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Nova Scotia Trip - Dial-Up Beware!


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Sugarpacket, Splenda and I headed out east to Nova Scotia to visit family this week. I've never been out east before and Sugarpacket has only been during the winter. Beautiful area of Canada that's for sure. Most notably, the people out here are something else. Everybody we ran into on the rivers or in town was willing to share their fishing spots and tactics, and not only that some were actually willing to take us there or give us their hot baits. Totally different mentality from Ontario, where you ask someone where they caught their fish and they say "in the mouth".


Obviously, having no experience in the area we were mostly scouting spots for the entire trip. Trout was on the agenda. The first few spots we stopped at had a few specks cruising through but we weren't having much luck. So we headed to the local tackle shop in Aylesford (Vimy Ridge Hunting & Tackle) and asked for advice. Brice Carey, the owner was very kind and not only told us the hotspots but actually wrote down directions for us.


The first river we hit was the Cornwallis. Beautiful looking river. We headed here because Brice told us the smelt were running, and the browns would be up to follow them and feed on them. Brice was right. It took no time to get into enough smelts to feed the three of us. And I gotta tell ya, the sea run smelt are so much better than the lake run smelt we get in Ontario. MMMMM




I see Curtis was in Nova Scotia, as he left this bottle of Colt 45 behind for us to store our catch in. :lol:




The smelts were vicious, one even attacked my X-Rap.




The browns were being difficult, but I did manage to get one on a rainbow trout pattern X-Rap. Another tip from Brice.




Just a beautiful trout river that I will be happy to fish again next year.




Of course, while I was there I had to enjoy the Nova Scotian lifestyle.






Next stop on our trip was yet again the Cornwallis River, but much further up. We actually found this spot ourselves and searched for browns. First cast at one particular hole I had about a 6 pound brown come up and roll on a Panther Martin. After that, he had lockjaw. But I did manage a nice brown which some local kids helped me land.






The speck fishing in Nova Scotia is amazing. Pick any creek, whether it be a ditch or a river and you'll probably get into some. We all had fun with the specks on the Cornwallis.




Yesterday, Brice from the tackle shop was kind enough to offer to take us out to some of his spots. Great guy! We hit yet another section of the Cornwallis first, and the fish were lockjawed. A few hits from some specks of course, and Sugarpacket had an encounter with a nicer brown but it managed to shake the hook. After trying a few spots on the Cornwallis, Brice told us he had a guaranteed spot for numbers of specks. Sounded good to us, so off we headed about a half hour back on a fire road, which was pretty much a quad trail. Definitely some backwoods fishing.


The creek was beautiful, and we were into natural run specks right off the bat.
















Yesterday, we ended the day with the best feed of trout I've had in years. We didn't keep more than we needed, just 2 browns and 3 specks. Best trout I've had in years. I was surprised that the browns actually tasted better than the specks. I tell ya, great eating.






As much fun as we've had here, unfortunately today is our last day. 7am tomorrow we'll be on a flight to Toronto where we'll make a run to Bass Pro Shops and then head home.


This is just a beautiful province. We have to give a great big THANK YOU to Brice from Vimy Ridge Hunting & Tackle as he went way above and beyond the role of tackle shop owner to take us out and give us the good spots. Thank you so much to Brice and Krina (his wife) for being so kind. If you're ever in our neck of the woods, we will be more than happy to return the favour.


I'm sad to leave this area, but at the same time a little homesick. I miss my channel cats. :lol: Our original plan yesterday was to go striper fishing on the Bay of Fundy, but apparently it's just a couple weeks early for them to be running. Guess we'll have to plan our trip a little later next year.

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Sounds like a fabulous trip Rich and it's good to hear you enjoyed the East Coast so much.


I spent alot of time out there in the 60's and have been back several times on vacations and you'll never meet nicer, friendlier people anywhere !!

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I fished around Wolfville, Nova Scotia (located at the tip of the Bay of Fundy) for about two years.... I gotta say you are so right about that place. Nice People and Good Fishing!


One thing though, you reminded me how we caught those smelt... but we didn't have the colourful part of the lure if you know what mean -_- That's the way people catch smelt around that area. And do they taste good. You pick the right time to be there...the run is only for about 1 to 2 weeks.

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nicely done!


I must be fishing in the wrong places, becuase my experience has been the exact opposite of yours. Unfriendly fisherman, not willing to share ANY tips. The guys here hide their lures when you walk buy so you cant see what they use. Even in Canadian Tire, if you are in teh same isle as them they wont dare pick up a lure till you leave.


Then again im In Halifax - I guess I gotta take a road trip!

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nicely done!


I must be fishing in the wrong places, becuase my experience has been the exact opposite of yours. Unfriendly fisherman, not willing to share ANY tips. The guys here hide their lures when you walk buy so you cant see what they use. Even in Canadian Tire, if you are in teh same isle as them they wont dare pick up a lure till you leave.


Then again im In Halifax - I guess I gotta take a road trip!

I found the same thing when I was in Halifax but when I got up Antigonish/Stellarton way it was great. And so was PEI anglers and people in general were very helpful. But then again so were they in Labrador. I think its just an out east thing.
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AMAZING report Rich!


I love eating fried smelt...Never fished for them myself but it looks pretty cool. Good job on the trout...Love the colours on the brownies and specs. Thanks for sharing


Top Angling to you and the missus

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