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summoned for jury duty!

pike slayer

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So a few months back i got a letter in the mail saying i have to fill out this form saying what i do for a living and what not cause i could be a canidate for jury duty. i filled it out saying yaaa right like they are gonna pick me! Well sure enough i get a letter in the mail the other day saying ive been summoned and i have to show up for some kinda interview at the court house march.8th. like really why me? how did i pick the short straw?? dont they know im crazy?? :P i bet they pick me even if i pull the race card haha!!

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I had that

I kept going to the court house and the lawyers kept rejecting me.....


what a waste of my time, but I guess someone has to do it





I like to pretend I have turrets syndrome, flapping my arms and outbursts of swearing


they let me go...go figure......LOL

Edited by Terry
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Ive been called before....its not all that fun....pretty much just sit there until they call you up, have a look at you and make a decision.

Thats if you don't know anyone involved, if you do you will be dismissed before the picking process.




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Only applies IF you want out:


Wear shoes - not boots. When they start interviewing you, excuse yourself for a moment, remove one shoe, hold it like a telephone and say "You AGAIN! I told you I'd be busy for a while - stop calling me!" If they don't show you the door after that, maybe you should show them!



(ps - make sure you collect the allowance they pay, ain't much but you're entitled!)

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I for one always wanted to do jury duty just for the experience and when I got called last year to go I was in 7th heaven. A father was accused of molesting his daughter,no one over 35 was picked and no one who had ANYTHING to do with kids for a living was picked.I never got called up-there were 200 people for the selection-and one of the two guys who tried dodge out of being selected spent the nite in jail for his trouble.The judge was so pissed he gave everyone a 5 minute lecture on our duties as Canadian citizens and our rights and freedoms,made Jury duty sound like a privilege and I think he was right..



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i'll remember daves chappelles lines from this when i go in.

***Caution it is racist***

im in no way a racist just a way to get out :P

daves is pretending to be a blind black guy that thinks hes white and hes apart of the kkk.

sorry if i offend anyone in anyway im just kidding around!

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I for one always wanted to do jury duty just for the experience and when I got called last year to go I was in 7th heaven. A father was accused of molesting his daughter,no one over 35 was picked and no one who had ANYTHING to do with kids for a living was picked.I never got called up-there were 200 people for the selection-and one of the two guys who tried dodge out of being selected spent the nite in jail for his trouble.The judge was so pissed he gave everyone a 5 minute lecture on our duties as Canadian citizens and our rights and freedoms,made Jury duty sound like a privilege and I think he was right..




I totally agree with that judge. It is a privilage and your duty! I have been called twice but never selected but would go again in a heartbeat. How often have I listened to people (female dog) about our courts and how they would handle things. You have a chance to make a difference and you want to opt out? Go and do your duty with pride!


Big brother, edit that one!

Edited by Big Cliff
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Yes it is your duty as a proud Canadian and imo should do your duty and serve in a jury. Unfortunately jury duty may seem like a punishment to many hard working Canadians because you have to put your life on hold while those who weaseled out with fake excuses get to go on with their lives.


Some of your family members (children especially) will be drastically effected if they depend on you for rides, cooking, cleaning, helping with homework, etc and you are not there. Not to mention your boss might think you are trying to take a holiday from work and will have to find a replacement worker for you for the weeks you are away. That temp worker may make mistakes and might not be as efficient as you are. When you get back to work after the trial you may find a mountain of work and many screw ups that the temp worker did, boss won't be in a good mood either. These were my observations recently of a family member who was a juror at a murder trial.


She had to rely on the spouse (who already works 12 hr shifts) to do her workload.

She was gone everyday to trial 9-5 mostly unless the judge decided to go golfing, then she had to go to work at her real job for that day.

Trial lasted 4 weeks and ended in deadlock :angry:

She needed counseling afterward because of the graphic evidence.

The last few days (4 days), she spent in a hotel not allowed to talk to anyone except jurors.

The trial motions, arguing jurors, and stupid hounding news reporters put much emotional stress on her too.


If you get a short trial (1 week) then consider yourself lucky compared to those away from work for a month.

Edited by Syn
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I received the letter last April, requiring me to submit my info for possible jury duty. Got another letter in the first week of September, "summons to a juror", show up here, on this date, at this time. Called a friend of mine, a crown attorney, what happens during this?

She said, bring a good book, you could be there for a while. And, the only way you would not be selected would be if you had a criminal record, or were mentally unstable somehow(documentation of it would be required). The only other way I would be recused was if I was selected for a trial where she was the prosecuting attorney.

She also said, regarding the September letter, I have been selected, just what trial I would be involved in was what the interview process was for.

That letter had a juror number on it, I could be interviewed first, or dead last, out of a pool of 200 possible jurors. I could be interviewed, and be selected for a jury the very next day, or within 6-8 weeks, depends on what trials are on the docket.

In the end, I received a phone call from the Sherrif's office, saying I did not have to show up. That was a Friday after I got home from work. Called them on the next Monday to confirm that, and was informed the entire jury pool received the same phone call. I guess whatever trials upcoming, civil or whatever, were settled out of court by the prosecution and defence lawyers ahead of time.


Too bad, I was looking forward to it actually. I read about trials all the time in the newspaper, but know little about the what actually happens during one.

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I got called a couple of years ago and my initial feeling was, like many, why me? What a waste of time. I don't want to be here. I've got better things to do. I nearly got picked for a rape/prostitution trial but didn't get picked. I guess they didn't like the idea that I was an engineer. But sitting there waiting for the next call that week, that never came, I wondered what I would have done if I was picked. Later in the week, I see in the evening news some of the details of the trial. I had the feeling that I was missing something and was kind of disappointed that I was not picked. Having gone through it already, I now know what happens and would welcome another opportunity.

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I got called for jury duty last spring, i wasn't chosen, they didn't even call my name. But I was glad I didn't get chosen because i am a shift worker i would have had to got to trial during the week and then work weekends if i was scheduled, possibly having to work nights and stay up and go to trial. Not only would that have sucked for me who wants an asleep juror in the jury box.

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Don't quote me but I believe it is law that if you are called to jury duty your employer MUST grant you the time off. However, I don't believe they have to pay for it (jurors get a "modest" per diem, think I saw 50.00 earlier).

You'd only miss sleep over earning less for the time you were sitting! :unsure:

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I got called once quite a few years ago. I did not get chosen for a trial. We spent a day and a half waitng while a minor legal point was made in in an upcoming civil case involving a small amount of money. The judge called all 150 of us into the court room and pointed out to the lawyers that their silliness had wasted the time of all these people. One good thing, I met a guy. He was a little old man. His head barely came to my shoulders. Turns out he was a commando during WWII. These were British forces that raided across the channel in order to harrass the Germans during some pretty uncertain times for the Allies. I think of that guy every once in a while.

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