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Olympic Opening Ceremonies


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I have to give props to the 2010 Olympic Organizing Committee, the producers, performers and technical crew for the job they have done on the opening ceremony tonight. It was absolutely world class and the lighting and visual effects were among the best in the world, absolutely stunning. The performances were flawless and have shown the world what being Canadian is all about.


Here's to the next 16 days.


GO CANADA!!!!!!!!




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I thought it was weak.

THere were some good things but way too artsy for me. Are you telling me we can't do better than KD Lang??? I don't even know who that duet was.

Could we have anymore bearded guys in the show?

Native chiefs late for the ceremony was funny.

Whale on ground was good.

Snowboarder jump was good.


Hydraulic pillar not funtioning was not acceptable in my opinion.


A bit Mickey Mouse in my opinion

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The national anthem had my wife and I both shaking our heads. If you want to make your own version of O Canada, do it at the Grey Cup, not when the whole country is trying to have a singalong. Other than that, I felt real proud tonight. Sure some of the show were a little campy. But I'm real happy that they granted the 4 Nations Head of State status. Nice tribute to the Luger that died as well. Hope they bring home alot of Gold this year!

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My wife and I thought the ceremonies were alright.....they started off slow and one thing we both commented on was the fact that the introduction announcement for the ceremonies started in French, was then translated in English and this continued thoughout the entire show :dunno: ......We could understand if the games were being held in Quebec, but c'mon, Vancouver???????????????????????!!!! :dunno:

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We have a different approach.

When China thought a young girl was too ugly to perform they recorded her & put a better looking girl on stage to lip sync the song.

We let K.D. Lang perform.

Yeah, but KD lang is a dude. Guys (especially musicians) don't have to be good looking to be successful. Steven Tyler, Mick Jager for example.

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In addition to being a disappointed viewer, I felt disconnected from and embarrassed by how we were presenting ourselves to the rest of the world.


Hopefully, the lasting memories from these Olympics will be something other than the luge tragedy and the opening ceremonies.

Exactly. Aparently we are a bunch of beard-wearing, poorly dressed, dyed haired, tattooed, tap dancing, trannies. Well actually it might have been a good representation but we should try our best to not let the rest of the world know this.


Beijing spent $300 million and we spent $38 million. You could tell.

At $38 million, we got ripped off. I figure that was worth $8 million. Someone just stole $30 million and is going to get away with it.

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I agree that it was well done, but having said that, I agree that we all aren't a group of fiddlers, tap dancers or acrobatic flyers.


I have put the question to the americans on another board to see what their opinion was of the ceremonies since they would be getting the American "spin" from NBC.


The only screw up was the hydrolic issue they had at the end and that sure shouldn't have happened.

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I thought it was really good ..The whales.... that was spectacular :worthy:

As far as the mechanical glitch at least whoever programmed that ascent didnt have it locked so the torches would'nt light if only 3 legs were up.

and in my opinion David Suzuki should have lit the torch.


Im proud to be CANADIAN :thumbsup_anim::clapping:

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It was an amazing production that did this wonderful country proud. A great representation of who we are, our history, culture and natural beauty. Comparing it to Beijing is not what we should be doing.


It was CANADA'S world class production that did us proud.

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I think we showed the world that Canada is a nation with a history, a heritage, a geography and culture that is like no other - one that includes aboriginal peoples and a broad range of personalities. And yes, using both of our country's official languages was a bit trying at times but I think it also helped to illustrate who we are, and that we embrace it. It was a productin for all Canadians. And yes the performances were lip synched - but they were the voices & performances of some of Canada's most recognized performers. Too bad they couldn't have used more. the mechanical problem at the end - well crap happens.

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