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Botbot wins !


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I know,,, it's not fishing,.,,,,


But hey.... my daughter, Botbot on here, puts in 4-5 nights of training in the sport she loves... Taekwondo.


She qualified for the Canadian Junior National Tournament this past weekend in Halifax.


Last Wednesday,, they had no one for her to fight ( weight class for her age) so we signed some papers and got her bumped up two weight classes.


She had to be a minimum of 30 kilos though :dunno: ... even though we signed the papers.


At the weigh in,, she was so full of Gatorade ... she could barely stand to get weighed. :P


But hey... she was over the threshold.. .she was whole 30.65 kilos B)



She won her first fight and then it was on to the semis.



In the semi-finals match, she was down by 3 points with 30 seconds to go :o


She tied it up and WON in sudden death :thumbsup_anim:



Then,,, she is in the finals and is down 2 points with 15 seconds left..... whammo and ties it up to go to sudden death AGAIN...



She wins !



Botbot also competed in the patterns portion of the tournament and won that as well ! :rolleyes:


She wins DOUBLE GOLD for the third straight year.


She is the reigning 2010 Canadian NATIONAL Junior Taekwondo Champion.. and successfully defended her 2009 and 2007 championships. ( 2008 had a weight change and she wasn;t allowed to compete :angry: )





Her very proud Mom .. .who deserves a medal of her own for her dedication to our daughters enjoyment and success in this sport.




Whooot whooot ! :canadian:

Edited by splashhopper
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Yah, big deal. My kid got first place in Mario Kart on his DSi.

Congratulations Botbot, on a huge accomplishment!!! And congratulations to you guys, the parents, as I am sure it takes just about as much dedication on your part (you know, without having to kick anyones :asshat:!).

Great job and fantastic photos. Thanks for the post.


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Wow, she's the Come-From-Behind Kid! Way To Go!!!


Is your daughter scoring her points with kicks? She has the ability to score quickly with very little time left.


What a great sport/martial art to be involved in! Something tells me she has more wins ahead of her!!!



Definitely scoring with her kicks... she has the ability to execute the instructions yelled at her by her coach....


Thank goodness she isn't addhd like her dad is :P !

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Very impressive!!!!!!!!!!! Congrates to Botbot and to you and your wife ....what comes with the award ...gold metal ...public appearances? meet celebrity fighters?... you better start saving now to pay for her Olympic appearance in 2014


Again ...Wayta Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clapping:

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Very impressive!!!!!!!!!!! Congrates to Botbot and to you and your wife ....what comes with the award ...gold metal ...public appearances? meet celebrity fighters?... you better start saving now to pay for her Olympic appearance in 2014


Again ...Wayta Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clapping:



It's still funny for me to see the other fighters below her 2nd dan Blackbelt bow to her.... especially the bigger kids and adults.. .they have to bow to her eye level.. :P



We will be saving for her to go to the Pan Am games first... if she sticks with it... :dunno:



her coach says they lose a lot of the girls at 14... as soon as the boys start paying attention to them :wallbash:

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That's great Splashy and Botbot!!! :thumbsup_anim:


If she sticks with the sport until adulthood, I feel sorry for her husband if her marriage goes like this one.



A man identified in China's Chongqing Evening News in November as Mr. Zhang, 32, admitted he is competitive with his wife and "never wants to lose an argument," but inevitably his contentiousness leaves him with "bruises and scars all over" because Mrs. Zhang is a kung fu master. After negotiations led by Mrs. Zhang's parents, she agreed by contract to limit any beatings to no more than once a week, with a parent-administered penalty for exceeding that. [Daily Telegraph (London), 12-2-09]

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