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Man that sucked (NF)


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Many have asked about my absense over the last while and I just wanted to give a quick explanation to what has been going on.

My wife and I split and we sold the house. I managed to buy myself a nice little place with plenty of room for the pups.

Moving was hell, my movers were idiots (never go with the lowest bidder!) my lawers officed lied to me..baldface lie..yeah, I know..insert joke here..and finally my mortgae company changed terms and conditions on me seven times over 3 days.

I will say this..something truly great did happen and I really want to tell everyone cause these guys saved my ass huge!!

I was to close the deal Tuesday...Friday late in the afternoon my then mortgage company (First National...worst run company I have ever seen) either bugger up paperwork or changed the terms on me to the point where I could not afford the deal..I was homeless.

My normal bank found out about this.

At 7PM Friday night the district lending manager from RBC called my house and said to me...What do you need to save this?..I told him. He said Consider it done.

The guy CAME TO MY HOUSE ON SUNDAY!!! He brought the paperwork over, went throughe everything with me and by Tuesday afternoon the money was in place.

He called me numerous times, gave me his personal cell number and was just AMAZING!!

So to Chris Lundy, Dawn Butler and all those at Royal Bank, I salute you.

To those at First National...you are a disgrace to your profession and the most disorganized piece of crap I have ever seen. I will never use your services again nor will my family or friends. You lost two clients out of this and I was glad to pay your stupid penalty to never have to deal with you again. I wish somehow I could make you feel the way I did those last few days wondering if I had a home to live in after you made deals and broke them so many times.


But I am in my new home, happy as can be with place and ready to move forward. Going to be doing alot more fishing very, very soon..at least as soon as I get all these boxes unpacked!!

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welcome back Rick.....


sucks when a company screws you over for sure!....


now be sure you let EVERYONE know never to deal with that outfit... and you have your revenge! it might be small at first... but little by little in the end you have saved your friends and family ALOT of grief... word of mouth is can be a killer... tell one person they tell 10... those 10 tell 10 more... eventually their pocket book feels it...


all it takes is to screw over one person.... that is the beauty of the internet... reach the masses instantly..


might I suggest a website? consumerist.com get the word out there (this is a massive pro-comsumer blog)... prevent others from having to deal with your same experiences..


It is not a rant or being a complainer when you have a legitimate reason to speak negative about a company when you have been wronged.


I wish you all the best Rick... and welcome home..


and thank you for telling me about first national... I will be sure to NOT include them in my options when my mortgage comes up for renewal.



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Wow, quite a story Rick. I'm glad it finally worked out for the best.


I hate when big banks and mortgage companies think they have you by the balls. Glad you could shove it in their face and tell them to stuff it. Kudos to RBC and their staff :thumbsup_anim: I will keep that in mind for future mortgage dealings.



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Sorry to hear about the split-up rick,,,it's never an easy thing,,,glad ya made it through it all,,,i know what it feels like when everything seems to be stacked against you but somehow,sometime it seems to work out for the people that deserve it,,,karma my freind,,,fish on!

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Consider your rant a win.

Andrea and I have been in the market for over 2 months now.

We are between companies.....RBC and First National.

I was warned about these clowns but looked over it just so we could get into our own place.

I will not sign with these pricks after what you have said....dont think its not a big deal either, there

was a lot of coin on the line.


We will have to go the extra mile to get with RBC but First National will not get my business.


Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

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no sense of the human aspect here ,, typical bank mentality. break-ups are difficult enough on anyone ,,the less stress the better thanks.

congrats on the new place and the freedom from the moron club , first national !!!

you won in the end !!! WTG RBC

fish on!!

Edited by waterwolf
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Well, today is the first day of the rest of your life :thumbsup_anim: Glad to hear it is off to such a positive start, congratulations! I have been dealing with RBC for more than 25 years and they have been fantastic to deal with but if I ever was going to make a change it sure wouldn't be to First National. Thanks for the heads up!

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Hey Rick, I'm sorry to hear about all those challenges, but glad to hear things worked out for you in the end :D . Now you didn't mention the pups, how are they doing? I gather Jack (right name?) is home and recouping well and is happy to be back with his brother...


Good to have you back and I'll look forward to your fishing reports.



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Hey Rick....welcome back! I didn't have nearly the issues you had, but I had to re-new my mortgage this past summer. I've dealt with Royal Bank for all my banking and investing for over 20 years now....but my mortgage was with Scotiabank...so I was hoping to renew my mortgage with Royal, and I let them know my intentions....if the deal was right. I figured they'd treat me like gold trying to get the mortgage and I couldn't have been more wrong!! They had me running through hoops to sign stuff for appraising my house, saying it would cost me a few hundred bucks to do this, the meeting I had with them was short and sweet, even though I told them ahead of time that I wanted to look at everything with them....bank accounts, investing, mortgage...the whole works. I was rushed out of their building, with most of my questions unanswered, with a bunch of papers to sign.


I then went to Scotiabank and made a 1/2 hour appointment. I ended up talking to them for over an hour and a half....the lady I was talking to stayed an hour past the closing of the bank. She went over our entire financial plan, checked the appraisal value online (no forms to sign and no fee to have it done). At the end of the day, I gave them my business for not only the mortgage, but all my day to day banking and savings, as well as my investments.


I got a call a few weeks later from the Royal Bank branch manager asking why I closed everything (there was a lot of money in my portfolio) and I was brutally honest. He said the person I talked would be fired...I said what is done is done....see you later.


Good to see you are back...and glad to hear you'll be out fishing a LOT more! Looking forward to seeing you again up at Lakair in June....until then....take care and enjoy!

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Glad things worked out well for you and the dogs. Things seem to be heading in the right direction now.


Customer service can be a wonderful thing, but in a lot of cases it is lip service buried in some policy manual. Companies create policy, but their employees are the pipeline to you and me. One of the things that I instill in my sales and marketing people is to listen to the "voice of the customer" and then exceed their expectations. Without them we are out of business.


Very best wishes............

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A very wise man from this board made a very valid suggestion to me last year when we were in the throws of moving... douG suggest that I DON"T load up my garage with stuff when unloading the moving truck... but did I listen... apparently not! You should see me garage to this day! :wallbash:

Sorry for your grief with the financial institutions, I hope you unpacking goes well and you get out on the water soon!


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Glad everything worked out in the end!


We had a similar problem when we first got our mortgage. We had to go through the mortgage center in Cambridge to get our mortgage ( DON"T GO THERE). On the day we were getting our keys and signing the last of the paperwork the lady at the bank (scotia) saw that most of the numbers were off.


The guy at the mortgage center had our downpayment off by about $45,000, The cost of the house was off by $30,000, the address was wrong and numerous other things. Luckily from the great service at scotia we were in the house at 11:30 that night!

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Glad to hear you have a home :)

Give yourself a good year or more to get all the "bugs out"....most of all...enjoy yourself.


Have dealt with RB in the past when building our home...no other bank would touch us unless we had 50% of the money upfront...RB was satisfied with viewing the "floor plans"...says, yep looks like a house to me...and we were off.


Presently I deal with Scotia Bank...and like Cliff...the young woman I dealt with took excellent care of me and still does.


Isn't shopping fun lol

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