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Cutting Others off in Traffic


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I was in my buddy's car the other day and we're pulling out of a parking lot and I notice that he cut a guy off as we entered the street. I said, "Hey, you just cut that guy off behind us." He turns to me and says, "What are you talking about? He had lots of time to stop."


Now as far as I'm concerned, if you pull out into traffic and the driver in the vehicle behind you has to take his foot of the gas, you cut him off. If he has to hit the brakes, you've definitely cut him off. His point seemed to be that as long as the guy doesn't slam into you or have to veer out of the way to avoid doing so, that doesn't count as being "cut off". I told him that if the guy behind us hadn't have been paying attention or didn't get on the brake fast enough, he'd have plowed into us. He seemed to feel if that would have happened, it would have been the other driver's fault.


What do you guys think? I think that if someone pulls out ahead of you, and you need to take some form of corrective action (foot off gas pedal, application of brakes, or changing lanes) then you just got cut off. Also, regardless of the legalities...is it in any way wise to trust that some idiot is going to avoid hitting you? Why put your safety in the hands of someone else?

Edited by Fishnwire
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I think this is all in the situation...In congested traffic, there's pretty much a need to go in while the person behind you is braking...

But otherwise, I think you're right...it's about trying your best to stay out of other's ways....But hey, I get it from idiots like that quite often..You're gonna have to stay alert...defensive driving is the key.


Driving is the most dangerous way to travel anyways.

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you know what grinds my gears?!?.. going down the 404 hwy and trying to exit right to 401east.. then all of a sudden you get 100 people thinking its ok to cut into the line at the front, and then people actually let them in!! :angry: give me a break! :wallbash:


Anybody know what im talkin about?

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Your buddy may be guilty of an offense under s.139(1) of the Highway Traffic Act. I was charged with allegedly committing this offense. I was pulling out of a parking lot too and some lady plowed into the back of me. She came from out of nowhere at a high rate of speed and was not visible when I began my turn. The case was dismissed because there was no evidence that I committed the offense since the lady did not want to testify against me and there where no other witnesses.

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Yup your buddy is an idiot. If he got hit, HE IS IN THE WRONG!!!! I know this because I have had three vehicles destroyed because of this mentality from others. Each one of them was their fault and they got charged. He must wait until it is safe to pull out into traffic. The main street has the right of way not him. And ya the idiots who cut out and then try and turn left in less than a block are completely clueless.

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It comes down to three things -

1. The law, of course

2. Common sense, not an option for some

3. Consideration, unfortunately meaningless to some


I used to say that this was the kind of thing you saw only in big cities. Sadly I can't say that any more. Our world is being overrun by idjits and egomaniacs (the ones who believe it's more important for them to be accommodated no matter what the inconvenience to anyone else). Imagine what things will be like when the progeny of the idjits grow up and impart their view of the world as daddy taught it. It ain't gonna get better.


Call me old fashioned. I still wait for a break in traffic.


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you know what grinds my gears?!?.. going down the 404 hwy and trying to exit right to 401east.. then all of a sudden you get 100 people thinking its ok to cut into the line at the front, and then people actually let them in!! :angry: give me a break! :wallbash:


Anybody know what im talkin about?


yes, i do know what you are talking about. I don't know what those people think they are doing on MY road in the first place ;)


to the OP you are 100% correct, your buddy is a bit ignorant

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Some interesting accident investigation information:

There are some given numerical values that are accepted as fact.

Perception & reaction times.

Perception time = 0.75 seconds.

Reaction time = 0.75 seconds.

Total time of 1.50 seconds.


This is the time it takes for your brain to "perceive" something (such as a car pulling out in front of you) and "react" by applying foot on brake pedal.


Say you're traveling 60km/hr (60,000 meters/3,600 seconds).


In 1.50 seconds you would travel 25 meters or approx. 82 feet.


So, to keep from getting hit when pulling out into 60km/hr traffic, someone has to be at least 82 feet back PLUS the time it takes the car to decelerate. And that's for someone paying attention. Throw in there someone who's distracted while eating a sandwich behind the wheel or reading a text message and they all of a sudden can't perceive, react, stop, in time.


1½ seconds sure doesn't sound like much, but think of that kid who steps out onto the street in a school zone.


There's a reason the limit is slower in school zones. You can't change the perception & reaction times, however you can change the stopping time by not traveling as fast.


