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Do you really get stressed out if you get skunked???????


Me I dont care either way i catch fish on a regular enough basis


but it really dosent matter its better then surfing the house


Just my 2 cents



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If I got stressed out every time I got skunked, the I would not be fishing anymore!!! The original reason I went out as much was to unwind after a stressful day...without kids....just my wife and I. It's a little disappointing, but I never leave mad.


Golf...now THAT stressed me.....BIG TIME!!! To the point where I no longer play the game.... :lol:


BITEME: Not sure if you read this in another thread I posted on, but your Avatar scares the crap out of me when I see it....LOL. If I ever saw that face while fishing, I'd probably jump in the water and become friends with them....vowing never to hook one ever again....haha.

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stressed out? No.

more determined? Absolutley


Ive been skunked steelheading for over a month now, havent landed one since late november. Im a little stressed about that, but its not because Ive been skunked, its because Ive gone somewhere around 0- 10. I was doing fine up till december and now I can't keep one on the dang hook. I thought Id broken it last weekend when low and behold, after an intense battle the fish gives one last burst and takes me, hook line and sinker.


I will not rest until a steelhead is in my hands.


well maybe not, seeing as I only get out once a week at most..loll

Edited by kemper
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In most cases I don't really care, gettin out is ... ah who am I foolin? I don't get "stressed out" but a little disapointed.

Now, had I paid big money for either a fly in or a guide and the big skunkeroo rears it's ugly head, I may requie some sedation.


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Stressed fishing? never! Just to be out on the water is instant relax. Its why I do it. After a hectic day there is nothing better. If I dont catch here I try there. Its part of the challenge. Where are they,what is the water temperature,which way is the wind blowing,what is hatching/spawning? Wow I love it.... :lol:

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The only time i get stressed is when me and some buddies hit the river we split off in to pairs and try to out fish each other, And when me the person i fish with don't catch anything and the other guys do then i get stressed. But it took me 2-3 years before i cold land a steelhead so iam used to getting skunked. lol And iam so used to catching when ever i go out so it is kinda weirde when i don't catch anything.




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If I did....I would stop going!!


I go just to get outside. Now, I like the challange, and may give some serious thought to the things I could better / different next time (bait, presentation, etc). But never stressed out!!


On the old board I had this quote under the picture in my Avatar:

"Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing it is not the fish they are after" -Henry David Thoreau


It was a real toss up between that one and the one I have now for my signature....because both are SO true!




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Guest mistyriver1

Nope, I don't care.


I would rather catch fish of course, but if I do get skunked I try and think of what I could do differently next time. Presentation, time of day, retreive speed, etc...

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It's pretty rare that I get skunked on my two home lakes ( Neely Henry and Logan Martin ), and I know if I'm getting skunked so are a bunch of other people. Now put me on a new lake for the first time or a lake I just fish once a year and I will reek of skunk, but I'm used to that and I still have a good time. I don't get stressed out about not catching fish, but I do get stressed about other things while fishing... like "tools" on the water, equipment breakdowns, and losing a PB. Then after a few minutes when I've cooled down, I have to laugh at myself and say " you dumbass... you're out here to relax and have a good time", and then everything is fine. :lol:

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yes i do care but no i do not get stressed out.


if i do it right and get nothing on a fishery and system i know, fine it's one of those days.


on something that i don't know or havent fished but have studied up on and get skunked.....


then the smile straightens a bit and makes me want to try it again to find what i did wrong

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I have no problem going out and not catching a thing because most of the time just being out in the boat, on the riverbank or wading in the river is the most relaxing and worthwhile thing I could possibly think of... Its always a bonus though if you catch fish but doesn't bug me too much If i dont... on the otherhand if it is my fault (not setting the hook etc.) then I will get frusterated at myself...

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Nope. Don't really care if I catch anything or not. If I do ... great. If I don't, I spend some time that evening trying to figure out 'why not'; then give it another try the next day. I don't let getting skunked ruin my time in the out of doors. I just enjoy being out there.


We've been to this one camp on the Lower French three years running now, and after three 'one-week-long' trips, my better half has yet to catch a fish. Three trips, three weeks total - no fish of any kind. BUT - we're heading back there again this September. She's a real trooper and doesn't give up. Persistance and self evaluation will eventually pay off.


I started fishing for musky a few years ago, so I am trying to learn as I go - on my own. Needless to say, I only have one to this point. Looking forward to the day when I have the opportunity to fish with an 'experienced' musky fisher-person to give me some pointers ... or a swift kick if need be. Maybe someday. I used a guide once, but it was someone who does not really target muskies, so I didn't get a lot out of that trip ... other than a couple locations to try.

Edited by Rich Clemens
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Gotta agree with everyone else here, if I'm getting skunked I just think about the fact that I'd probably be sitting in the basement in front of the TV if I wasn't out on the water and then I feel good. Of course if the weathers lousy or the drive was bad or I forgot a snack or something like that then I really need to land at least one or else I will be kinda testy on the drive back :)

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Never stressed...I get out there for the sole puropse of enjoying my surroundings and releiving the stress of my daily routine.

And honestly 99% of the time I'm happy just to get out on the water, or bank.

Catching something is a bonus :)


I'd be lying if I said I never got frustrated though...

However I only get frustrated If I'm the only sucker not catching LOL...

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Calm blue ocean... Calm blue Ocean.. Fishing is supposed to be therapeutic. Your blood pressure is supposed to drop! I try not to loose it, but it's stronger than me sometimes. I think we've all been in that spot at some point in time.


Peter, I do recall a certain outting to OP last year though.. Remember? I was slaying em that day and you were cursing under your breath.. I know I would have lost it!! I certainly hope that the fish gods have been kinder to you since.




Diddlhis Kahn

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if do get skunked :dunno: i always say hey theres always next time,then i think of what i can do next time or to change tactics,so like i always say never give up :thumbsup_anim: sometimes its all about fishing new lakes and trying new lures or just getting away from the rat-race and going out in my boat just chillin out :D

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I don't really go fishing expecting to catch anything and that method works out for me. I just use fishing as an excuse to hang out with my friends, not work, eat a huge lunch, relax, or a combination of any of those. When I actually end up catching myself a few pike or even the odd waleye I'm pretty much ecstatic.

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