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Who had a good year?

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It's funny Andy, I bought the new boat this year but did less fishing than usual. I actually spent ALOT of time just cruising around with my wife. We even spent a couple weeks on Nippissing in July & August but still I didn't fish that often, but rather cruised around with Diane.


I think my total was 65 muskies for the season which is less than usual, but I'm starting to think I'd rather have my Mrs. in the new boat now rather than those old slimers anyways :lol:

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It was alright for me. I got a little hooked on the riggin' out in the big lake, that was fun, but took away all my musky fishing time. I only fished them twice all year, and landed one! Lots and lots of eyes and crappies, and quite a few good salmon/trout trolling the big lake.


My season ends when hunting season starts. I haven't picked up a rod since september!!!!!


Bring on the ice, I think I'm ready!



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This year kinda sucked for me, but it's hard to have a good year when you don't get out a lot. I snuck away for a few days with 2rs and my wife sold the house while I was gone. That kinda did in my fishing excursions till we got the stuff all packed for the move. Then the weather conspired to louse me up after that. I suppose I could go out steelheading in the next week or so but that ain't likely to happen. Is that enuf whining yet?



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Good ice season to start the year. Followed by a good spring for crappies and perch. Then the carp fishing in the Kawartha's was sub par for the 2nd summer in a row. But I found a few good spots for Bluegills and smallies to keep me happy. Fall perching on Simcoe was the slowest I have seen it since I really got to know a few spots. Still did OK...but not the numbers or quality sized fish like other years. Busy as all get out at work so I never even got out once this fall for chrome, but reports from many I know say the conditions out east here where not great for a good fall chromer season anyway.


Overall fish wise I would rate 2009 as a C+ or a B-. Not complaining though...it's more about just getting out for me and meeting some new people and trying some new things. I had a few friends out on perch trips with me who had never been to my perch spots and also managed a trip out with Bigugli for my 1st smelts in over 20 years. And a very enjoyable ice fishing day on Oak Lake with Debbe and I spending that weekend at Big Cliff & Sue's. So in that regard I would rate 2009 a solid A.


Getting out on the water with others who enjoy it as well. That's what its all about. I hope for more of the same in 2010.

Edited by crappieperchhunter
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Is she trying to tell you something John ?? :lol:


I hoped so, but then she stayed. :P


Just kidding. We'd been talking about it for years but couldn't pull the trigger. She took the bull by the horns while I was off playing with 2rs. Works for me.



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Guest gbfisher
This year kinda sucked for me, but it's hard to have a good year when you don't get out a lot. I snuck away for a few days with 2rs and my wife sold the house while I was gone. That kinda did in my fishing excursions till we got the stuff all packed for the move. Then the weather conspired to louse me up after that. I suppose I could go out steelheading in the next week or so but that ain't likely to happen. Is that enuf whining yet?





Well. :huh: ...I did ask how your year of 'fishing' went. Not how sore your mangina was.... :lol:

I guess it didn't go as well as you would have liked it to. So get out there and ask Solo to take ya fishing.... :)

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Well it started off very poorly this year. I tore the tendon in my right shoulder in May. Virtually no strength in my right arm. Doctor said it would take months to heal. It's about 75% now. So instead of putting in the boat regularly and starting the 6hp I was very limited as to what and where I could fish. I went back to my childhood haunts and fished from a small bridge (5 minutes from home) that crosses about a 100 feet of creek. I could flip a slip bobber and bait in there in the mornings and evenings. Caught tons of bass and walleye without damaging the shoulder.


The fly fishig, baitcasting and float fishing were done for this year brfore it even started but I had a great time every day regaudless.





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I'm still hitting water as of today. The ice is creeping in though.


As far as this year is concerned, I can't complain. I spent alot more time and effort in Quebec. So many lakes and rivers to explore. Too much fun. I was really hoping for another trip to Attawaspikat with friends or Nippigon but unfortunately that did not happen.


The year is not quite done yet GB... hope to be floating or tip-toe-ing around on the hard stuff very soon.

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this year seemed really screwy compared to other years and i blame it on the messed up cold weather we have been having. i've caught alot less fish but the fish i did catch were of better quality(size) i'd go out bass fishing last year and catch 30bass in a day in the 1-3lb range and this year i'd get only 10 bass and they are all in the 3-5lb range. same goes with pike. lake trout fishing was great and im unsure what they are talking about being poor and having to lower the limit. walleye fishing was good. specks were the same, alot less but better sizes. i havent even gone for salmon or steelies this year. i went hunting instead and that was poor. everything runs in cycles i guess. i wonder what next year will bring. maybe quanity and quality??

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

my winter season was slow as i was in peterborough for the winter...i did manage a few epic brookie days up north where we landed about 30 specks per day...this spring steelie fishing was great. i spent a week fishing the salmon river in pulaski, and had a 26/50 day on a superior trib. got into the eyes this spring. not sure of the weight of the biggest but it was over 30 inches. this summer i did a lot of smallie fishing to pass the summer. similar to WD's sentiments, i caught fewer bass this year (a lake that would normally produce 50 was only good for half of that) but the sizes were better than past years inlcuding a 7lber caught in mid July. In August I did some fishing around Nipigon On. This fall's steelhead season was reasonable. An early season full of 1-3 lbers was offset by a latter season full of some chunky superior steel. Short of a day or two on the river (already partially frozen), I'm ready for hardwater specks and lakers. Bring it on!

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the spring trout run was fanominal and for the first time overlapped into the kincardine derby so on the days the water was too big i hit the river...pulled a 20th place trout out of the river 10.14 and won the salmon catagory with a 15.30..(small i know but big enough to matter)..two times during the derby we caught double headers on one rod (cheater and the mainline)...chantry derby i was limited to only one week of fishing due to out of town work but the numbers were there for us we managed 17 salmon and 8 bows and 4 lakers in one week..thanks to the new regs of opening up lions head largely contributed to these numbers as the huron water was exceptionally big this year..nothing on the leaderboard....the fall salmon run was over before it really started up here :dunno: ...but the steelies have been amazing thus far (even though i went a two days with 9 consecutive losses) the fish are healthy strong and aerial...i dont mind at all losing to them..


All in all it was a weird year but ..old friendships rekindled and a few new ones from this board welcomed ...so i guess this was a par year for me ...but it aint over yet cuz i cant hear any fat ladies singing ... :whistling:



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The year started off great with a fantastic couple days of Walleye on Rice with the boys. Big Doe was a little disappointing this year and Erie was an absolute bust with the bloody wind.

Looking forward to next year already (already lining up cottages).


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