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How do you leave an accident ????????


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My daughter was heading up the DVP the other day, doing everything just the way your sposed to. Driving at the proper speed and leaving lotsa room between her and the guy in front of her.


Then along comes one of the morons that we all see far too often, specially when the roads aren't in the best of conditions.


He was in the next lane over, but wasn't satisfied with going along with the flow of traffic, as I guess his appointment was just waaaaaaay more important than everybody elses. He wanted to get ahead of everybody and cut right in front of my daughter, then realised he was gonna hit the next car, so he slammed on his brakes.


Sheri hit her brakes to avoid this jerk but the roads were wet from the recent snowfall and she skidded into the guardrail and totalled her 2 year old car.


Worst part of all was this guy didn't even slow down to see if Sheri was hurt, he just kept right on going to his very important meeting and to hell with everybody else and all the damage and injuries he'd just caused.


I just posted on this board about a month ago that if everybody would just slow down a little bit, specially during lousy weather, and have some respect for the other people on the roads, we may just have a few less accidents, injuries and death, and this is exactly what I was talking about.


Sheri was doing everything exactly as it's sposed to be done, yet she's the innocent victim and the jerk that caused it all couldn't care less about what he did and just continued on his merry way.


She has a broken left hand, cuts to both knees and her hip, and took a real hard whack all up her left side. She's in alot of pain and probably will be for quite awhile.


Whoever you are, I hope you made it to your appointment on time, because obviously it was far more imprtant than my daughters life.


She'll buy another car when she's able to walk without too much pain, her broken hand will heal as will the cuts and bruises, but the terror you caused her will probably be around for quite awhile.


I sure hope you can sleep peacefully, because she can't.


Slow down people, there's other cars on the road, not just you







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Holy Geez ! I would hope this person would fess up to he/she has done and come forward about it. Dang, stupid cowards. Why does it seem like it's always the innocent and careful ones that end up being being the victims. I do hope your daughter recovers quickly.

Edited by Rich Clemens
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Unbeleivable......Thank god your daughter pulled through that accident with as few injuries as she did....Ive been in a couple of good fender benders in my lifetime and I can honestly say its the psycological part that takes the most healing....


All the best for your daughter.....

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Oh Lew, when I read your post all I could think about is "thank god Sheri is OK", That's the second close call she has had in about as many years! She has to have an angel watching over her!


Yesterday Sue and I were coming home from a funeral in Toronto on the 401, road conditions were variable from dry to wet to a bit of slush in places. I tend to drive at about 10 km over the limit when road conditions warrent it. At one point Sue asked me if our speedometer was working right because we had people passing us like we were parked. (it's working right cause I've checked it with our GPS). Not a cop in sight and some of these people had to be doing 150+ easily. Weaving in and out of traffic, passing on the shoulder.... and yah, it is the innocent ones that end up in the hospital because they avoide the accident.


Really glad to hear that Sheri will be OK Lew!

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I wish Sheri A speedy and successful recovery from both her physical and emotional injuries. It will take her some time to overcome bad road conditions. :stretcher:


This is another reminder :wallbash: for all of us :devil: to slow down :angry:

You will get there on time and if you don't, oh well, it's not the end of the world. Better alive than the alternative!

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glad to hear your daughters ok .

Had the pleasure of seeing a similar type driver pulled over yesterday on the 400.


I was following an unmarked cruiser at about 115 k when I saw this black suv zipping up the right lane then he decided to cut in behind me and the car behind me.

He never even saw the cop untill there were flashing lights in his rear view mirror


Almost cheered out loud on the way buy :clapping::clapping:

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Guest mistyriver1

Oh my gosh Lew. I'm so glad Sheri is alright and that is the main thing.


What the hell are these idiots thinking ?? :angry: :angry:


Tell her Sue, Corey, Ben and I are thinking of her. :)

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Hi Lew,


Sorry to hear about Sheri's accident. It is always the other person you have to watchout for. I have seen the same thing happen 20 times in the last couple of weeks with the bad weather and knowone slowing down. I hope Sheri is doing OK and tell her we all wish her well and to get better soon.



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It's always a shame when crap like this happens, and usually the one not at fault that pays. Hope Sheri heals up quickly. For me, as I've grown older I now drive using the X-Files principle....Trust No One!

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Hi Lew,

Sorry to hear about Sheri's close call - thank God she wasn't injured more seriously. There's always someone who thinks they're more important than everyone else on the road & just has to get ahead of all the other cars! Such morons! As an insurance broker, I can't tell you how many times I've had my clients call to report an accident & describe the same scenario as what happened to Sheri. The idiot driver just keeps on going & everyone else is left to clean up the mess he caused - physically & emotionally. Hope Sheri has a speedy recovery... :stretcher:


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DAMN !!!...dang' idiots...


Glad to hear Sherri is going to be OK...


Somewhat the same happened to Maribeth the first winter we were up her...she was on her way home from grocery shopping just after dark and because it was snowing quite a bit she was driving slower than the limit...too slow for some jerk in a pick-up...he went flying past her causing her to be blinded by the crap his truck threw up and she ended upside down in a ditch...luckily she had her seatbelt done up and was not injured,except for shock, but the car was a write-off...A good samaritan and his wife helped her down and out of the vehicle to wait for the police but it all happened too fast for taking down license numbers... :angry:

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Yes, glad to hear Sheri is going to be OK Lew.


You're wondering how someone can leave an accident scene?

That ingrate probably did not even know what mayhem he cause behind him, probably never looked back, was basically driving with blinders on, what was ahead of him was the only thing worth his attention.


Maybe we should have cameras in vehicles now, much like cockpit voice recorders on aircraft, to record the last 10 or so minutes during operation on a repeating loop. Might help to catch the people who cause this crap to happen, and make them pay for it.

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I learned to drive on Long Island and NYC and can honestly say that Toronto has some of the worst drivers I have ever seen! I gave up my car when I moved up here 8 years ago and God's honest truth I'm glad I did. Some of the drivers up here just scare the Bajesus out of me. I'm not sure if it's the advent of cell phones or just the fact that a lot of the folks up here just can't drive with any sort of concideration. At least Sheri's alive and that's what really counts here. Send her our best on a quick recovery. That DVP is just a horror some times.



Ric De La Cruz

Edited by FishHeadRic
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