Not preaching, just some food for thought...for everyone. :D

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Your buddy is a goof.



The funny thing is that he is anything but. This issue aside, the guy is one of the smartest, nicest and most "with it" people I know. I have worked on high voltage instalations with him and have literally trusted my life to this man. If he was an idiot in most situations I would have chalked it up to that but the fact is that if you met the guy for five minutes you'd never assume he'd be the type of guy with a stupid attitude.

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He may be a nice guy but he's still a bad driver. What he did and his attitude proves that he thinks his agenda comes before anyone else's.



Like I say...if you met the guy you'd have a hard time saying he "thinks his agenda comes before anyone else." If you have one person in your life who is as thoughtful, caring and downright capable as this guy, consider yourself very lucky. He's one of those guys that, if you didn't already love 'em, you'd be tempted to hate 'em out of jealousy. My point is that here is a guy you would never think would be a problem to others on the road, or anywhere else for that matter. If anything I think he doesn't get upset when others cut him off so he assumes others would extend him the same courtesy. Part of the reason I started the thread is because I have so much respect for his opinion that I began to think maybe my attitude was wrong. Thanks for backing me up OFNers...I'm going to tell him that you guys all think he's a goof with a bad attitude and that he doesn't know how to drive. I can't wait! :devil::thumbsup_anim::devil:

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It seems these days if you put a windshield in front of a person they instantly turn into an :asshat:

One of the main reasons I left Ontario was because of all the idiot drivers there.

I'm a lot happier now, although people here drive a 25 kmh all over town.

It took me a long time to leave my city driving habits behind.

Down there in "civilization" (used loosely) there is an "it's all about me, I'm first" mentality.

Up in the North the mentality is the complet opposite, people look out for others and have more respect for other people.

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The funny thing is that he is anything but. This issue aside, the guy is one of the smartest, nicest and most "with it" people I know. I have worked on high voltage instalations with him and have literally trusted my life to this man. If he was an idiot in most situations I would have chalked it up to that but the fact is that if you met the guy for five minutes you'd never assume he'd be the type of guy with a stupid attitude.

This is the case for a lot of people. I am sure most are nice, smart,polite individuals. They wouldnt think twice of butting in front of you in a movie line up or a ckeckout at a supermarket but give them the anonymity of being in a car and they all get a sense of rudeness and entitlement. I'm a limo driver and if there is one thing that has taught me its be polite while driving let people out into traffic particularly when its all stalled and your not moving fast. Its all about karma be nice to others and it will come bck to you

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Its a possibility that he under estimated how far away the other car was, and didn't want you to get the wrong impression about him being a bad driver so he made that comment. Its also possible that the driver behind him was speeding and caught up quickly as you guys were accelerating and didn't bother to slow down in advance. :dunno:

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There are many examples of bad driving and road rage but the one that ticks me off is I'm heading down the road let's say at the state speed limit of 55 mph and NO one in front of me.....then from a side street I can see someone creeping out looking towards me as I get closer and closer they pull out in front of me and now only want to go 45 mph.......they could of waited for me to pass as there is no one behind me......grrrrrrrr the horror.


On a plus note I find the Crazy Canadian drivers some of the better ones out there.....much better than Boston and MUCH MUCH better than then nit wits in NJ......and your truck drivers stay out of the left lane on highways like QEW or the 401, etc.......I wish our truckers did the same here in NYS.



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you know what grinds my gears?!?.. going down the 404 hwy and trying to exit right to 401east.. then all of a sudden you get 100 people thinking its ok to cut into the line at the front, and then people actually let them in!! :angry: give me a break! :wallbash:


Anybody know what im talkin about?


Oh, I am so with you on this! It's one thing if you've never driven on the 404 before and it was a mistake, but I see people do this all the time. I never let them in unless I'm sure they are going to hit me!!!!! Don't get me starting on driving the DVP/404. How about them asses on motorcycles who weave in between the lanes, or the dufusses who follow ambulance and fire trucks after they pass?


See, I'm getting started. I better stop!

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I see it all the time. People are inconsiderate pricks. If you have to slow down when someone pulls out in front of you, they cut you off. One thing that pisses me off is when people pass you on the highway and cut back in your lane one car length in front of you when there's no one behind them in the passing lane or in front of me. What the hell is that!

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