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This board has lost its way

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but I get PM's regarding them all the time


This maybe a problem for some, as they may think there is no one that wants help out there.

Lots of times,I will pm, as the info I will give is more or less,for thier eyes only.Also it will be to the ones I know that will not share on a open forum. Once you have been here for a time,Im sure the same will be given to you.


This board is wide open ,and giving out alot of info is well,not really what it,s about.


We get the ones asking about spots and lakes and where to fish. This as many have said, is a turn off.

If you want the hows and whens,then you will get a lot of responses.

I fished with alot of guys from this board and on thier spots ,and to me ,thats a great pleasure,and something I would never pass on. Some dont care if I were to revisit myself,some ask not to go to them,I have total respect for that.



I have been here along time aswell, got alot of long time friends from here,and it,s a place to share yer day and happenings and get some comfort when needed.

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i have been a member on this board a very very short time....and i have learned alot from the many on here.....althought i havnt agreed with all......it shouldnt be expected that we all can get along.....BUT...what i have seen i am amazed as to how so many of us can help one another ....i have met a few OFC'ers.....and the ones i have met they have been great in one way or another.....as to questions being answered....maybe some dont truly know the answer.....


i know i will always check in here for one reason or another.....


i mean with all the great and intresting twisted cast members on this site........truly priceless!!!


glad to be a part of it

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I am a outsider, meaning I don't reside in the area that most members live. However, each time I have asked for fishing advice for locations I have traveled to I have been taken care of VERY well. I just returned from a French River trip and had several responses to my post and a few PM messages that were VERY helpful. I even had some that PM me personal waypoints to fish. They know who they are and I THANK YOU and your waypoint #'s are safe with me.


I am not good at the non fishing threads, I read some of them but mostly I don't respond. But if someone really needs advice on something I believe I am well qualified in I will post a response.


There are MANY good people on here and if they wish to share their personal lives so be it. I am more a private person so I tend not to post in those threads. But I have been fishing for 50 years now and if I can share some of that knowledge with someone I will.



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i have not been on this board for very long, but enjoy posting advice or asking for advice. Its also not how many responses to posts that mean anything either. Case in point, i needed to find brochures for a certain type of furnace, posted the question, one response and i have my info. I have never met any of the people on her, but when i posted that my uncle had passed, everyone offered their support, thats why this is called a community, because when your neighbor needs some help, you help him. Don't always judge the quality of ones posting by the amount of responses you generate. Good luck and good fishing, and keep up the good work boys!

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I always help when I can, fishing or non fishing. Most of the time I prefer to do it by PM simply to keep from posting information openly on the internet that could ruin someone elses fishing spots.


I have been a member of this board since way back in the beginning and I have never once in all those years asked for help or information on any topic that I wasn't very pleased with the quality of the replies I have gotten. When I needed help putting my dock in this spring, a whole crew showed up to help me, go find that on some other board.


I have looked at several other boards over the years, some very good ones but OFC is like family to me, go elsewhere if you wish; me, I'm staying right here!

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Cliff... I think you brought out exactly what the spirit of this forum is all about!.. sure we many not always agree, even have our disagreements, but at the end of the day we all have one common bond. All friendships are like that though, I know I owe a great deal to this board and it's members, a debt I can never repay... all I can do is be apart of this family help out where I can and be there for others...


I know for fact, I would NEVER find the support I experianced anywhere on any board anywhere anytime then the support I received here..


I truly am grateful for each and every person here for that simple fact.


There is no "old boys" club here... there are just those that choose to become involved and those that do not.. Some prefer to sit behind their screen.. Some that prefer to put a face to name.. Get involved if you feel excluded and you too can become a member of this "exclusive" club that is open to anyone... might I suggest the September G2G?


Humbly I remain...



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That's what makes us what we are, as the name implies ... a community. Some of this, some of that, and just a good mix.


You'll find a great number of posts regarding the GTG, a lot of back and forth gratitudes, congrats, but more importantly ... the GREAT TO SEE YOU AGAIN. These GTG are a great way to meet members from the board, their families, and to make new friends. Being from the states, this is about the only way for me to put a face and a real person behind a name. I look forward to it each year and, to me, the time spent together, on a boat, at the dock, around the camp file, and just about everywhere else, is far better than the fishing.


