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First, let me thank you from bottom of my heart. I never once thought I would find myself in this position.

I went for a visit yesterday and there is no improvement, but it is not getting worse....

For those that do not know me well, several years ago I had testicular cancer which had spread. I had intense radiation therapy treatment as well as a removal on the testicle. (Insert one-ball joke here)

It was known that the radiation was risky but without it there was not any guaranty that the spread could be contained. For several years I was fine. Beginning a year and a bit ago a few of the complications arose resulting in my loss of my gall bladder. No biggie really.

Then in the spring I started having some rather serious 'discomfort' in my remaining teste and rapid weight loss. A first test showed only a cyst on the epididymis which is not terribly rare for someone my age. However the pain intensified and since I had a past history with cancer, I got in right away for more tests. They found a hydrocele which is absolutely the worst pain you can imagine.

It was hoped the problem would clear up on its own since they were reluctant to operate on someone with only one teste.

However, in the mean time another cyst formed and an 'unknown mass' also appeared.

Needless to say, I get to sit on a bag of ice each night which is about as much fun as it sounds. The pain and other meds keep me tired or asleep for alot of the day which is why I was pretty much incognito all summer.

Haven't been fishing since lakair and miss it terribly.

So it was decided that surgery to repair the damage was the only option. Luckily one of the foremost urological surgeons in the country is in the area...Dr Ian Brown.

We are meeting on the 11th to make a final decision...but I am opting for a repair rather than a removal..for obvious reasons. Apparently I will experience 'significant discomfort' afterwards. Thats doctor speak for 'gonna hurt like a bugger'.

My employer has been very good about extra time off even though I exhausted sick benefits ages ago. So with the divorce, dog surgery last winter and now this, my finances were destroyed. It is hard to watch your life savings disappear so fast.

I appreciate what you guys are doing and the PM's and emails of support. I will eventually overcome this and come back to stir up more trouble. Just try not to break anything while I am gone, huh?

Hoping to get a pretty nurse out of the deal to change my dressings....wish me luck.


You guys are the best,

Time for a happy pill :clapping:


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Geeze, that's a REALLY tough spot to be in. As a 3 time cancer survivor, (lost half my colon, got my prostate fried) and am still here. The survival secret . . . . good caring doctors . . . . good caring friends and NEVER lose your sense of humour. Keep us informed, as best you can . . . . you've supported every good cause we've had on this board . . . . now it's the board's turn to support you.

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Hey Rick...keep a positive attitude through all this and I'm sure everything will turn out fine. Thanks for letting us help you out here...you've done so much for each and every one of us here on the board. Carole and I are thinking of you during these times.


Hope to fish with you at Lakair next June...I have lots to learn from you about jigging for walleye and finding pike on that lake!!!

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Just in case happy endings really matter to you, Rick -


My wife got a really nasty prognosis from the docs a few years ago. But she did the surgery (which turned out to be the easy part she says), did the chemo (but it wasn't working), did the chemo again (new better drugs that cost an obscene amount of money) and now she's doing great, at least so says her oncologist. The treatments and surgery really suck, but the alternatives suck even more, and once it's all behind you - well, it's behind you, and that's a good thing.


Keep the faith, dude.



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Hey Rick,


I've been away for a while and didn't know about all the tough times you've been going through. Stay positive, everything will work out in the end......it could be worse right. I'm heading home in December, had enough of Alberta for now.....we'll have to get out fishing when I'm home and you're all healed up.

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