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NF - Severe Storm Hits our Area....


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While Bly and I were at a friends wedding this afternoon, we got an urgent phone call from our oldest..saying that a severe storm came through the area and that the tree that we have in the backyard was down! Everyone is ok here...the tree missed our house, even thought it's large enough that if it fell a certain direction it could have landed on it.


The kids were in the house, when the winds picked up...when my oldest looked out the window, all she saw was white...couldn't see anything outside at all. The hail that came down was incredible...the winds off the scale. Here are some pictures...guess I'll be busy tomorrow. Anyone have a chain saw I can borrow?












The view from the field on the other side of our property...



Everyone is safe...the storm passed by very quickly...


On the bright side, I'm terribly allergic to that tree...been thinking of hiring someone to take it down for a few years now...

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Frightening stuff, Cliff. Glad the youngn's stayed inside and the tree fell the right way. I don't care what anybody says, a large tree fallen over a childs swing set is just a scary picture to me.

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was just finishing up a trip up at scugog and we decided to see if we could pull some bass out of the shwa and we fished it for 5 min before she turned to hail then tornado winds to trees falling across the bike path to trees falling over thomas street. and everyother street we passed by had some sort of broken tree part just lying there. the odd part was it came and left with in 10 min. crazyyy

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Cliff, I have a chain saw and you are welcome to borrow it, I would come down and cut it up for you but our family reunion is this weekend and I have about 30 people to feed brunch to this morning, (brunch will be at about 10:30 and there is always room for one or two or three more :D )


Anyway, let me know if you want the chainsaw (I'll come down tomorrow after work and cut that tree up for you if you can wait until then)


Call me 705-328-0577



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Yeah...got the call during the dinner hour...if I wasn't performing at the wedding we would have been on our way home right away, but our oldest daughter handled the situation perfectly. The neighbours all came over to make sure everyone was ok.


Cliff...we were planning on heading up your way later this morning, but now we have this to deal with. I have two chainsaws and some friends making their way over here around noonish today. Thanks for the offer though! If this is a multi day job, I'll let you know.


A friend of mine who was at the wedding is an insurance guy...our fence is ok...just the lawn is ripped up. His advice was that unless there is serious property damage (ie to the house or the deck or whatever), that it likely wouldn't cover it. We shall see.

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Glad that there's minimal damaged done ... really could have been much worse. And more importantly the girls are alright.


It sure is scary though... hail in mid july.


You should tell the insurance guy that the tree just happened to fall on your fishing gear or boat, so you'll need to get new ones :D

Edited by Victor
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That is crazy! Last year the house on the corner of our street was struck by lightning and it left a HUGE hole in the roof.


Since i bought my new truck i am scared to death about a hail storm as my hood is like tinfoil and will ding very easy! :o

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Scary stuff Cliff. It's amazing how kids grow up and take charge in situations like that. She did well and I'm proud of her. Those winds were nasty here too, but we didn't have any downed trees thankfully.


Good luck with the clean up, sounds like you have it under control. Isn't Wayne in the area ;)



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Glad everyone is ok.


Will be a chore for sure to clean that up.


FYI house insurance rarely covers damage on your property outside of the home unless it is written and purchased as an add on.


Found that out the hard way.


Hope you know some folks that burn wood so you don't have to haul it away and cost you a fortune.

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heres a couple more pics i took yesterday after we got into the truck. 3 min prior to this we were fishing a pool just north of thomas street then it started to drizzle then hail, at that point we ran back to the parking lot and we got soaked and pelted.


trying to get out to simcoe street from thomas.





driving down on bloor street.





then just like it came out of nowhere it was gone..



i dont know if this intersection had no stop light before but it certainly doesnt now...





we didnt see anyone that need help or was hurt in result of the falling trees but i know there are enough damages.

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The power of mother nature is incredible. I love watching those storms from a safe distance.


Glad everyone is ok Cliff. I'm sure your very proud of your daughter as well for how she handled things.





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I'm glad that everyone is fine Cliff, storms like that do strike real fast.... I'm also happy that it's just a tree that got hit and not your kids or house.


Up here we got 4 thunder storms back to back causing the patio lights in the back yard to light up everytime!!!

Never got hail but a real down pore that lasted just a few minutes.


Again I'm real glad that you are all doing fine..... Now that you have your work cut out, just wish I was closer so that I could help you with the cleaning.


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Crazy stuff. Those pics dont justify what we went through l2p. To think that we were surrounded by those falling trees it coulda been alot worse considering the damage that was done elsewhere. Good times tho trying to run back to the truck and not being able to see 15 ft ahead of us cause of all that hail!

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