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Just did some Coffee math...


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For the first time in a few years .. I decided to make a pot of coffee this morning instead of going to

Tim Horton's.


So I did a little math..... I and my wife spend on average 12$/day at Tim's.


This is what scared me.... 360.00$ PER MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!! :wallbash:


That is the payment for a brand new 17' fishing boat or 2 brand new ATV's or Snowmobiles or that 24' camper we're looking for.


But the sensible thing for me to do would be...Is to invest it in a retirement plan. ;)


No wonder Coffee Shops are popping up everywhere.




Did any of you do your coffee math lately? If so how much do you spend?






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I cut Timmies outta my daily routine a couple of years ago. It's amazing how much you spend there. For years my breakfast on the way to work was a XLDD and 20 timbits or 2 bagels...$3.34 if I remember. Then a coffee at least 2 or 3 nights a week in the arena watching my sons hockey. Coffee and food on the way too the lake...etc. etc. Debbe drinks a ton of Timmies coffee too.


Now I might grab a Timmies on the way back home from a day on the water and that's about it and I very rarely have food. I have a reloadable card that puts $40 on in when it gets down to $8. The last time it reloaded was March and it still has over $20 on it.


Debbe just recently started to make hers at home more often too. The local Timmies will probably have to lay off 6 part timers because of our cut back :whistling: I figure we are saving close to $2000 a year. Pretty decent reward for just eliminating one lazy habit.

Edited by crappieperchhunter
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I've never liked coffee, but I did buy make the payments on my quad by quiting smoking and using just the money I was spending on cigarettes to do it. It worked out good because my wife coundn't say anything about the quad being too expensive and once I took it home I was extra committed to not smoking.

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We buy the 925 gram can of Maxwell House for $5-$6 and even though I drink a pot every morning it's still waaaaaaaaay cheaper than Timmies, but when I'm travelling in the truck I probably spend more on Timmies than gas. I went to P'Boro & back yesterday and drank 2 large ones.


As for the cigarettes, I bought a new truck in '96 and though I didn't smoke, my wife still did and I told her she wasn't allowed to smoke in the new ride and she said "OK, I'll only smoke in the 1/2 that I payed for" :lol:



Kinda tough to argue with that logic :lol::lol:

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I have a lot of bad habits, but Timmies isn't one of them. I guess that we spend about $15 a month on coffee. Maybe double amount that for sugar, cream and electricity to make the stuff. If you're buying from a Timmies drive through, don't forget to add in the expense of fuel while idling in the long line up and for going out of your way to get there in the first place.

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I did my math about a year ago and cut timmies out of the budget. Once in a while on the way to the river i grab one........especially if i have a soar throat brewing or something. But my daily timmies runs have gotten the axe.


Id do one every morning on the way in to work, one run for the office mid morning (thats ugly on its own with trying to keep track of whos turn it is.......) And once in a while on the way home. Id switch to ice caps in the summer lol.


I said enough was enough and havent looked back. Its way too easy to just look at a simple cup of coffee as no big deal.


I have a family member who has a STARBUCKS problem...........Mocha Frappacinos, You wanna talk about an investment. Take your timmies habit and replace it with starbucks prices. She came over christmas morning with one in her hand.........she was late and everyone knew where she was..........yup, out looking for an open Starbucks. She found one.

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

recently i got one of these machines:




even though it is still a little more expensive than a home brewer, i think it makes much better coffee than tims or regular pot coffee. i use both the k-cups and a reusable filter.


i was a tim horton's slave. the only problem i have now is that i always have WAY too much change in my pockets!

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Haven't had a waffle house coffee in 20 year.And you are right.

I was working in Kansas.The first morning I show up with a Duncan's coffee

The Foreman gaps it .Pourer's it out.

They had a big heater pot there full of Waffle house coffee.

For the next 3 weeks I eat breakfast at the waffle house.

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Scary isn't it to see how east it is to blow a few hundred bucks a month just on coffees. I have a timmies home brewer that really is the best coffee maker. Paired with the PC coffee in the gold can it takes 2 minutes to make a pot of great coffee even when I'm in a rush. You'd be amazed to know how many people look me in the eye and tell me they can't afford to put away 500 bucks a month to save for their own future not to mention their kids. So we do some simple math and calculate how much is spent on coffee and bagels and the like along with eating out at restaurants. When they actually see that over 1k a month is being blown it is a rude awakening. That's how the wife and I were able to buy the trailer and boat this year. We don't eat out often, besides I'm sick of paying a lot of money for food that I know I can make much better for less than a third of the price at home. But for God's sake everyone, save for your retirement, I have a few clients who did not and they barely have enough money to eat and put a roof over their heads.

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Iam a huge fan of making my own coffee but I usually only drink one or two cups a day. The reason I like making my own coffee is to make up for the money my wife spends at starbucks! Not that starbucks isn't good and I do have one from time to time but it is a little painful paying for it. As for the waffle house coffee, I have only eaten there a few times and I don't know if their coffee even compares to tim hortons! But Canadians are pretty loyal to Tim Horton's!!

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My coffee bill is $6 a month for a large jar of instant decaf. :rolleyes:


Who da thunk it, you being the rum pucker ya are. I would have thought you were a high test man :D



I have a Timmies and Starbucks just minutes from my house and never been to either place. I make most of what I drink except for the first cup (.79) every morning just to get me to work. I do however drink a ton of coffee, two 12 cup pots a day.

Never did get the Timmies/Starbuck thing let alone pay those prices.

Not saying I've never been to a Timmies before because if Deg is with me with can't pass one :rolleyes:

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I spend about $25 a month on whole expresso beans and chocolate to make my morning mocha.

Before I got my grinder and expresso machine my morning coffee was $6 a day or about $120/month.

The machines have already paid for themselves 3 or 4 times over!! :lol:

Not only that, I figured out that I make a way better mocha than 95% of the coffee houses out there now.

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Who da thunk it, you being the rum pucker ya are. I would have thought you were a high test man :D


I love the high test, but the bod won't let me do it anymore, I can't even drink more than one Pepsi a day unless it has alcohol mixed with it. :P


That's my best excuse and I'm sticking with it!

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I've accepted that I'll never make enough money to pay for ALL of my wants, but my needs are being met which makes me feel fortunate.


It's easy to play the math game when it comes to spending. If you REALLY LOVE coffee then I say drink what you want and screw the cost. That goes for anything that you just can't live without...like fishing!


Personally, I buy a bag of ground beans from Starbucks and make a big mug each morning. It saves me money and time compared to walking down the street to stand in line.

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