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Day Three........(NF)


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Well today is day three since I last had a cigarette.... and I have to say it is not that difficult! Sure I have the odd craving... but it goes away in a few minutes.. the nicotine monster.... I am surprisingly calm and have found other things to do to occupy my time when I would normally be smoking.... this is the longest I have been smoke free in 15 years!


I have this thing licked!!! it is amazing the amount of energy I have today... completely different!





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KEEP IT UP BUDDY!! :) not to discourage you or anything... but I was once smoke free for 5yrs before I met my Fiancee. then started smoking for another 3yrs... and just recently... trying to quit again (been 5months now) I have the craving at times too.... especially when driving - so what I do, is carry TOOTHPICKS in the car - whenever I have an urge, I just grab a toothpick, at least it keeps my hands busy! :) LOL


anyway, GOOD LUCK BUD!! Keep up the dancing.... I mean GOOD WORK! :D

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LOL thanks guys!.... needless to say the Snowmobile has been getting a workout! hahahah! those that know me... know how heavy of a smoker I was... It was disgusting.. constantly having a smoke hanging from my lips... It has to work this time.. I cannot take it anymore LOL



Edited by Gerritt
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One way to beat the cravings at night when yer sitting around with nothing to do? Grab the old lady and go a round or two. You'll forget all about that cigarette for a while :lol:


LMAO!!! THATS HILARIOUS!! Hahahahaha....I think I just pooped a lil in my pants from laughing so hard! :D

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You can do it. It's certainly better than quitting my way.


One way to beat the cravings at night when yer sitting around with nothing to do? Grab the old lady and go a round or two. You'll forget all about that cigarette for a while :lol:



Now that is excellent advice! LOL Might even help avoid the extra pounds that sometimes appear while quitting smoking!


Way to go Gerritt!! Keep at it!

Edited by bly
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Congratulations Gerritt - I've been smoke free for about 15 years now and I haven't regretted it for 1 second. The secret during the cravings is to keep yourself busy. What ever it takes - if a round or two with the old lady works for you and she - then go for it. Anything to make you think about something else until the craving subsides. And if there,s somethings you do that are especially tough - try and think of a different way to do them. Keep it up - you'll won't believe how much better you'll feel, smell, taste etc.

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great going man , Its easy I do it every year lol , keep it up I WISH i could . been sucking on the evil things longer than i care to say . Once I put them down for almost a year , than I started smoking those small cigars , not inhaleing , when out on the boat , trim up knots etc. , and slowly I started inhaleing and than i was smokeing two packs of cigars each charter and coughing like a mad man so I switched back to cigs and you know the rest . KEEP GOING maybe you can give hope so I can try again

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I found when I quit that if you want a real cardio work out and a distraction have a good with the better half and as you are getting some steam up call her one of your past girlfriends names...... then hang on for 8 seconds.....


Actually congradulation bud keep it up before you know it you will have better health and more money to buy toys with.




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Good luck.




Good strength!



I am a very occasional smoker these days.

I was hardcore 2 packs a day filterless Camels.


I went to India for 6 months, ran out of smokes and couldn't stand theirs.



Now I smoke about a pack a year.

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And tomorrow will be day 4!!


You know Gerritt...I recall reading a post put up by CCMT on a weekend of fishing you two had with your other bud (who asked if your truck could float)...anyway...there were two pics I recall of you with a cig and I remember thinking...uh oh, it's not going well for him.


I want so much for you to get ahead of these oxygen sucking sticks. I too made a promise to quit before this year ends...haha...Photoz gives me a hard time about that...he says NOW, do it NOW.


I'm cheering for ya.

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