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Durham police are warning Pickering residents of a possible mountain lion on the loose.


"We have heard of two independent reports describing an animal similar to a mountain lion, obviously we have to take that seriously," Durham Regional Police spokesman Dave Selby said.


Both sightings were in the area of Douglas Park in the Liverpool Rd. and Bayly St. area.


The first report was made to Pickering Animal Services on Oct. 16 by an adult walking in the park. The agency received a second report from a 12-year-old boy on Wednesday.


"It could very well be an exotic pet on the loose," Selby said. "Years ago, we had tiger sightings reported and it turns out someone was keeping a tiger as an exotic pet and it broke free, so that's definitely a possibility."


Native mountain lions, or cougars, have not been seen in Ontario since 1884, Ministry of Natural Resources spokesman John Cooper said.


He advises residents in the area to be alert to wildlife, to travel in groups and to stay out out of wooded areas at dusk and dawn.


"It's also a good idea to carry a whistle and use it to scare off the animal," Cooper said. "If you see an animal that you feel threatened by, call 911 immediately."


Anyone with information about this investigation is asked to call Durham police at 1-888-579-1520.


Cougars not seen in Ontario since 1884? Are there other kinds of cougars (the animals, I mean...not the kind that hang out in bars!) in Ontario? Because I'm sure there was one at the cottage a few years back, and a friend who grew up in Temagami said his dad, former OPP, had an encounter with one. I know they're rare, but, 1884?


not that uncommon over the last few years..there is a guy across the road at my trailer whom I have been talking to about this over the last couple years..he has on occassion gone out with the MNR to help investigate livestock killings in the Prince Edward County area, and upon thier investigations they found fur on a fence in a couple places that there where livestock killings and they did indeed prove through DNA tests come to the conclusion it was cougars in the area. I also know that as part of a wildlife rehab program over a few years they have introduced radio collared cougars in a couple areas up through that way.


They are around here. We had a note in our mailbox 2 years ago about 2 cougars in our area. We were told to keep our animals under watch as well as our kids. One of my workers saw one or a large cat while taking the work truck home last year at Meadowvale and old finch crossing near the bridge. I think they have been introduced again by the Ministry. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Is that the real (newfie) Pondo???????????????


:dunno::worthy: LOL



Cougars are being sighted here aswell. Not sure if I even feal safe in a tree stand.

  SlowPoke said:
Don't let them sneak up on you....

Listen close for weazing and the distinct odor of menthol cigarettes and Channel #5


Brian,I dont even know if pepper spray would warn that one off.HAHAHAHA


I'll have to bring my bear scare the next time I'm fishing in that area, which will be soon.. personally, I fish up north alone from shore lots of times, knowing there are bears around, and seeing them quite a few times, and I'm not really too concerned.. Cougars same deal, but it would be really neat to be able to photograph it, as long as it doesn't maul me..


There have been confirmed sightings in the bancroft area too !!! a trapper seen one,and some people going in to theur cottage on snowmobiles seen i too !!!...man wouldnt that scare the crap out of you comming face to face with one of those big cats....


Allegedly a farmer shot one by Tamworth Ont. about a year ago. I hear the odd report, and am too far away with work to confirm.


They are very easy to hunt if one really wants to get serious about seeing what may or may not exist.




I'm not ready to buy the "there's cougars in Ontario" story yet. I know that there has been DNA proof of some droppings, but I believe it was an escapee.


If there are wild cougars in Ontario, where are the photos, paw prints, kill sites, shot animals....? As outdoorguy says, they are not difficult to hunt, with either a gun or a camera. We get the same 'sitings' in this area, but somehow nobody ever walks over and finds tracks where the cougar was walking.


We have a population here in West Nipissing...in fact less than 2 miles from my place ,,


A local farmer on Stewart Rd ...has pics...and Laurentian University professors are here regularly

they set up cameras and such in trees....so far there are 4 confirmed individual cats.


The local cops are also aware of them..


My family and I have personally seen one on Clear Lk Rd this past labor day weekend.


No doubt in my mind that they're here in Ontario.




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