..


I also think McGuinty is History, but I'm afraid his replacement will do more of the same.


As for a tea party, just watch the thumpin the protesters are going to get at the G20. They warned us in Seattle, who would have thought the hippies were right.

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But that's just it. These politicians know their time is short. So they make as many backroom deals as possible selling our infrastructure to the highest bidder and still receive royalties after leaving office. It should be illegal to sell government infrastructure because it belongs to the people, not to the government.


Correct me if I am wrong bigbuck. I may sound dumb saying this but I hear they can extract electricity out of a magnet's electro magnetic field. But they need energy to extract it(to run the coils, rotors) and that is how generators produce electricity. But in the case of Niagara? The power extracting the electricity is the water that is spinning the rotors and coils producing the energy. And then all you need is a conductor(wires to transport) and transformers to regulate the voltage. This doesn't sound too expensive to me. Considering the average household pays about $1200 give or take a year.


We could seriously produce our own electricity with our waste(garbage and sewage), solar and wind power. Put a big windmill and solar panels on our homes.


Anybody but Smitherman!


yes,we need a regular joe in office.


Too many people don't want wind turbines in their backyard. These are the same people who have a fair bit of money and talk about being green. There is a big stink about putting wind turbines in Lake Ontario off the Scarborough Bluffs, I say DO IT!!! Wind is free, the sun is free, we have an abundance of both, why not utilize it for crying out loud??? Burning garbage and sewage would make too much sense. Nuclear although unpopular is actually a very good option. If only OPG can build reactors on budget and on time. AECL has a great reactor called the CANDU which is very efficient and safe. We've had them at Pickering and Darlington for over 30 years. Get the plants up and running and build more. I'm sure there are mines up north in the boondocks that could be used to store the waste. Big government equals big waste and we really need to realize that. I can go on and on until your ears bleed. I think the future for energy production lies elsewhere however but that is what I think and I'll keep it to myself.

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Sadly, Ontario does not vote the provincial government in, Toronto votes the Provincial Government in.

No different than federal politics. The ruling party is one which controls Ontario. It used to be Quebec before the BQ arrived on the scene.

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Harris spent like a drunken sailor but economy was good and he got away with it. I think if you look it up he outspent any previous gov.


There is no incentive to pay the dept of previous gov. because you can't get elected by paying for what the other guys did. That's a problem


A big problem is we don't understand how our system works. Cliff can't run for Prime Minister because despite what Harper would have you believe, the Prime minister is not elected by all the people of Ca.. and MP's don't work for him, they should be working for us if they had any balls to stand up and take control of their party..


I also think McGuinty is History, but I'm afraid his replacement will do more of the same.


As for a tea party, just watch the thumpin the protesters are going to get at the G20. They warned us in Seattle, who would have thought the hippies were right.

I think you may want to look at Bob Rae and the N.D.P government for spending,Harris cut the wellfare in this province in 1/2


I'm a conservative for the simple fact that they don't lie as much as the Fiberals.They tell me I'm getting screwed where the fiberals lie and then screw me twice as bad.


Don't worry the Fiberals will get back in again, they've lied to the Ontario pubic every election and still Ontarians seem to love this crap.It's actually gotten quite comical how Mc guinty keeps getting reelected we're all just a bunch of sheep in this province and Mc guinty shears us on a regualar basis

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I fought hard not to even open this post, but I went back on a promise to myself to avoid this kind of topic.

I did not read all the replies and won't.

But, I will say I know who not to vote for in the next election.

I will also make my wife happy if I don't bring political talk into our home!

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i agree with Cliff to a degree, it does not matter who is in office...its all the same. I vote because of some misguided feeling that it makes a difference and i want to feel like i have some control left....reality is i fear that we dont.


I concur....

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