Come winter, we'll have the same thing with hockey posts. I never developed and interest in hockey and I know nothing about it. I rarely even read them. But, to the other members of the board, it is of great interest, So go ahead, talk hockey.


You'll get the personal pleas from folks who are having a rough go of things, facing touch circumstances, family members, close friends, and will make a post. You don't know just how comforting it is for the person simply typing the post just to share and relieve some of the stress. Many have asked for prayers and I have prayed for each one, as I KNOW THE POWER OF PRAYER.


I refer back to my first statement. As the name suggests, we are a community. Is a real community a cookie cutter where everything looks, feels, and posts the same ? To have a vibrant community, is to have diversity.


Don't worry about post counts. I'm sure I've put up posts that received few responses. I'll take what I get and go from there.

Edited by Rich Clemens
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This is a good board, sure not all topics are fishing related but I and many others don't see a problem with that. Although my post count and membership status don't show my true count as to how many posts I have made or contributed it is in reality in the thousands! and I have been kicking around here since about 1999 or 2000. I was just to lazy to contact a moderator to have my post count and status updated the last couple of times the board made changes or switched locations, or whatever happened.


Sometimes members don't bother to post their fishing exploits because not all fishing expeditions are a success and who really wants to hear or read about nothing? So not all posts are what you expect, big deal!


As for your concern about Lakair or BOQ GTG posts don't sweat it! Enjoy the pictures and do what I do when I read them and that is wish you were there! I have never had the good fortune or opportunity to go to one, but who knows? Maybe I will be able to get there next time and likewise for you.

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hey I am new to this board too and find it to be pretty good. From reports and posts I have read back on, I see a great sense of community here and alot of great examples of people stepping up to the plate and helping fellow members, some great reports ect that get people's family involved in the great world of fishing, many well wishes and condolences in the not so good times. There is always someone willing to have some sort of input to people's questions ect, and alot of freindships you can see forged along the way.



There is always going to be some sort of bickering amoungst a big group like this..heck can you go through a week and not bicker a bit with your own family...wife,husband, kids, siblings, best freinds ect. Alot of stuff can easily get taken out of context when reading a post....sure there are emotocons..but hard to tell at time what people are really trying to say with out being face to face.



There's tonnes of great fishing info and reporst if you take the time to read them and don't expect the forum board to tell you every little aspect of where to go, whast to use ect. As far as alot of open info goes..everyone has come to realize over time that something fun like a fishing board is also in a round about way..ruining alot of fishing spots ect..because then all "the wrong people" are gettign all the "right info" so perhaps you will not see very many spot specific posts ect..think about it..try it out....make a fake post about a local fishing hole then wait a day or 2 ..go down to the spot and check it out...bet it's over run with idiots :o:lol: many people do things to give back to our rescources, preserve our fisheries and have spend many years and countless hours finding the fishing holes, and patterns that throw it all together for a successful day, trip, year ect. that's 95% of the fun..getting out there and learning these things and the adventure along the way. In this day and age people who come on a fishing board and introduce themselves like"hey, I'm new to the board ..where's all the good fishing spots??" aren't gonna get many answers. Different respects for one another are built over time with many different people in many walks of life all together on a board because of a common interest in fishing and the outdoors...that's pretty much what brought 3000 members to a fishing forum right???


I checked this board out because I am always interested in fishing tales from all over the place...not to try and score fishing holes or have the rest of the group do all the leg work for me...I like the adventure of getting out there and doing it myself, I like the variety of this board, and different tales from all over the place that some boards lack for me..for example, I am a pretty productive member of NFN, I have over 4000 posts on that board, have met lots of great people, participated in many different events with members ect,have helped out countless people with advice ect, I grew up fishing the Niagara region and have vast knowledge of the area, but I also like alot more adventure than that and sometimes not all that satisified with only hearing fishing reports from 2 places :lol: or constanly being hounded for fishing advice...I pick and choose who I give it to..and that's amoungst "active" members of the board, I am also an Admin for another site that caters to steelheading on the mighty Niagara, this for example is a board where it's pretty much "private" so to speak, great info is openly shared because there are no "lurkers" so to speak and non active members are weeded out...this is not to be snobbish or anyhting, it is to share info with solid anglers who put alot of time on the water over many years in a venue where everyone feels comfortable to do so..that's what it's for...not for the whole world to scoop up everyones good advice on tips and locations...there is no Bull, fighting ect, not allowed on the site or you are off..but that's different than a board like this.


