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First Shore Salmon of the Year - NEW PB!!!


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Bly and I haven't been pounding the shores nearly as often in the past month as we did last year. We've tried for Salmon on piers and river mouths 3 times before tonight and only had one hook up...and none landed. Well, tonight we decided we needed to get out of the house and throw some cleos for an hour.


We hit our fav pier near the creek mouth and began casting away. It was still hot and humid out...we were chatting, wondering if it was possible that with the HOT temps the last few days if they may have headed back out to the big lake. We decided we'd try a few more casts and call it a night, when suddenly I felt a strong hit!! I set the hook so hard that my drag went off a little....I wasn't going to lose this one because of a poor hookset...LOL.


This fish didn't know it was hooked for the first 20 seconds or so because it started coming in nice and easy. Suddenly it SHOOTS off like a rocket and line is peeling off my line at an alarming rate!!! I manage to turn the fish around and after a few nice acrobatic jumps and a few more runs (each run getting shorter and shorter) I finally landed this chinny.


This one breaks my old PB length of 39" by 1/2 an inch. It weighed in at 22lbs 2 ounces on the rapala digi scale. This beats our teams salmon by 3.5 inches...and once the bonus inches are in, it'll add 5" to our total. She was released to swim another day to head up stream to lay her eggs.


It's good to get that first one of the season out of the way...hopefully they'll be hanging around for the next month in good numbers!


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Thats a great fish Cliff!.......i was reading the post, i scroll down and see the picture and i said out loud" HOLY SH@T"....my wife asks...'whats up?".......i says....."come and see the salmon Cliff caught".....she walks over to have a look, sees the picture, and the first thing out of her mouth is...."HOLY SH@T"! LOL. Well done on the PB

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