Community is the key work here...look around your neighbourhood...is everyone the same, with the same opinion...I doubt it..many may share common interests, and ideals together but in the long run..being different, and diverse is what makes the world go around :Gonefishing:

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Has this board lost its way? :dunno:


I've been here for 5yrs. or so and now there is so much traffic a post usually gets buried after 12 hours as opposed to 5 days or so back in time.

Bought a digital camera a few yrs. ago and fish alot so i'll post reports when possible, good ,bad or ugly.

Fishing reports w/ pics seem to be the heart of this board and still is.


A few yrs. ago some folks were complaining similarily and usually received a ' don't let the door hit you in the a.s .s on the way out' reply.

But whatever, at it's center it's only a 'fishing messageboard'.


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I check this board and post reports on this board before I do on MY OWN board, LOL!


It rules. I always found it helpful for anything I asked, fishing or non-fishing related. Sure there are bad apples in the bunch, but there are lots of awesome people here ready to help ya out. Not to mention all the friendship's I've made here. I hope OFC stays just the way it is.


By the way, I found it more "chat between Lakair fishers" about 3 years ago when I joined than I do now. Now there's people from everywhere, fishing for everything. I love all the carp posts especially!

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When I first joined this board (not that long ago) it seemed that everyone would try to offer up some good advice on particular fishing questions. This served as a good information exchange. I was a contributor to it on both sides, asking and giving. I would also join the occasional debate. However, I am very disappointed with the last couple of questions I asked and even more disappointed with the useless non fish chatter and cheerleading that goes on while people who are looking for help get 1-2 meaningless responses. Case in point, "Simcoe vs. Georgian Bay", a legitimate question got 3 responses of little value, while "What is your first car" gets 86, sorry 87 now responses. When someone posts a picture of a fish, the accolades come out, "way to go", "great fish", "fantastic", "wish I was there", "you are the best", "I love you",.......etc., etc., etc., but if that same person asked for some advice, he or she would be lucky with 1 reasonable answer and not just a dumb comment.


Seams that the board now serves as a chat message room for a small group of people who go to Lakeair once a year and do what they do and not people who wish to exchange info on fishing topics, looking for advice or as important offering it.


To those who have helped me over the last couple of posts, thank you. To the rest, remember what this board is supposed to be about.


Now I am going fishing.


Sorry you feel that way. So if you're not happy here, don't let the door hit you :asshat: on the way out, and turn out the lights.



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I don't think the board has lost it's way.


It is what it is.


Like anywhere there are good and bad elements.


There is alot of cheerleading on this board to, but that's okay, because most of the people who post regularly on this board have been hanging out with each other for quite a long time.


There are a lot of opinions, and with that sometimes comes differening opinions.


Overall it's a great place to shoot the breeze and talk fishing. Many people here have made lifelong friendships with other members, so it can't be all that bad.

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I have been a member here since I was 13-14 (5 or 6 years) and have been through 2 (maybe 3?) complete overhauls of the system and I think it continues to get better.


as for the lakair club statement, I have never been to lakair, but I find that when I need some help I get it pretty quick. Or when I post some reports, people offer up their congrats or suggestions.


this place fuels my interest in fishing, and it is cool to see how 3 years ago I was a complete NOOB at steelheading, and this past winter and spring season I found myself going out with members and teaching them what was taught to me in the past by OFC members.


without OFC, I am 100% confident that I would not catch the numbers or quality of fish that I do.

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I like the board just fine, It's evolved into a huge family and though i don't contribute much these days the responses and advice i recieve are always top-notch, know where to look for help and have forged some great friendships in that time (think i originally joined around 99,2000 learned of this board from the what's bitin)

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It's so like family...the light is always on...I can sit back and observe, sit up and speak up, remember what's happening for someone...lose myself...find myself...get answers, advice...whatever my mood, whatever my life's circumstances...I know that the door is always here and even though I may not knock, I feel at home.

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